It’s interesting that Specter showed up to vote for cloture on the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 but then blew off the manager’s amendment and the vote on final passage. I mean, this was an historic vote. But I guess the really historic vote is on the Conference Report with the House, so Specter can still get a second bite at the apple. The bill passed 59-39, which Republicans Chuck Grassley, Scott Brown, Susan Collins, and Olympia Snowe voting ‘aye.’ The Republicans continue to exceed even my dismal expectations for bad behavior. It’s incredible that these creeps brought the global economy to its knees and they not only oppose reforming the system but they evidently do not think they will pay any price at the polls. I wonder if the people of North Carolina are going to be impressed with Richard Burr’s position on reforming Wall Street.

Obama will probably sign the final bill right before the July 4th recess. Then he’ll watch the Senate confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Health Care…Wall Street reform…Supreme Court confirmation…win…win…win. It still doesn’t pay to bet against Obama.