Good to see that Larry Johnson is still wallowing in filth. At least he admits he got burned on the Whitey Tape. I’ll never understand why he decided to become the Orly Taitz of ex-CIA officers.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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maybe Larry Johnson always was the Orly Taitz of ex-CIA officers. It’s his nature, as they say.
Enquirer already retracts statement that there is videotape…
johnson’s a pig, whataya expect him to do.
to borrow his phrase, he’s got no ammo in the can.
Forget about Larry Johnson. He’s just doing his job, same as he did earlier. It’s a nasty job, but…someone’s got to do it, right? The question is, how many others are in the same employ? And how good are they at their jobs
True, false or anywhere in between…this story is going to roll further. Bet on it. How far? That depends on a number of variables.
1-Is it in any way “provable?” That is…real or manufactured, does some group of people have a film or pictures of some sort? A credible (or even semi-credible but newsworthy and/or photogenic) witness or two or three? Look at what they accomplished with Joe the Plumber. Long story short, no Joe the Plumber, no Tea Party. Yup.
2-How professionally expert are the forces that are driving this story? The people who blew Nixon and Clinton out of the water were very good at their jobs. They were consistent, implacable, masters of using the media to cloud people’s minds and they paved the way for Reagan and Bush II.
I personally think that today’s version of those same forces has vastly devolved over the ensuing years, just as have their ownership and their potential constituency…witness Mr. Johnson’s inability to use good grammar or syntax in his hustle…but I could be wrong. The rock-solid 30% that remained loyal to Bush at his lowest ebb,…the same 30% that favors the whole Tea Party farce, may I remind you…needs less than 1/3rd or so of the remaining 70% of Americans to join them in order to create a majority. Do you not think that there is at least a third of those “relatively uncommitted” Americans that is so bone-deep stupid, so media-hypnotized that they will swallow anything even remotely sensationalistic if it is presented to them in glossy, reality show guise?
I do.
Especially if it involves a powerful non-white politician.
They were just practicing w/Tiger Woods.
They wll rope ’em in by the millions if the campaign is run well.
3-The National Enquirer has a professional journalistic staff…a group of professional propagandists who mostly work in the sex and dirt field, a very well paid occupation here in the USOPH. The United States of Paris Hilton. While the NYT and WaPo fight for their financial survival, the National Enquirer remains strong, influential and well-powered by its success in outing John Edwards…a feat that was, no matter how nasty or how ill-intended, a great contribution to to wellbeing of this country, by the way. Who knows how far that self-serving, self-worshipping little schmuck would have gone had he not been tarred and feathered by his own lust and the nice people at Scandal Sheet Central?
Johnson pins the current, preliminary talking point. It is tinder that can be used to create one hell of a lot of smoke. Bet on that as well.
The Rats do this. It is an integral part of their political arsenal, and it has helped to keep them in power for all but about 10 years of the preceding 55.
And let us pray that they have devolved to the same point (or further) that brought them down during Katrina.
Let us pray.
And the National Enquirer’s sister organization lost a “reporter” to the first reported anthrax attack.
No one has successfully explained what that was about.
He was on CSPAN last week interviewing some other CIA guy who wrote a book. I couldn’t believe that it was the same Larry Johnson but then I looked it up and indeed it was. This week they have Pat Buchanan for a full three hours. Last week Larry, this week Pat. Great job CSPAN!
It gets better.
He is to be on Larry King Live to discuss the New York non bomb.
America is truly a great Nation. To appear on tv or radio
So far, I hear that six years ago a limo driver dropped Obama and a good looking political operative off at a hotel. A HUGE number of political meetings take place in hotels. I’m not impressed. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. Just like Bill and Monica, I could care less, but the public, who understand sex and not much else, care.
Covering the big stories. Hard to believe he used to be on the BMT front page.
The National Enquirer was an anti-Semitic fascist propaganda rag leading up to WWII. In the early fifties it was purchased by “ex” CIA agent Generoso Pope, from the Agency’s psychological warfare unit, after which it took its current form. So why should it be a surprise that an “ex” CIA propagandist Larry Johnson should be a reader of the Nat. Enq.?
Does anyone here see the value of spreading disinformation through various outlets that target various groups?
Why were “ex” CIA Larry Johnson, “ex” CIA Valerie Plame and “ex” CIA Gloria Steinem all trying to tip the scales for Hillary Clinton during the primaries?
Just asking.
that link reminds me of those fake posts by Dood Abides..
How long before Jane Hamsher starts crowing about it?
Not likely.
This comment is uncalled for.
That’s not her style.
It’s an “interesting” source he links to back up his gossip spreading. The hizzbullers are now the proud owners of the most disgusting right wing, sexist, racist, pig headed blog on the net. They out crazy Larry Johnson and even most of his writers.
Yet a large section of the PUMAs who were all so “concerned” about sexism still flock to there.
Larry keeps trying to re-establish credibility (he told some of his nuttier commentators to F Off) but laughs about the “whitey tape” still continue. It was mocked recently on the Daily Show. Linking approvingly to the hizzbullers is not going to help him.
One of Larry’s old buddies still at the CIA apparently wants to give this story some legs.
One needs to ask exactly why the CIA would want to sandbag their boss, given the degree to which he has covered up their misdeeds in the Bush-Cheney era.
And they wanted to sandbag him when he was running in the primaries even if it meant getting President Hillary.
It is beginning to have the smell of George H. W. Bush about it, despite Johnson’s standing up for Valerie Plame and against George W. Cheney. Poppy has long used the CIA as a political asset.
maybe he’s still dreaming about Jeb in 2012 or 16.
He’s not “dreaming,” Errol.
He’s just working. He is a paid political operative of the leftiness wing of he CIA.
Bet on it.
The left wing of the right wing, so to speak.
Fighting antecedents
Who is the “he” in question? Poppy Bush or Larry Johnson?
I meant George H W dreaming of Jeb, not Larry.
We have gone so far down the media hypnotism road that it is threatening to make no difference whatsoever whether someone really “did” something or or not. If a majority of the Omertican people accept fixed programs like American Idol and the various other non-reality shows as “reality”, if they believe the lies of politicians and intelligence operatives as they are daily presented on the non-news, then whenever a substantially powerful group of people decide that this or that public figure has to go down, that person is as good as gone.
If I were Obama…whether the situation that is being referenced actually happened or not… I would immediately go on national television and very clearly and concisely state that it is nobody’s fucking business what I do with my dick as long as it does not impact public matters. I still think that had Bill Clinton done the same thing Monicagate would have swung closed before it damaged the country so badly that the U.S. (and the rest of the world as well) suffered the mortal consequences of two terms of a totally criminal administration.
If Obama actually propped this woman up in his political machine? If she was paid off to leave? Then we are in for a show and a half. I do not believet that he is that stupid, but then again…on personal experience…the gonad brain can be pretty dumb even in the smartest of us.
We shall see, soon enough.
President Biden?
Oh, shit!!!
RE: Johnson on C-SPAN — unfortunately, being a thoroughly discredited hack is no obstacle to collecting a media paycheck. Bill Kristol has to work somewhere, I guess.
I don’t think I piped up at the time (though I was following the story avidly on this blog), but Booman, it was pure genius the way you snookered Johnson with the fictional “Why’d He” Tape. It was the finest piece of political pwnage I’ve ever personally witnessed in the blogosphere. Well played, sir.