Now we finally know the size of Fox News/Limbaugh’s audience, and it ain’t a majority of Americans by a long, long, long shot:

Ten percent of Americans believe environmentalists intentionally sabotaged the oil rig Deepwater Horizon off the Gulf Coast according to a poll released Tuesday, apparently as part of a ploy to reduce Americans’ support for offshore drilling.

The surprising finding was contained in a poll released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh floated the idea on his nationally syndicated talk show.

If I were a dishonest, lying son of a you know what, I’d go into the right wing hate talk radio racket. It’s an easy gig. You can make bullshit up off the top of your head, abuse prescription drugs all you want, sexually harass the women who work for you, and never, ever have to worry about facts. Too bad I have a conscience.

Damn you Jiminy Cricket!