Does anyone believe that last line from our pal Tony? “We will make this right.”
Right as oily beaches, dead zones, ruined economies. No wonder Big Oil has gone into full bore lobbying mode to keep the regulators at bay:
WASHINGTON — When the Obama administration imposed new restrictions last week on offshore drilling in the wake of the BP oil spill, officials carved out an exemption that received little public attention: Companies working in shallow waters, unlike deep-sea operators like BP, could again begin drilling for oil and gas.
Bruce Vincent, president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, which represents both deep-sea and shallow-water drillers, said Wednesday that he was concerned about a “domino effect” sweeping through Washington, with new regulations now under discussion threatening to cut oil production, jobs and industry profits.
“It’s amazing to see the impact that one company can have for all sorts of other people,” he said. “When a plane crashes, you don’t just shut down every airline in the fleet until you find out what happened.”
The oil and gas industry is a formidable presence in Washington. It spent more on federal lobbying last year than all but two other industries, with $174.8 million in lobbying expenditures, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan research group.
Love that airplane analogy, don’t you? Bet some smart PR guy wrote that one up for him last night.
My recommendation to all of you? Either pray for the rapture soon or drink heavily. Or hold a Xanax party! Yeah, that’s the ticket.
we need to see the outtakes of him laughing after “cut” and exchanging jokes w. the producer about how many takes they had to do before they got one of him not cracking up in the middle – sort of like that Glenn Beck “making of” video.
If I was in the airline industry, I’d probably take umbrage at BP’s too-casual airplane analogy.
Indeed, when a potentially catastrophic risk is discovered in an airplane model, it seems like a frequent procedure that all similar airplane models ARE grounded.
As just one example:
That’s just ONE example.
If BP ran an airline like they run an oil company, the regulators would never let them get off the ground.
Would You Buy a Used Car From BP’s CEO?
Why does the public always ignore reasonable warnings? For example, an oceanographer gave an interview two weeks after the Horizon rig collapsed in the gulf during which he predicted that BP would NOT FIX the leak and millions of gallons of oil would eventually wind up in the Atlantic off the coast of North Carolina. It is only today that the MSM is starting to broadcast the possibility of the oil actually flowing into the Atlantic in 3 or 4 months. Where do people think all of that oil currently in the gulf will go? Do they actually think it will evaporate like Limbaugh says?
Here is another bit of ignored information. Two former BP employees have PRESENTED EVIDENCE to the government and the public that BP’s offshore rig Atlantis is also in dangerous trouble. Atlantis is considered the world’s largest rig and is in even deeper water than was the now defunct Horizon rig, the source of the current underwater gusher. Both BP whistle blowers allege that the same hazardous operations that led to the explosion and fire onboard the Horizon rig are also prevalent on the Atlantis, and they are both urging the government to shut down Atlantis until a full review of its operating procedures can be completed. Obama and the public appear to ignoring the accusations of these former BP employees and their official recorded data. If Atlantis explodes and collapses in the ocean, it will be no more than America deserves.
Are you kidding me?! I wouldn’t by a used tar ball from that creep.