I’ve always opposed misguided efforts that threaten Florida’s economy and environment by haphazardly drilling offshore. The vast oil spill off the coast of Louisiana – which led Gov. Crist to declare a state of emergency in several Panhandle counties – confirms this sad truth: the cost for error in Florida is too great. If thousands of barrels of oil spill over into our coasts, our economy, environment and military will all bear the brunt of massive corporate irresponsibility.
Marco Rubio stands by his support for expanding offshore drilling in the Gulf. “My message won’t change,” he said in Clearwater last week when asked about the oil spill. And while Charlie Crist now says he opposes new oil drilling, it wasn’t that long ago he was open to drilling closer to the coast. On the other hand, I remain a firm proponent of ending our reliance on foreign oil and harnessing clean energy, but who knows what the long-term impact of this spill will be for our state. We also get the news now that an oil drilling rig overturned 80 miles off the coast of New Orleans. We can’t afford to take more and more of these types of chances by expanding drilling in the Gulf and bringing it closer and closer to the coast that is so important for Floridians and their livelihoods. The cost to Florida families could be permanent and the more we expand drilling, the more likely we are to see more of these types of accidents.
It’s just not worth the risk, espcially for such a low payoff. Expanded drilling won’t solve our energy problems. I will continue to fight to protect Florida’s economy and deal with the aftermath of this disaster. I’m the only candidate in this race who has been consistently against more drilling. Stand with me in calling for a moratorium on further expansion of oil drilling in the Gulf. Sign my petition and tell the “drill, baby, drill” crowd that you aren’t going to take any more chances with our environment or our economy.
Tell Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio that you don’t want any more new drilling in the Gulf. Once we gather up your signatures, we’ll deliver them to Charlie and Marco to let them know how Floridians feel about this vital issue to our state.
Welcome to the Frog Pond, Rep. Meek.