{Cross-posted at Lord of the Karmafishes}

The Color Red alert system was activated in Sderot and its vicinity after a Qassam rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip.

Area residents reported hearing a blast. No injuries or damages were reported.

Many on the liberal-left seem to have the strangest conception of Jews.  We are apparently the only people on the planet who are not supposed to respond to violence against us.  These never-ending rocket attacks from Gaza have given Israeli children Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, have driven innumerable Israelis from the area, have badly damaged the economy of that part of the country, and have made life unlivable for the people of S’derot and Ashkelon, yet if Israel responds they will scream to the heavens about “war crimes.”

The Jews of the Middle East are now in the position in which unless they behave as dhimmis, and thus allow attacks upon their persons without defending themselves, they are considered immoral by large swaths of western “progressive” activists and intellectuals.

The war against the Jews of the Middle East, which began in the 1920s with anti-Jewish riots in Palestine, continues to this day.  This war has gone through several major phases, but one of the differences between now and then is that much of the western liberal-left actively sides with those who seek to murder the Jews.

What a disgrace.