Was Rick Santorum right?
A convicted cocaine smuggler has been arrested for running what authorities say appears to be a bestiality farm in Washington state in which visitors could engage in all sorts of twisted sex acts with animals.
Douglas Spink was arrested at his ramshackle, heavily wooded compound near the Canadian border along with a 51-year-old tourist from Great Britain who is accused of having sex with three dogs.
Apparently not, since this is still against the law.
Clearly, Spink’s client list needs to be posted.
Any comment from the dogs?
Capone I, a 12-year-old black Holsteiner whose valuable seed has already produced three foal crops, was reported missing after Douglas Spink, the horse’s trainer, left the animal unattended for roughly three hours
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well, like the song said, love the one you’re with. I guess.