Let us pause to remember the life of Dorothy Height, the greatest civil rights leader that most Americans have never heard of. The Washington Post has a good epitaph.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
RIP Dr. Height.
She was a remarkable woman. I would love listening to her when I saw her on tv.
Rest in peace, Dr. Height. You did a good work while you were here.
What a loss…but oh, what a life!
I was fortunate enough to meet her twice–the second time, the moment was caught in a picture. I even wrote welcoming remarks (on behalf of a former boss) where she was the featured guest.
It is on her shoulders that I and millions of other women stand. Thank you, Dr. Height.
PBS featured her on the News Hour. I hope that it goes from there to educate the general public.