
To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW.

(March 19, 2010) – Nancy Pelosi’s Intolerable Act is within days of passage by devious means so corrupt and twisted that even members of her own party recoil in disgust.

● This act will order all of us to play or pay, and if we do not wish to, we will be fined.
● If we refuse to pay the fine out of principle, we will be jailed.
● If we resist arrest, we will be killed.
● They will send the Internal Revenue Service and other federal police to do this in thousands of small Wacos, if that is what it takes to force us to submit …

Sipsey Street Irregulars (Denounced by Bill Clinton)

These are collectivists. They do not hear you grumble. They do not, it is apparent after the past year of town halls and Tea Parties and nose-diving opinion polls, hear you SHOUT. They certainly do not hear the soft “snik-snik” of cleaning rods being used on millions of rifle barrels in this country by people who have decided that their backs are to the wall, politics and the courts no longer are sufficient to the task of defending their liberties, and they must make their own arrangements.

The Imperial Democrats do not care what you think. They will not hear you. They are every bit as arrogant and isolated as King George the Third was from the liberty-loving American colonists in 1775.

And yet, if we are to avoid civil war, we must get their attention BEFORE the IRS thug parties descend upon us each in turn — when we will be forced into dozens of defensive slaughters and then, to end it, forced yet again to call Pelosi and the other architects of this war upon their own people to final account.

Sons of Liberty, this is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW.

And Nancy, if this be sedition, if this be treason in your eyes, then make the most of it.

Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126

Who in the hell is Mike Vanderboegh?

Rifle rally protests US govt policies

(RT.com) – Scary as it may sound, some Americans are ready to protect their civil liberties with guns in their hands. Dozens of activists have gathered in Alexandria, VA, and Washington DC to speak out.

Gun toting protestors in Virginia promised to keep their guns unloaded, while those in the American capital chose not to carry their guns, in compliance with the district’s gun laws, Associated Press reported.

Protestors carried slogans saying “Guns save life“. According to a protester in Virginia, Mike Vanderboegh, armed confrontation should be reserved only for circumstances in which the government threatens people’s lives.

He added, however, that it may also be justified in cases when people face arrest for refusal to buy insurance under a new health insurance plan.


Protesters in Washington, in turn, urged the gathering to elect candidates supporting gun rights.

“I believe it’s a right. But sometimes you have to defend our rights with actions,” Everett, 71, was quoted by AP as saying. The man added that he wants to “let the people who represent us know that I do not want them to tread on my right to bear arms. A lot of people died for that right.”

He was supported by Republican Congressman Paul Broun of Georgia, who told the crowd that Second Amendment rights have been eroded over the years, adding that it is high time to “take this government back from the socialists.”

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."