The Financial Reform cloture vote failed 57-41. According to CSPAN, Ben Nelson of Nebraska voted against cloture. I assume Harry Reid did as well, but only so he can reserve the right to move for reconsideration later. I guess someone on the Republican side didn’t bother to vote. So, the Republicans followed their leader in lockstep and filibustered even debating financial reform. I’m fine with that. It sets up the Goldman Sachs hearing tomorrow beautifully. The only reason I care at all is because it just represents more delay. Sen. Mark Begich took to the floor immediately after the vote to blast the hypocrisy of the Republicans. Good for him.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The more likely explanation for Nelson is that the Orifice of Omaha was following orders from the Oracle of Omaha, who didn’t get his special exemption from derivatives regs.
This is why Ben Nelson should just be kicked the fuck out of the party. Why can’t he even give us procedural votes? He’s hurting our own unity.
Unfortunately, its hard to imagine that a more liberal Senator could win in Nebraska: McCain crushed Obama in that state by 15 points.
Also, don’t forget that when all is said and done (Cornhusker kickback, etc.), Nelson did vote with the Dems on the most important procedural votes this session, for HCR reform. Say what you want about him, but instead of killing HCR reform (which was within his power), he took his pound of flesh and then let it pass – twice, if you include the reconciliation vote.
Scratch that bit about reconciliation – obviously that’s incorrect. But my point stands about the Christmas Eve votes.
There’s nothing “liberal” in the bill unless any regulation is liberal these days. Even in Nebraska, bank-kicking has to be more popular than bank-blowjob. Nelson wasn’t voting with his constituents — at least not the ones with assets of under 7 figures.
Even in Nebraska, bank-kicking has to be more popular than bank-blowjobs
Everything R is more popular than anything D.
Bank-blowjobs are R
Bank-blowjobs are more popular than bank-kicking.
People don’t follow the Cornhuskers, or the Cardinals, or the Celtics, because they have been logically persuaded that it is the preferable position — they just do.
And the home team never commits a foul or a penalty.
You have a point. Perhaps “party-line Democratic Senator in 2010” is a more appropriate modifier than “liberal.”
This is why Ben Nelson should just be kicked the fuck out of the party.
Why? The other Democrats, including Obama, cover for him. Kiss his ass(see the DNC $500,000 expenditure).
The Republican spin tomorrow:
By killing financial reform now we saved it and protected America from the evil Banks and Obama’s Sochialistic Regulatory Porn Obsessed Natzi Stormtroopers in the SEC.
Or something like that.
Argue all summer if they wanna.