First of all, people need to stop saying ‘irregardless.’ Sestak did that during his debate with Specter and it made me want to vote for Arlen. Now I see New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney using it in a different context. Just stop it. Use ‘irrespective’ or ‘without regard for.’
More substantively, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has fired the only African-American on the state’s Supreme Court.
This is the first time since the state Constitution went into effect in 1947 that a New Jersey governor has chosen not to reappoint a justice who has completed an initial seven-year term.
Dude’s not even a far lefty.
The 68-year-old Wallace had been known as a centrist.
In a unanimous decision in 2006 that gay couples must receive treatment equal to that of married heterosexual couples, Wallace was one of four judges who stopped short of saying that gay couples had to have the right to marry to attain that equality.
But race has nothing to do with it.
Irrespective of whatever Gov. Cristie is trying to accomplish, he’s started a war.
Senate President Steve Sweeney, a South Jersey Democrat like Wallace, said he would not put Christie’s nominee up for a vote….
…Sweeney described Wallace as “one of the classiest people I’ve ever met,” and said he does not deserve “to go down in history as the first justice ever not to be reappointed.”
“I can’t in good conscious irregardless of the individual put that person up for a vote,” Sweeney said. “If we move his nominee, we’re saying no one’s going to stand up for an independent court.”
So, like I said, you get sick of having some Goldman Sachs-Democrat fucking up your state and want to toss the jackass out? Sorry, not an option.
Can you even imagine how much time I spent trying to figure out what FL’s indie Senate candidate had to do with NJ racism? Alas, a vast conspiracy turns out to be merely another typo.
My typo?
Is it fixed now?
Check the headline. I thought at first you were just being luvvy with the FL guv.
Christie, an H in the name – will learn the spelling well working on all those recall petitions
How I wish the American people would actually take heed at what happens when Republicans are put in charge.
Conscience. Three times and he’s out.
I just use “regardless” myself, but this piqued my interest and I Google’d it. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary site, use of “irregardless” in speech dates back to circa 1912, is probably the merging of “irrespective” and “regardless”, and, despite being used in speech for nearly 100 years, critics have continuously frowned upon its use in prose.
Prefixes in-, il-, ir-, im- are used to mean “the opposite of.”
So, “irregardless” should mean the opposite of regardless.
The suffix -less is used to mean ‘absence of’ or ‘without.’
So “irregardless” translates to something like: the absence of having no regard.
Cancel out the prefix and suffix which create a double negative, and you have ‘regard’ or ‘heeding’ or “taking notice of.”
The reasons critics don’t accept it isn’t mere snobbery. It’s a) not a word, and b) if it were, it would mean the opposite of that people intend it to mean.
Its use displays an utter irregard for the language.
The only thing that matters to white folks is that the judge is black. White folks have been like that for a very, very long time.. It’s not new.
I wish there were some way to fire Clarence Thomas. But not because he’s black.
My Minnesota relatives often use the non-word “irregardless” not realizing that the word they are trying to communicate is actually “regardless.” Just sounds right to them. But they never understood what everyone found so funny about the movie “Fargo,” either.
Christie did this on purpose. Republicans benefit from putting race into the forefront. A lot of whites are feeling racial anxiety especially in light of the election of black man for president. Also remember that during the 2008 election, Obama was always hurt by the discussion of race. So expect that in the next few months, you will see race coming up again and again.
and this is a surprise?????