Is it a dog whistle if humans can hear it too?

“It’s important that Republicans talk about the importance of addressing illegal immigration,” DeMint tells [National Review Online]. “This is a long-term problem that impacts our economy and the heritage of our country. At the same time, [Republicans] need to be clear about the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants — heralding the importance of addressing the latter.”

The White House and Hill Democrats “don’t want a solution here,” DeMint laments. “They want continued trouble so we can be cast as demagogues — so they can say Republicans are against immigrants. Let’s realize that these big demonstrations against Arizona’s law are union organized and focus on the addressing how to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. It’s about our survival and safety as a nation.”

The emphasis is mine.

It’s ridiculous for Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina to tell us in one breath that he opposes illegal Latino immigration because it is a threat to the heritage of our country and then get indignant in the next breath that we accuse him being against Latinos.

DeMint is flat-out telling us he doesn’t like the browning of America. It wouldn’t matter if the immigration was all formal and legal, it would still brown America and DeMint would still oppose it. He’s a racist. If he wants to maintain the racial balance of this country he ought to support universal single-payer health care. Then maybe a white person from Canada or Australia or Europe would be able to get the same time types of benefits here that they already get at home. And maybe they’d immigrate here in much larger numbers. As it stands, white people have a better deal where they’re living right now so they’re staying put. Of course, there’s a bunch of Greeks who are newly eligible to join our sustenance class cleaning hotel bathrooms and folding sheets. Maybe DeMint can get them some green cards.

Ah, but they’d only join the SEIU and vote against Republicans. It never ends.