I hear several reports that the Republicans will cave on their Wall Street reform obstruction. There is some talk that a concession was made by the Democrats, but it’s not really clear WTF the Republicans are talking about. In any case, it smells like victory to me. We’ll have to see what the landscape will be on amendments. Will they need 50 or 60 votes to pass? I’d like to see the Brown-Kaufman Safe Banking Act adopted. And the Merkley-Levin amendment would be huge. Anyone aware of other important amendments floating out there?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
How about a ‘Lock up Crooks’ amendment?
None of this means a thing without enforcement, and both parties in Congress know that. It’s probably the only reason Democrats in congress support so called reform, because they know there will NEVER be enforcement and their cocktail party friends will never face jail.
By ‘enforcement’ I mean people actually go to prison for 10 years when they lie and steal. Laws mean nothing without that threat.
Whatever passes will mean nothing, because Congress will never pass a law that means jail for their ‘equals’.
The legislature writes and enacts law. Hopefully that law will have “teeth.” I guess that’s what you mean. But law enforcement is the responsibility of the executive branch. Congress never has and never will enforce its own laws, that’s not its job.
Quite satisfying to see the title of this post right up next to the previous one.
Victory dance!
Quick before we cave on something again.