Glad to hear your birthday weekend was good! My, you’re up early! My internal clock is timed for a natural wake-up much later. Was Finn in an eating mood?
Luna likes turning Lily on her back and then playing “top dog” by gnawing on any unprotected bits (this happens several times a day). One day this will happen in a mud puddle, I’m sure of it.
Dogs, meet hose. Hose, meet dogs. And what a surprise meeting it will be, to the dogs anyway, as neither has ever had a cold bath (the delicate little flowers that they are). Have I mentioned how much I love the Dog Wash? They supply everything but the dog, and we supply the mess.
Today is 17. mai – Norway’s Constitution Day. Getting together with a bunch of compatriots after work to mark the day appropriately. This is usually done thoroughly, so I may be a bit late to work tomorrow…
Good morning!
Skies are finally clearing up here in Geneva.
Sad program this afternoon – the ex-girlfriend of a long-time friend living here passed away last week. Funeral this pm – only 38 years old…
Normally when I wake up like that, I can back to sleep but not always. Fortunately, unlike you, I’m not in the habit of getting up in the early hours, though I’ll bet you’ll be happy when you aren’t in the habit either.
Bebo like to jump up on my lap when I’m at the computer, which is quite the landing when a dog weighs about 50 pounds so having a baby visiting sounds much better. 🙂
Speaking of Bebo, she’s “hounding” me to to get going.
What a long and busy week I’ve had. And the next week should be equally busy or worse…I’ll be glad when these meetings we’re getting ready for are over.
I’m enjoying a morning snuggle with a sleeping baby right now, thinking about breakfast and my plans for later today.
It was a long week. And I’ve got so much to do outside (lawn, etc.) that it’s making my head spin. Better get started. Have a good day CG and give the Finn man a hug for me.
We’re getting the rain today too. Which is a bummer, because I wanted to go for a long walk with my mom and Finn today. Looks like I’ll be pulling together the slide decks I need to have ready to send out tomorrow instead. Have I mentioned how much I am looking forward to the next week or two of work being over?
I did have a really nice day yesterday, got together with a bunch of knitting friends and babies (Finn’s first baby friends are triplets!). I’m almost finished my project, so it will be tempting to work on that instead of the slides today…
Was it the noodles or the novocaine that made lunch such a bad decision?
It was the combination. I could barely chew, much less keep the slippery noodles in my mouth. Fortunately, with Asian food you can put your bowl under you chin and keep your face tilted forward, so I’m petty sure I didn’t put anyone else off their lunch.
The dentist was able to fix the tooth with a bonding, but said that I should really get a crown in the next few years. Ah, that many joys of aging.
Fortunately I didn’t expose any nerve with the break, so no, no pain. Which was extra fortunate given that we were at Imogen’s aunt’s birthday party with the entire clan when it happened.
We’re well and truly hitting winter here. Several days of hard frost in a row followed by a drizzly day today. The worst bit is that it’s already dark by 5:30, and we’ve still got a ways to go before the shortest day.
It was his senior art class project. They all painted ceiling tiles, everything from self portraits to still lifes to cartoon characters to abstract compositions. Some of them were really good, even to my unartful eye.
He and some of his classmates did a research project on Roy Lichtenstein, hence the style. The tiles will go up in classrooms all over the school. His will go in the computer lab, natch.
We had a pretty nice one here, but extremely summery at around 90F. DSL went down all over town this afternoon, causing consternation at work, since our main software package is partly internet based. I played in the yard after work, potting surplus iris plants to give away and when I came in around dark, it was back on. Thanks, FSM!
I can’t believe it could go out more often than our more expensive and slower satellite connection that disappears whenever it does more than drizzle here or storms at the transmitter location (thankfully Laredo doesn’t get a lot of downpours and what it gets doesn’t last). But I’ll be delighted if we ever get a chance to make the comparison.
I had such a nice weekend, it seems a shame it’s ending so soon. I even had no-dairy birthday cake with no-dairy frosting. Yum!
I hope everybody else had a good weekend too.
Yay for the great birthday.
Also yay for picking this picture for the cafe.
Glad to hear your birthday weekend was good! My, you’re up early! My internal clock is timed for a natural wake-up much later. Was Finn in an eating mood?
click for larger
That’s a much lovelier Monday morning than I noticed over here;-)
Enough with the rain already. It’s one giant mud-wrestling pit here.
Any pictures of the mud-clung combatants forthcoming? 😀
Thankfully, the two most likely combatants, Sniff and Bebo, much prefer chasing each other to wrestling so it mostly just muddy feet.
Luna likes turning Lily on her back and then playing “top dog” by gnawing on any unprotected bits (this happens several times a day). One day this will happen in a mud puddle, I’m sure of it.
Oh, that sounds like it will be big fun for all… 🙂
Dogs, meet hose. Hose, meet dogs. And what a surprise meeting it will be, to the dogs anyway, as neither has ever had a cold bath (the delicate little flowers that they are). Have I mentioned how much I love the Dog Wash? They supply everything but the dog, and we supply the mess.
Good morning/afternoon!
Today is 17. mai – Norway’s Constitution Day. Getting together with a bunch of compatriots after work to mark the day appropriately. This is usually done thoroughly, so I may be a bit late to work tomorrow…
I hope it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening!
Hmm, maybe we need a constitution day like that here. 🙂
Hope the celebrating went well … without too much of a hangover.
Oy – it doesn’t hurt, but I am slow as syrup today.
Great fun last night, though.
I’m slow as syrup today too, but not from celebrating.
Oh, to sleep in a few more hours.
just woke up from the 17th! for sure we know to celebrate our independence!N
Love that photo! Good evening to all. We’re back in NY and happy to be home.
Hi boran2, I hope you had clear skies for your weekend junket. Our weekend was rather soggy.
Sorry to hear that. Ours was at least dry if not always sunny.
I love that photo too.
Glad you had a nice trip and are safely back home. 🙂
Thanks CG! I’m glad that you had a good birthday!
Back at work today. Ugh.
Bummer. But I hope you got lots of great “material” for your paintings.
I did. In fact one owner “caught” me taking photos of her house. I reassured her that it was for a painting and not some nefarious purpose.
I’m glad she didn’t call the cops on you. Making bail is bad way to end a vacation. 😉
If you use the photo of her house, you could send her a photo of the finished painting.
I will probably use it for the next painting. I told her that I would bring it by for her to see in October.
Hey, maybe she’ll even buy it. There are aerial photographers who fly over farms taking photos and then go to the farmers and sell them prints.
That would be great. I didn’t realize that there was interest in aerial photos.
That’s really nice of you. I’ll bet she’ll be thrilled.
I hope so. 🙂
And it’s a small one so we can flowing right over it.
click for larger
Oh, I like that one…flowing right on to Friday…
That’s the only good thing about all the damn rain — lots of nice water pics.
Did you see my answer to your email?
checking now. 🙂
And I’m checking out because Bebo says it’s past time for a walk and she doesn’t care that it’s crappy out.
See ya.
FFF is now monthly on the second Friday of each month. The next one is June 11.
Good to know – thanks. I have been away, just checking in and trying to catch up.
I will be sure to follow your blog more regularly!
Glad to see you back. I was thinking about you when I posted the comment since you’d worried before about us canceling the flog.
And I’ll be delighted to have you come by my blog.
Looking forward to it. That gives me some time to go through recent photos.
Good morning!
Skies are finally clearing up here in Geneva.
Sad program this afternoon – the ex-girlfriend of a long-time friend living here passed away last week. Funeral this pm – only 38 years old…
Jim and I both woke up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. This is not my idea of a good way to start the weekend.
Yuck. What woke you up?
Nothing. We both just woke up at about the same time. The dogs were all nicely snoozing at the time, much as I’d like to blame them.
Maybe I was having a sympathy moment for you.
If I had only known…I was up for awhile from 3 to 4. Finn barely wakes up, and I’m up for 45 minutes.
Normally when I wake up like that, I can back to sleep but not always. Fortunately, unlike you, I’m not in the habit of getting up in the early hours, though I’ll bet you’ll be happy when you aren’t in the habit either.
Yeah, it will be nice to get a full night of sleep again. Although this really isn’t too bad.
Fin is working on wiggling on his tummy. He’s actually making his way towards the keyboard (he’s fascinated by the laptop…)
Bebo like to jump up on my lap when I’m at the computer, which is quite the landing when a dog weighs about 50 pounds so having a baby visiting sounds much better. 🙂
Speaking of Bebo, she’s “hounding” me to to get going.
See ya later.
What a long and busy week I’ve had. And the next week should be equally busy or worse…I’ll be glad when these meetings we’re getting ready for are over.
I’m enjoying a morning snuggle with a sleeping baby right now, thinking about breakfast and my plans for later today.
It was a long week. And I’ve got so much to do outside (lawn, etc.) that it’s making my head spin. Better get started. Have a good day CG and give the Finn man a hug for me.
We had a whole day without rain yesterday and we’re supposed to have another one today.
We’re getting the rain today too. Which is a bummer, because I wanted to go for a long walk with my mom and Finn today. Looks like I’ll be pulling together the slide decks I need to have ready to send out tomorrow instead. Have I mentioned how much I am looking forward to the next week or two of work being over?
I did have a really nice day yesterday, got together with a bunch of knitting friends and babies (Finn’s first baby friends are triplets!). I’m almost finished my project, so it will be tempting to work on that instead of the slides today…
Yesterday was lovely indeed. Today seems to be shaping up to be a preview of mid-
simmersummer.Ugh. I am not looking forward to the hot steamy weather this summer at all.
Yeah, neither am I and I won’t have a 20 something pound, sticky, squirmy (but extremely lovable) ball of energy to haul around;-)
Well, the grandkids, but that’s not a 24/7 job for me.
Yeah, I could do without the heat but it was worth it just to not have rain.
We won’t be as lucky today. It’s downright dark outside.
I feel like it’s still about 5:30 am. A low motivation day for sure.
I spent the morning having a broken tooth repaired. Stir fried veggies with noodles for lunch was probably not my best follow-up decision.
Sorry about the tooth. Was it the noodles or the novocaine that made lunch such a bad decision?
Was it the noodles or the novocaine that made lunch such a bad decision?
It was the combination. I could barely chew, much less keep the slippery noodles in my mouth. Fortunately, with Asian food you can put your bowl under you chin and keep your face tilted forward, so I’m petty sure I didn’t put anyone else off their lunch.
The dentist was able to fix the tooth with a bonding, but said that I should really get a crown in the next few years. Ah, that many joys of aging.
I hope there wasn’t any pain and that the noodles were yummy — then it doesn’t matter what you looked like eating them.
Fortunately I didn’t expose any nerve with the break, so no, no pain. Which was extra fortunate given that we were at Imogen’s aunt’s birthday party with the entire clan when it happened.
We’re well and truly hitting winter here. Several days of hard frost in a row followed by a drizzly day today. The worst bit is that it’s already dark by 5:30, and we’ve still got a ways to go before the shortest day.
Those dark days and early nights are prime depression time for me. 🙁
Yeah, me too.
Plus, all the critters get cranky if they are not fed before sundown, and I’m not always home before then.
Two shots taken 24 hours apart.
click for larger
Gamer Son self portrait, scowlly face and all.
Very cool. I love the honeycomb texture of the skin.
Was that a school art class project, or something more independent?
It was his senior art class project. They all painted ceiling tiles, everything from self portraits to still lifes to cartoon characters to abstract compositions. Some of them were really good, even to my unartful eye.
He and some of his classmates did a research project on Roy Lichtenstein, hence the style. The tiles will go up in classrooms all over the school. His will go in the computer lab, natch.
Dark and rainy today, the perfect storm of Monday and weather. So to speak.
It never really got light here.
We had a pretty nice one here, but extremely summery at around 90F. DSL went down all over town this afternoon, causing consternation at work, since our main software package is partly internet based. I played in the yard after work, potting surplus iris plants to give away and when I came in around dark, it was back on. Thanks, FSM!
I’ll feel sorry for you townies losing your DSL when we folks in the boonies get the same opportunity to lose ours.
I could really do without this humid weather; there will be more than enough in the real summer.
Heh. I’m 40 or so miles north of NYC and we lose it regularly.
I can’t believe it could go out more often than our more expensive and slower satellite connection that disappears whenever it does more than drizzle here or storms at the transmitter location (thankfully Laredo doesn’t get a lot of downpours and what it gets doesn’t last). But I’ll be delighted if we ever get a chance to make the comparison.
Oh Jesus, this is gonna be ugly.
At least this dude is from Idaho.
click for larger
Oh, the week is flying by, but not in a good way…