It’s true. I have actual evidence that members of the Republican party in Utah believe that hate crimes are real. They are real that is if they are committed against them by (wait for it) other Republicans for being (wait for it) Republican!
The vandalism of Utah County Republican Chairman Taylor Oldroyd’s front yard was a hate crime, Joel D. Wright believes.
Wright, who is challenging Commissioner Gary J. Anderson for the party’s nomination, is trying to raise money for a reward to find who used a chemical to spell out a vulgarity on Oldroyd’s lawn. Wright said it was clearly an attempt to intimidate Oldroyd and his supporters within the party.
“Who, but members of this group, are going to want to run for party chairman?” Wright asked. He compared it to the Ku Klux Klan burning crosses on the yards of black people to intimidate them.
Yep, he went down the KKK path. Because using chemicals to deface your lawn is just like the KKK burning crosses on the lawns of Black people to scare them into not voting or fighting for their civil rights. (Taylor Oldroyd by the way is a white male as pure as the driven snow so this isn’t Michael Steele were talking about here).
Then again, having visited Salt Lake City once I know how those people love their lawns. They have too, because it’s so arid in Utah that you have to water the crap out of your lawns to keep them alive. And water in a dry land ain’t cheap friends.
Still its good to see Republicans admitting that hate crimes exist for any category of person. Now if we could only convince them that crimes committed against Jews or African Americans or Latinos or GLBT folks, people with disabilities or women that are motivated by animus against those individuals because they are Jews or African Americans or Latinos or GLBT folks, people with disabilities or women also are hate crimes.
So Mr. Oldroyd good luck with tracking down those deviants who committed these hate crimes against you. By the way who do you believe them to be again (just for the record):
Oldroyd doesn’t have a suspect in mind, but believes it could be the teenage child of one of his critics. “I can’t imagine anyone my age doing it,” he said.
Oh the inhumanity.
I never really cared about hate crimes legislation. It’s like neutral. Yeah, they exist, but is a more harmful punishment going to stop the crime or make it less likely? I haven’t seen any evidence that this is the case.
Still, there’s degrees of murder, different types (manslaughter, etc), so they’re obviously justifiable.
On the actual topic at hand, lol, at least he didn’t go the Nazi route or something. Once again that white male privilege is shining on through.
Wish I could tell that guy to GTFO.
No, they don’t. They just want more white affirmative action; i.e., a return to the “good ‘ol days”. Anything that gets in the way of that is by definition a “hate crime” for them.
in your dreams, steven, in your dreams.
ou know, l’m just going give voice to my inner cynic have, could it be that this asshat, finding his quest for higher office in jeapordy, went out in his garage and got that gallon of RoundUp™ and did this to draw attention, and $$$’s, to his cause?
naaaah…no righteous RATpublican would stoop to such lows, eh.
but it is getting him some press, so whatever it is, it worked.
that’s the likliest imo.