If the original Constitution of the United States had not been defective, we would still have only ten amendments (aka the Bill of Rights) instead of twenty-seven. For example, we added the Reconstruction Amendments which abolished slavery (13th), established due process and equal protection (14th), and gave all men the right to vote (15th). Of course, it wasn’t until 1920 that the Nineteenth Amendment was enacted, giving women the right to vote.
And, yet, Michael Steele wants to make an issue out of Elena Kagan’s concurrence with the idea that a Constitution where women can’t vote and blacks are worth three-fifths of a person is a tad bit on the flawed side.
“Given Kagan’s opposition to allowing military recruiters access to her law school’s campus, her endorsement of the liberal agenda and her support for statements suggesting that the Constitution ‘as originally drafted and conceived’ was ‘defective,’ you can expect Senate Republicans to respectfully raise serious and tough questions to ensure the American people can thoroughly and thoughtfully examine Kagan’s qualifications and legal philosophy before she is confirmed to a lifetime appointment,” Steele said.
You know whose views Kagan was was endorsing? Thurgood Marshall’s. You know, the famous NCAAP lawyer who successfully argued the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case before the Supreme Court. Marshall went on to serve on the Supreme Court, which is certainly not something he could have done under the original Constitution.
Does Michael Steele know that he’s black?
“Does Michael Steele know that he’s black?”
Yes, he is just hoping no other Republicans will notice.
It has not been established that Michael Steele is black.
It also has not established whether Michael Steele is in fact the same man who created the Humpty Dance.
Humpty dance was the shit back in the day !! Come on Booman ! Besides, Michael Steele doesn’t have that much talent.
Are you telling me that this doesn’t sound suspiciously like Michael Steele speaking before the New Jersey Ladies’ Horticultural Society?
Probably the “Luntz” effect. Sentences out of context that make for good talking points aimed at the low-information voter. Michael Steele isn’t the brightest but I doubt he’s THAT ignorant.
There are no political lines to “Burning Hot Stupid”. It’s clearly an equal opportunity affliction. If your’e trying to get black folks to join in brotherhood with Latinos to fight Brown apartheid in AZ AND you’re trying to help an underdog “progressive” win a primary in a southern state with a large black population, you might not one to call the most beloved figure in the African American community classless. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/5/10/865099/-Classless
The other 2/5 is a bonehead.
Steele knows that nothing warms a teabagger’s heart more or gets them more motivated than hearing someone at the top of the GOP implying that anything after the 10th Amendment is simply government overreach enacted by “activist judges”.
This is all about the dog whistle. It might just as well be written on a cardboard sign at a Palin rally and being held up by someone in a three pointed hat while Glenn Beck’s book is sticking out of his pocket. It could not be more plain.
Of course he knows he’s black. He thinks that white folks will like him if he says shit like this. It’s false of course. They’ll never like you Michel. Ever.
Michael Steele knows that he is a well-paid professional token. And he is grateful for his good luck.
Does Michael Steele know that he’s black?
He knows the republicans put bread on his table.
In other words, he’s an Uncle Tom? How can you say that about the gallant opposition, whose views we must take into serious consideration? /snark
Never heard that Goya quote, but it is a good one.
Quote is likely the philosophy of Sophocles joined with Goya’s painting “The Sleep of Reason Begets Monsters” from “Los Caprichos”.
(Jstor) – When Nietzsche launched the postmodern attack on the Western tradition of rationalism founded by Socrates, he invoked the purported antirationalism of Sophocles’ Oedipus the Tyrant. Through his account of Oedipus, Sophocles does indicate why a pure political rationalism, that is, an attempt to govern political society in the light of reason alone, must ultimately fail and why tradition, convention, and piety are therefore necessary to political life. For convention makes what is by nature manifold seem simple and clear and what is by nature indifferent to human hopes seem supportive of them.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Did you see Glenn Greenwald and Lawrence Lesig on Rachel tonight. In my opinion, Glenn is going overboard in his criticism, exaggerating….it automatically makes me not trust anything else he says. Everyone who is getting their panties all in a bunch over her, saying she is going to swing the court to the left should really take a xanax and a few deep breaths. I trust President Obama, a constitutional lawyer himself who knows her really well, compared to others and we’ll see how she ends up ruling. I have a feeling she is a leftie, but has just played her cards right to get in a position to be nominated for the Supreme Court. We only have to look at Justice Stevens who was appointed by Gerald Ford, you know, a Republican.
I didn’t see Greenwald, but I can imagine. At this point, he’s doing the president a giant favor. He’d pay Glenn cash money to bad mouth his nominee.
in the same vein, wondering about the supposed dissing of Halter by Michele O yesterday. The O admin isn’t stupid, they know that anti-incumbency is the principle energy this election cycle. by greeting Lincoln aren’t they painting a target on her back (and mitigate the racist ads running against Halter?). any thoughts on this?
correction: by greeting Lincoln and ignoring Halter (protocol requires she greet Lincoln)
It looks to me like Greenwald is one of those people who did a great job as opposition to Bush but now that we have a president who’s nothing like Bush, doesn’t know what to do, so he just keeps on doing what he did before. He’s in danger of becoming the posterboy for that infamous stopped clock. I can only imagine what his rants would have been like against Warren, Souter, Stevens, and a bunch of other good justices who started out as insufficiently loud movement liberals. I hope Greenwald finds his way again.
Steele is a slave catcher.
nuff said.
he cares about wealth and who controls it.