….of Palestinians or Palestinian children? No, baby seals. This demonstration took place in front of the Canadian embassy, Tel Aviv.

Israelis rally outside Canadian Embassy against ‘barbaric’ seal hunt

Kids wave handmade signs reading, ‘Don’t Kill Babies for Fashion and Money’ during annual demonstration organized by International Anti-Fur Coalition. Group claims sealers made obscene gestures at animal rights observers just before slicing pups open

The International Anti-Fur Coalition (IAFC), with assistance from its local associate “Let the Animals Live,” held its annual rally on April 29 at the Canadian Embassy in Tel-Aviv against the “brutal slaughter of baby seals.”

It was reported that a press agent for the Canadian ambassador came out to greet IAFC representatives and was then handed an envelope filled with letters calling on Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper to end the slaughter. Awful. Canada just struck a new postal stamp praising the Canada-Israel relationship.

But did it really say, “end the slaughter?”

Let’s reflect for a moment on the recent past and another slaughter:

January 06, 2009 — Palestinian children are increasingly among the dead as the Gaza death toll continues to rise.

Headlines at the time:

Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag, witnesses say, Dead Children In School Uniforms In Gaza City: A Nagging Thought About ‘Collateral Damage’, Children of Gaza: stories of those who died and the trauma for those who survived, One third of Gaza dead are children, Gaza under fire: Children found next to dead mothers.

And so on and so forth. By the end of the massacre, which ex-Israeli refusnik soldiers called a “turkey shoot,” more than three hundred children like those above were killed.

And the troika, Barak-Livni-Olmert, who broke the Hamas ceasefire for the obvious purpose of inducing rocket fire then invaded Gaza so they could later claim, two months before the Israeli election, that they “were (not) soft on Palestinians,” contrary to Netanyahu’s assertion. Even today, the denial of war crimes continues, and the UN fails to act on the recommendations of the Goldstone Report.

I’ve refrained from reproducing the picture of teenage Israeli girls, like those who yearly protest Canadian seal hunts, writing greetings on artillery shells destined to decimate Lebanese children in 2006.

Thanks to Mondoweiss for this story about contrasting values when it comes to Palestinians.