This is what you call ‘playing the Holocaust card.’ I’m not Jewish but most of my closest friends are, and I hope I’m allowed to be offended on their behalf. I think falsely accusing people of saying “Go back to Auschwitz” so that you convince other people that it was hunky-dory to kill them is about as low as you can go. Maybe people occasionally demonstrate a bit of thin skin about the Holocaust, but it was rather serious…especially for the Jewish people. It’s not much of a laughing matter, even if people have tried over the years. And if it’s not right to make light of the Holocaust it’s even more wrong to invoke it as a false accusation.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Were you in Phoenixville this morning? I saw a few people with little babies, but no baby boys, so I figured they weren’t you. Both Sestak and Trivedi were there.
(CG here, too lazy to log in as myself on Boo’s computer) We’re normally there (at the Farmer’s Market anyway), but have a house full of teenagers this morning and didn’t go.
Was the event well attended?
Probably about 50 people .. maybe 75 .. it was outside at the corner of two streets(I forget their names now .. but it’s where the Steel City Coffeehouse is .. there is like an open courtyard at the corner ,, then Steel City) .. so it’s not like they could have held 500 people there .. what were they expecting? .. I don’t know
I think that would be considered a pretty good showing on a summer Saturday morning. Especially considering that the first invite I got for it didn’t say what day it was happening.
Of course .. since it was at the corner .. a couple of people honked .. there were one or two RWNJ’s that yelled something as they drove by .. nothing too outlandish though
Israel/AIPAC and their allies have been playing the Holocaust Card for decades, desperately trying to brand Israel as the same thing as “the Jewish people”. This is just some more of the same cynical manipulation.
It’s one of the things I detest most about anything involving that fucked-up country. The slightest hint of criticism and they flee behind the Holocaust card.
Screw them and their stupid country.
I think the concept of “Holocaust card” or “race card” is itself bogus. c.f Sean Wilentz.
The Zionists used the Holocaust big time, and in some horribly cynical ways, to promote their ideology and agenda.
So what kind of attack results in the attacker being shot multiple times in the back?
Well, in fairness, in those pictures I saw people beating on soldiers who were on the ground. If other soldiers saved them, the shots could have easily come from behind. But it still raises questions about their version of events.
In fairness, the eyewitness reports so far strongly suggest that, at the very least, the people on the Marmara had good reason to consider that they were under deadly attack, and that some of them may have already been hit and killed or wounded by live ammunition before the Israelis boarded the ship. Unless the eyewitness accounts are all inaccurate, the people aboard the Marmara were engaging in legitimate self defense.
Did you look at the comments with the Reuters story? The Likudies sure got there quick. All with the same line: the poor armed commandos HAD to kill folks to defend themselves. No mention of the fact that they had no business attacking in the first place. There was a time — a long time, actually — when I had some sympathy with Israel’s plight. Now their behavior is about their own politics, not about peace or their right to exist. Soon they will be as isolated as they whine about being.
The Likudies sure got there quick.
You do realize that Israel pays people to spread propaganda on the web, right? Israeli newspapers even admit as much.
Dave, Israel’s actions have never even in the beginning been about peace, they have always been about grabbing more and more land, and regional domination. What has changed over the decades of Israel’s existence is that they have been able to fool fewer and fewer people. This is partly because technology has made it more difficult to hide reality, and because their hubris has led them to be more and more brazen and eff-you in-your-face about everything they do.
How about criminal?
and are starting to panic.
Considering the context of this particular abuse of the “Holocaust card” I would say it goes way beyond “poor taste”.