The most famous question in philosophy asks if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound. I can’t answer that question for you, although I believe that here on planet Earth there is always something around to hear. I do know with certainty, however, that acts of terrorism are committed more for the reaction they induce than for the carnage they create. When it comes to terrorism, it’s not essential that any carnage is actually created. The point is to create fear which then causes the fearful to respond in a fearful manner.
So, if a terrorist plot fails to create any carnage, about the stupidest thing you can do is to freak out about it. If you freak out, you can easily turn their failure into a success. I want Joe Lieberman to read this repeatedly until he understands it.
Like that’s really going to stop HolyJoe. D.C. Democrats deserve a lot of blame for this, too. Don’t let them off the hook. And we all know why I say that.
And what of the people of the state he “represents”? Surely they have no liking for him, right?
Starts as a comment, ends up as a diary – Stripping Citizenship is Racist and Fascist
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Holy Joe can`t read, but he does seem to be able to pee in other`s pants.
Joe Lieberman is not acting out of personal fear. He is acting out of cold calculation to instill fear in the general population. And someone living in increasing fear eventually snaps. At the national level an aggressive hysteria takes over. Generate individual fear, generate national belligerency directed at someone, some country. Which war does Joe Lieberman (and cronies, Jane Harman en co.) want? The most disturbing question is does also Barak Obama want this war?
Above: en co. = etc.!
This is obviously just more neo-con wanking from joe. At this point Joe and Dick are pretty much the only two cannibals left on the island. Both get their jollies from saying BOO and watching the zombie press rush over to put them on camera. Dick is apparently a permanent member of the very important people club, but I dearly hope Lieberman will fade from view when he loses and/or resigns. This is probably too much to hope for. I suspect Lieberman and McCain will be treated like senators for life whether or not they lose.
When the tree falls it creates vibrations, which take the form of waves. If those waves intersect with something that has hearing capacity, a sound is created. If not, no sound.