I continue to be concerned about the direction of the Republican Party.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
God help us. Wait, I don’t believe in God.
It’s like cuckoobird land. These people are completely out of their minds. If this guy really gains traction and he gets elected, the “Me, Too” states like Texas and Ohio (much to my shame) are going to be pulling the same shit.
How do we stand up to this?
the bat shit loonies are coming out of the belfry all over the place. remember jim traficant?
the ACLU opines about the conflicting state and federal requirements for running for office in ohio as a convicted felon:
this should be interesting.
So, Traficant can’t be a dog-catcher, but he can be a US Senator? Somehow, that seems appropriate. And isn’t there an advantage to electing a known crook? Afterall, you don’t have to guess! /snark
Anybody seen his birth certificate?
nah—as a white, northern-european Christian, he qualifies as a Palin/Bachmann “Real American”.
Nothing to looks at here….move along, move along…..
He just handed us the governorship of that state for a long time.
I’m very concerned in the short-term, but give it 2 more election cycles and I think we’ll be riding high.
Repeat after me:
There, now don’t you feel better.
Now, let me tell you what’s going down in Hawaii.
with 2012 coming up, people are ‘coming to Jayzus’ just in case the Mayans were right….
Probably BS, but no worse than a lot of other speculation…
I checked the numbers myself, found an error in their alignment of the planetary system by 0,001 seconds of a degree. Using my old college HP calculator, the Mayan date of a new era has already passed: November 4, 2008. Gee, we’re still alive! We are living some catastrophic events world-wide … vulcanic eruptions, great earthquakes, hurricanes and environmental disasters.
The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012, which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed, but none have been accepted by mainstream scholarship.
A New Age interpretation of this transition posits that during this time, Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios posited for the end of the world include the Earth’s collision with a passing planet (often referred to as “Nibiru”) or black
holepresident, or the arrival of the next solar maximum."But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wasn’t there like a big war over this issue in the 1800’s?
Nah, that was the “War of Northern Aggression”, and completely unwarranted and predatory.
oh. my bad.
You know what? These nut-jobs don’t believe in the Constitution. They pick a strand loose and twist it in the same way they selectively apply phrases from the Bible. They don’t accept the essential concept of a Federal government. They’d like to break the bonds of the United States into a confederation of affiliated entities like… what? The European Union? They’d keep a common currency, a joint military and maybe the interstate highways with the Weigh Stations turned into citizen ID checkpoints? Teh STUPID, it BURNS!