I think we should make a deal with the Republicans. We won’t nominate anyone from Massachusetts if they won’t nominate anyone from Texas. Nothing against the good people of the Bay State, but they can just take one for the team.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Perhaps with its impending sale, we will have to stop calling it the Moonie Times and call it instead the N*gger Times. WTH?
How do the Texas people expect their kids to function in the real world with such warped standards?
Real world? What’s that?
Two words: Molly Ivins
There’s a lot of wonderful people in Texas. Not going to be getting a good public education though.
I’m sick of people trying to re-write history, at the expense of our children, to further their moral and political agendas. Goodness knows that the world perspective is already underepresented in the textbooks in this country. We don’t need more efforts to clean them up and make American History pretty.
This is not new. I lived in Houston 1982-7, and at one point was in a punk band with a guitarist who was still in high school. We named our band after a passage in the “history” textbook he was given, which described the protests after the 1970 Kent State killings as being conducted by “a few pathetic radicals.”
And just think, the products of those textbooks are now the people reaching higher office in Texas…but also remember that a lot of Texan kids (like our guitarist, who these days works in Houston with Central American refugees) see right through it.
I realize its not a new thing, but it is just so appalling. Its hard enough to get the info into their heads one time – to expect them to pull data from multiple sources and form independent perceptions based on that knowledge – just not going to happen. Its our duty to try to make the single text they read on a subject as representive of the various views and ‘truth’ as possible.
So Texas wants to include Jefferson Davis, but exclude Thomas Jefferson. Now I know how George Bush was elected Governor.
Give us Texans time. We gave the world Ann Richards, Molly Ivins and Jim Hightower, and our cities are trending blue again. We’ll get this fixed.
But yeah, until we do, the Know Nothings are firmly in control. That’s true.
Oh, I guess now we can claim Roy Edroso as well. That’s gotta count for something!
Sorry. Texas has been given all the time in the world. It might be time to cut you loose ;-0)
and the people you just mentioned don’t begin to make up for the Bush regime. Sorry.
I know. Our debt is beyond retirement. I’m just saying we’ll probably quit being such a pox soon. Just check back with us in a few years, ok? If we can keep Governor Goodhair from yanking us out of the union, I think we can salvage this wasteland!
Airlift as many rational and reasonable people to Austin, which will then secede on its own, leaving the rest of Texas to become its own country. We get to keep the Music Fest and Goodhair gets to be dictator of a hot, relatively dry, theocratic, oil rich country – no different from the Middle East!