The president still has the confidence of the Senate, including 41 of 59 Democrats, for his policy in Afghanistan. I guess that’s good in a way. But he doesn’t have my confidence on this issue. I see no ray of hope.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Once again, Feingold is the only Democrat to vote against war.
Bernie didn’t vote against it? If he voted for it, it’s because of all that domestic spending they attached to it.
but stopping it would require congress to defy the military brass and the right wing machine.
Obama’s either just wrong or making a very cold blooded political calculation.
So basically we will never leave? And we can not find money to keep teachers employed. It is just sickening.
Before Obama leaves office and passes this mess on to the next President, this senseless war will have lasted longer than the Vietnam War and the Trojan War. I wonder if I have to worry about my great-grandchildren dying in it.