Criticized that the new immigration law would lead to racial profiling, the Arizona state legislature moved to change some of the laws phrasing, as reported by Andrea Nill over at Think Progress’ Wonk Room.

One of those changes replaces the phrase “lawful contact” with “lawful     stop, detention or arrest” to “apparently clarify that officers don’t need to question a victim or witness about their legal status.” However, the legislature also implemented a third change that some call     “frightening.” As part of the amended bill, a police officer responding     to city ordinance violations would also be required to determine the immigration status of an individual they have reasonable suspicion of     being an undocumented immigrant.

What this ends up doing, however, is just expanding the net of whom can be interrogated. In an e-mail obtained by The Wonk Room written by a group responsible for writing the bill:

“This will allow police to use violations of property codes (i.e. cars on blocks     in the yard) or rental codes (too many occupants of a rental accommodation) to initiate queries as well.

Nuestra Voice points out the hypocrisy of celebrating Cinco de Mayo, and celebrating many Latino traditions and celebrities, while vilifying so many others.

“A sore spot among Latinos has long been that America accepts our cultural best while openly vilifying us in general. Salsa has long replaced ketchup as our country’s favorite condiment. Americans have adopted Cesar salads to the extent that most don’t even know it is a Mexican creation. Suburbanites love the hard work ethic that is embedded in our cultural DNA and that they so readily hire. Tierra, Shakira, Ricky Martin, Eve Longoria, Raquel Welch, Vicky Carr are loved. The man that fixes fences, the trust worthy woman who creates safety and care for children, the boy that bags groceries are sought after. The voter that preserves balance and the politician that consistently votes for education are courted. All of these people are admired…. when needed.”

Now to do something we usually can’t in this space, let’s turn to sports.

Major League Baseball Player’s Association is speaking out against the new Arizona law. Their Executive Director, Michael Weiner said this:

A player “must be ready to prove, at any time, his identity and the legality of his being in Arizona to any state or local official with suspicion of his migration status,” said Weiner. “This law also may affect players who are U.S. citizens but are suspected by law enforcement of being of foreign descent.”

There is a movement to move next year’s baseball All-Star game from Phoenix, including from Congressman, Jose E. Serrano. Some players and managers have aid they would not participate in the game if held there.

And the Phoenix Suns, whose jerseys said Los Suns last night as part of a political statement against the state’s new immigration law, won their playoff game. Los Suns beat the San Antonio Spurs, 110-102.

Finally, The Opportunity Agenda held an event in New York recently, Immigration: Arts, Culture, & Media 2010. A panel of notable artists and activists took the stage to discuss the role that the arts can and do play in addressing the topic of immigration in America.

To see photos, hear audio from the event, and to continue the conversation—visit here.