{Cross-posted at Lord of the Karmafishes}
Area residents reported hearing a blast. No injuries or damages were reported.
Many on the liberal-left seem to have the strangest conception of Jews. We are apparently the only people on the planet who are not supposed to respond to violence against us. These never-ending rocket attacks from Gaza have given Israeli children Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, have driven innumerable Israelis from the area, have badly damaged the economy of that part of the country, and have made life unlivable for the people of S’derot and Ashkelon, yet if Israel responds they will scream to the heavens about “war crimes.”
The Jews of the Middle East are now in the position in which unless they behave as dhimmis, and thus allow attacks upon their persons without defending themselves, they are considered immoral by large swaths of western “progressive” activists and intellectuals.
The war against the Jews of the Middle East, which began in the 1920s with anti-Jewish riots in Palestine, continues to this day. This war has gone through several major phases, but one of the differences between now and then is that much of the western liberal-left actively sides with those who seek to murder the Jews.
What a disgrace.
In a liberal, open society it’s appreciatiated to have all views expressed. Censorship is the root of evil by which an administration can continue illegal acts of violence against an oppressed people, continue building settlements on occupied territory. I do hope the Obama administration has sufficient backbone to overcome the likes of AIPAC or ADL and find a path to true, lasting peace between the Jewish nation and Palestinian people. Peace and security for the Middle-East is long overdue. Let the extremists on both sides be subdued and silenced in their respective vitriol propaganda. Not all people of good faith are anti-semitic. Israel has succeeded in losing the backing of the western nations and its people by their short-sighted policy in an attempt to expand its boundaries to Eretz Israel.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
CORRECTION: “lasting peace between the Jewish nation and Palestinian people”, would be between the Jewish nation and the Palestinian nation.” Otherwise, well spoken to an old propagandist, who blogs out of My Left Wing, or what’s left of it. This fellow, along with another, dhonig, pretty much trashed what could have been a contending left wing blog. All the frontpagers have pretty much left, and daily visitor stats are down to 800. Poor MSO. She made a big mistake catering to these right wing Zionist propagandists.
Your blockade is strengthening the very people who fire the rockets. Quit torturing and killing the Palestinian people with your Cast Leads and land stealing. Always remember “The Nakba” its where the theft and murder began in earnest. Treat the Palestinians like human beings and Hamas will lose their base. The random rocket firings will end.
I respect your humanitarian viewpoint. I come out of the liberal tradition. I marched against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I wrote letters. I donated time for GOV with MoveOn.
So, while I respect your sincerity, I doubt your knowledge of the conflict.
I do not know you, unlike my friend Shergald, so I can draw no conclusions about you. But it seems to me that what those on the left who demean and dehumanize and debase the Jewish state do not understand is either the history of the Jews or anything resembling a fair understanding of the history of the Jewish state.
What we tend to get on these left political blogs when it comes to I-P is a fantasy of good people versus bad people. The bad people are, of course, Israelis and the good people are the Palestinians. This is what Shergald and others would have you believe. They’ve turned the history of I-P, as well as its current moment, into a facile morality-play.
The Palestinian people deserve peace and prosperity… and they can have that.
But not so long as they continue to shoot rockets into Israel.
And the truth is that Arab hostility toward the Jews in the Middle East long, long precedes the blockade of Gaza. Understand that when Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005… something that the left had always advocated and that almost tore Israel to pieces… the Palestinian people had a choice. They could have raised up a political party that would have called for peace and therefore the possibility of prosperity for their children.
They didn’t.
They elected a genocidal theocratic organization that calls specifically for the murder of Jews… not even just Israelis, but Jews in general.
And then they went about making good on that promise with the rockets, which continue to this day.
And you want Israel to open its borders?
Why in the world would you think that Israelis love their children any less than we do ours?
I guess that’s what I really do not understand.
Peace to you, please.
The present policy toward Gaza will only lead to more rockets. It is a policy of Apartheid. Now 10 are murdered in international waters bringing supplies to Gaza. This is one hell of a foreign policy by Israel.
As for me I have no dog in this fight. Only the credibility of the U.S. concerns me. We are not serving U.S. interests by blindly arming Israel when our money is used to murder civilian activists or 300 children in Gaza.
Remember the corruption of Fatah where was the great choice for these people? Take the boot off the neck of Palestine please. You cannot have a healthy Democracy when under occupation. Its scary I know I’m a white American we screwed over everybody bar none. We are screwing people over as we speak. Your journey will start with one step.
Don’t waste your time Salunga. Right wing Zionists are relentless and incurable, even while pretending to be liberals, which I take to be a front or pretense.