From BooMan’s fp story: I want Joe Lieberman to read this repeatedly until he understands it.
There must be many precedents across the world where such a stupid act is used to spread fear, injustice and leading to racist action by brown shirts.
The Nuremberg Laws (German: Nürnberger Gesetze) of 1935 were antisemitic laws in Nazi Germany which were introduced at the annual Nuremberg rally. The laws classified people with four German grandparents as “German or kindred blood”, while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. A person with one or two Jewish grandparents was a Mischling, a crossbreed, of “mixed blood”. The Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of German citizenship and prohibited marriage between Jews and other Germans.
Next step the Nuremberg [TEA party] rally?
There is more below the fold …
The denaturalization and deportation program began in 1994, after the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that evidence of Second World War crimes was too weak to support criminal prosecutions in Canada.
The government declared anyone belonging to a group appearing on a postwar exclusion list must have lied to immigration officials to gain entry. They would lose their citizenship, and be deported. Nazi collaborators, common criminals, Mafia members and Trotskyites were on the list. So were Communists, and those who had operated on behalf of Russian police.
The prime minister, Ariel Sharon, called it “correct, considered, and balanced”.
“Israel, which finds itself in a bitter battle against murderous terror, has to take measures to protect itself as a democracy.”
In addition, the interior ministry wants to withdraw the permanent residency, a status below citizenship, of another prisoner.
Tally Gur of ACRI said: “Citizenship is the most basic civil right. It cannot just be removed. The minister must also explain if he plans to take the same action against Jewish citizens of Israel whom he considers a threat to state security.”
Interior Minister and Shas Chairman Eli Yishai is planning to submit an amendment to the basic citizenship law which would give him the authority to strip Israelis of their citizenship at his discretion, without the authorization of Attorney General or the courts.
“Stripping of citizenship is forbidden outright by international law, and any country that violates this law is a criminal country. Liebermanism is taking over every part of the government, including Shas,” Balad Chairman Jamal Zahalka continued, referring to legislation promoted by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman which Israeli Arabs have described as racist and fascist.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she likes the “spirit” of a proposal to strip the citizenship of Americans who join terrorist groups but stopped short of backing the measure.
The Connecticut Independent said he expected the measure would be referred to the Senate Armed Services Committee, though he warned he and Brown reserved the right to offer it as an amendment at some point in the future.
It is through measures such as these (we will see if it is adopted, but it is just one of many) that a government proclaims its essential lawlessness.
But the concept of law is so 20th century. I doubt many will notice or care.
Make no mistake: The US is disintegrating. But first comes the season of wolves.
Try not to be eaten.