Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce Ellen McCarthy of the Washington Post:
Please Al and Tipper, don’t do this. For our sakes — don’t.
We can’t handle it.
These kinds of things stopped bothering us long ago. Name almost any famous couple, and we’re happy to place under/over bets on the date they’ll divorce.
But the Gores were different. We believed in them. Even if we didn’t agree with their politics, we admired their marriage — the way, after all these years, they still genuinely seemed into each other.
They’re like the couple down the block with the lush garden and the annual Labor Day cookout. The pair who are always power walking together and drinking wine on the front porch, who make you nudge your husband and say, “See? I want that.”
Also, what Digby said.
“The pair who are always power walking together and drinking wine on the front porch, who make you nudge your husband and say, “See? I want that.””
Me: “Go get it, I’m divorcing you.”
it was a dark and stormy night. they powerwalked to the bistro. from the limo. actually, power staggered. too much wine on the porch. she stared at them and gestured to the husband. he was under the table with the Pinot Noir. “I want that”, she said. The rain fell. It sounded like a third person might be under the table. Artillery blasted the dry hills. Through the rain. A messenger arrived. The Russian general muttered something about being in the wrong book. The couple began to kiss. The musicians played “Moving to Montana”. The woman broke from the kiss. She began to cry. “I hate rock lyrics” she said. Everyone thought about dental floss.
You’re onto something.
See now I can kind of understand this. For someone like Gore especially who for lefties anyway became the first martyr in the war against Bush, and then revived himself on the world stage with An Inconvenient Truth, you see someone everyday and they are fighting that fight with you for a better world and then they’re getting divorce.
I’m not about to say “don’t!” because that’s not my business.
But it’s sad that it didn’t work out, and it’s not crazy to feel that way even if your involvement with them was limited to working for the same causes.
OK, so let me take a deep breath.
The oil disaster is ongoing, and may not be plugged until fucking December.
North Korea’s doing their berzerker thing again. israel’s set off a nice little crisis in the middle east, right after the president extended the Iraq mission by a Friedman unit. we all know how well Afghanistan’s going.
meanwhile, the unemployment rate hovers around 10% (and i suspect it’s a lot worse than that: here in PA, 650,000 are idle), and neither the House nor the Senate plans to pass another tier of unemployment benefits (in fact cutting aid to states while pouring another $60 billion dollars into Iraq).
Jesus fucking christ. No wonder my head hurts.
can we use ellen mccarthy to plug the hole in the gulf?
Depends. What’s the psi of tripe?
Not the only Washington Post wanker:
Since when has Sally Quinn been a friend of anyone?
The Village is being a little self-congratulatory that they have twice cut Al Gore down.
Blithely on they sail…as the world, the economy, and the Congress are in the biggest crisis since the 1930s.
[Shrug] This kind of trivia makes up the vast majority of “news”, so why even bother noting it? I suppose the infantilism puts this into kind of a special class of its own, but idiotic self-identification with teh famous is nothing new. Even if its annoyance intensity never diminishes with time.
Sometimes I almost understand pedophilia: you almost never meet a kid this vacant and silly, while moronic attempts to peddle phony sentiment buy whole careers for the “leadership” class.
Speaking of the WaPo, what I find interesting is that neither you, nor anybody else, has bothered to write a “Fred Hiatt is a wanker” post in response to the recent execrable editorial in the WaPo which completely parrotted the IDF line on the Israeli attack. It’s almost as if the WaPo has so little credibility that no one even bothers to rebut it.
Actually, I didn’t read it. I was more focused on foreign sources since our newspapers are terrified of Israel.
I read it because I wanted to read an opposing view, but even so I was shocked at how one sided it was.