This titled text was attached to an article by Uri Avnery, founder of the Israeli peace group Gush Shalom, and distributed by Tikkun via email. The article itself is available at the Gush Shalom site. This attachment is by ML Rosenberg, a Huffington Post contributor, and exposes the lies now being propagated by the Israeli government, which are being circulated in the mainstream media in the US, and possibly Europe, filling peoples’ minds with utter falsehoods about the flotilla attack, Hamas, and the dire situation in Gaza.(Sorry about the earlier misattribution.)
It’s been one lie after another in the US media about the Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound relief flotilla. No matter that the Israeli media views the whole incident as a debacle for Israel, in this country the Israel-can-do-no-wrong crowd is on overdrive defending the operation. As usual, facts don’t matter to them.
Except they do.
The first thing you need to know about the Gaza flotilla disaster is that the intention of the activists on board the ships was to break the Israeli blockade. Delivering the embargoed goods was incidental.
In other words, the activists were like the civil rights demonstrators who sat down at segregated lunch counters throughout the South and refused to leave until they were served. Their goal was not really to get breakfast. It was to end segregation.
That fact is so obvious that it is hard to believe that the “pro-Israel” lobby is using it as an indictment.
Of course the goal of the flotilla was to break the blockade. Of course Martin Luther King provoked the civil authorities of the South to break segregation. Of course the Solidarity movement used workers’ rights as a pretext to break Soviet-imposed Communism.
The bottom line is that the men and women of the flotilla had every right to attempt to destroy an illegal blockade that Israel had no legal standing to impose and which was designed to inflict collective punishment on the people of Gaza. (There is no truth to the story that Israel would have delivered the goods on the ships to Gaza if asked; the Israelis never made that offer and, judging by years of precedent, would have blocked any delivery).
As for the Israeli argument that its soldiers were attacked, that is ridiculous. Israeli commandos were ordered to board a civilian ship in international waters and the government that sent them claims that the resisting passengers attacked them without provocation. This is like a carjacker complaining to the police that the driver bashed him with a crowbar that was under the seat. Neither carjackers nor hijackers should expect their victims to acquiesce peacefully.
Here are the facts about life in Gaza today — facts that only can be changed by breaking the blockade. These data come from the American Near East Relief Association (ANERA), which provides relief to Gazans to the extent permitted by the Israeli (and American) authorities. ANERA is neither “pro-Israel” nor “pro-Palestinian.” It has no political agenda at all. It merely determines what human needs are and tries to respond to them.
8 out of 10 Gazans depend on foreign aid to survive.
The World Food Program says Gaza requires a minimum of 400 trucks a day to meet basic nutritional needs – yet an average of just 171 trucks worth of supplies enters Gaza every week,
Clothes that were held in the port of Ashdod for over a year were released into Gaza but arrived covered with mold and mildew, unusable.
95% of Gaza’s water fails World Health Organization standards leaving thousands of newborns at risk of poisoning.
Anemia for children under the age of 5 is estimated at 48%.
75 million liters of untreated sewage are pumped into the Mediterranean Sea every day – because piping and spare parts are not permitted.
During the 2009 bombing:
More than 120,000 jobs were lost as Gaza’s industrial zone was destroyed… 15,000 homes and apartments were damaged or destroyed… 1/3 of all schools were destroyed.
None of these can be rebuilt, because construction supplies are kept out by the Israeli authorities.
Also, check this out from The Economist. It is a partial list of commodities allowed into Gaza and commodities banned.
So what is the blockade about?
It is not about stopping terrorism. Hamas has repeatedly offered Israel an indefinite cease-fire in exchange for lifting the blockade. And, on a half dozen occasions, Israel accepted the deal but did not live up to its side of it. In fact, the 2009 war began after Israel ignored its commitments under the Gaza cease-fire agreement, continued the blockade, and then provoked the resumption of attacks on Sderot through a series of targeted assassinations of Palestinians (Israel claims that no cease-fire agreement curtails its right to kill any Palestinian it deems to be a terrorist).
Israel asserts that it will not accept any long-term cease-fire agreement with Hamas because Hamas does not recognize its right to exist.
But Israel does not need the permission of anyone — let alone Hamas — to exist. All it needs from Hamas is an end to violence and that is precisely what Hamas is offering, in exchange for lifting the blockade.
This is not to say that Hamas need never recognize Israel. It should. But it is ridiculous to insist on recognition as a precondition for anything. Recognition would be the end result of negotiations, not a precondition for it.
But that is not what Israel wants. It wants to destroy Hamas because it is a terrorist organization. And that makes sense until one realizes that the African National Congress, Sinn Fein, the Israeli Irgun, the Algerian FLN and a host of other resistance movements were called terrorist organizations before negotiations brought them to power. Former Israeli Prime Ministers Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir were both unabashed terrorists prior to their entrance into respectable politics. And so what? If dealing with terrorists — as Israel has repeatedly done with Hezbollah — will help achieve a worthy goal, why not do it? After all, if negotiations fail, one can always walk away.
But Israel will not change its self-defeating policies until we change ours. And there is no evidence that is happening (at least, not until after the November elections, for obvious reasons).
For now, our policies are joined at the hip with Israel’s. We support the blockade of Gaza. We oppose any efforts at reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. We even back Israel’s opposition to the Arab Peace Initiative, which offers Israel full peace and normalization of relations with every Arab country in exchange for the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.
Enough is enough. The Obama administration needs to join the rest of the world in demanding an end to the Gaza blockade as a first big step toward the resumption of negotiations.
The attack on the flotilla was one of the most disastrous blunders in Israel’s history. At last, the whole world sees Israel’s policy of collective punishment for what it is — a means to perpetuate the occupation forever. Only the United States government has chosed to close its eyes.
The occupation is killing Israel. And we are on the sidelines letting it happen. Some ally
[Israel] wants to destroy Hamas because it is a terrorist organization.
That’s just the cover story. What Israel really wants is for most Gaza residents to give up and emigrate.
Otherwise, it is a good article.
Certainly, that hope applies to the West Bank and East Jerusalem, but it is not going to happen, and even the most right wing Israeli politicians know it. But they must know, given Netanyahu’s successive announcements about the settlements, the Jordan Valley, and occupation of the remaining border with Jordan, that Apartheid is looming over the conflict.
Stark difference in just 11 years of backpeddling on the peace proces and 8 years wasted under Bush/Cheney.
(NYT) June 2, 2010 – One of my oldest Israeli friends, Victor Friedman (no relation), an education professor from Zichron Yaacov, e-mailed me the following: “It’s time we started using our wits. If we used even a tiny fraction of the brain-power and resources we put into `defense’ into finding a way forward in terms of living with the Palestinians, we would have solved the problem long ago. The strategic situation has never been more opportune — the Arabs are scared of the Iranians, the Saudi peace plan is still on the table, and the Palestinians are beginning to act rationally. But we lack the leadership to help us make a real change.”
(NYT) May 14, 1999 – I just received two E-mails from friends in Israel that sounded identical themes, although neither knows the other. One was from a religiously observant friend who lives in the village of Zichron Yaacov, Victor Friedman (no relation). Victor wrote: ”Even people who hate the left, and can’t imagine voting for Ehud Barak, are tired of the kind of political and social atmosphere created since Bibi came to power. The lying, trickery, corruption, divisiveness, incitement — people don’t like it.”
The other was from a Jerusalem-based writer, Laura Blumenfeld, who wrote that Israel today is suffering from ”Multiple Israel Disorder — Bibi thought he could hold onto power by dividing everyone up into squabbling tribes. He was wrong. The shot that killed Rabin was like the starting gun on the race between factions. But after three years of bumping and biting each other’s necks, people are tired.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“the Arabs are scared of the Iranians…the Palestinians are beginning to act rationally.“
And yet, Tommy Friedman remains the same ignorant, condescending gas bag he has always been. The Arabs are NOT scared of the Iranians, and the Palestinians are not the ones who have been acting irrationally.
“I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians,” the 89-year-old Thomas wrote on her website. “They do not reflect my heartfelt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”
Thomas continued apologizing in the Washington Post, telling its media critic, Howard Kurtz, in a Monday column: “I’m very sorry for my remarks. I think I crossed the line. I made a mistake.”
Gambling with Conflict: How Settlers and a California Casino King Control Israeli Policy
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Did I miss the subtitling over @ET? I dare not suggest it, but I’m glad the rant has been deleted. There were many comments lacking the ability to communicate. Served no purpose whatsoever, never experienced anything similar since the good old days over @dKos. I never really understood how the flame war was fanned, things just happen if the underbrush is too dry.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
[Lost comments from your diary @ET]
Are we talking bandwidth or infringing on space of others? Appreciation for a diary is up to the readers, lurkers and active bloggers by recommends and comments. I for one do not always have time or the right topic of interest for ET. Sometimes you will find me here in a sprint to be off for weeks to the US counterpart BT. I for one always open ET where I see the diaries and not the fp salon. I feel more comfortable with the diaries, I fear that will be an handicap and all of a sudden I find a taste of not being welcome here. I only blog where I feel comfortable. Sorry for the intrusion, I’ll be off for awhile. I do like the Europeans for their history of socialism, communism and the corresponding purges leading to another revolution … and bloodshed. Hell, I always hated to be graded by equals. Some must be more equal than others, my mistake. VIVA!
Proud to wear UID#40
Never too old to learn about the netiquette of the young ones @ET. This is exactly why I moved from dKos to BT … diary police hijacking a worthy diary. Is there no better way to communicate in this modern day and age?
BTW It’s not the issue of “Palestine” but [of human rights, occupation and land grab] in the Middle East, Gateway to Asia and the border states of the EU participating in a conflict with a potential of global proportion. Some blogs say it up front: no I/P diaries allowed or YOU WILL BE BANNED.
Don’t ever missspell someone’s name, that is so degrading. It’s shergald, perhaps that’s why I have chosen mine for just 3 vowels. If you have a beef with someone, discuss it in a civil manner. Ganging up is so immature and deplorable. Who mentioned netiquette of this site? Rules trump civility.
To shergald:
Your perseverance is greater than mine. How do I get my troll ratings back?
Was there a single comment on topic submitted to your diary? I thought not.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I finally deleted the diary, Oui. I did not have anything to do with removing your troll rating. Perhaps it caused embarrassment to JakeS and he removed it. The diary was just hijacked and used for ad hominum attacks, not a single comment being relevant to the diary.
Yes, it did feel like the old days at DKos. The conversation was continued on an Open Tread, but then commenting there also became a waste of time.
Simply put, plenty of academic IQ but lacking the emotional component. A sordid failure to have a civil discourse, make a point and take the high road and leave the subject for others to judge. As Helen so rightly commented: “There was plenty of pile on.” I called it ganging up on someone and I felt deeply offended in the apparent ploy to put a friend down. In my limited wisdom, I always start by expressing the appreciation for the effort and content of your contribution, followed by the points of critique. Works much better. JakeS frankly admits to his overpowering strategy by stating:
“a couple of the current and former frontpagers of this community finally got fed up with your persistent violations of several items of the user guidelines and your unconstructive and disruptive attitude and called you on them.”
Analyzing this statement in the context of the 55 comments necessary to make a single point, really explains all. I will not waste my time to respond to such immaturity. In a position of JakeS I would have asked you to mail me so we could have a conversation without doing irreparable harm to the community.
Cloaking what was happening as “quality control” is just laughable. JakeS started troll rating both you and me. By losing the diary I lost the fact of being troll rated [Just puts a smile on my face once again]. This hasn’t happened to me for many years. I my book this is a blog offence and abuse of the ratings system. This phenomenon of JakeS was even worse than my experience with the dKos diary or thought police. Plutonium Page would not personally troll rate me, but left it to her deputies. These frontpagers wield power as if they are the site owner and thereby able to purge bloggers. I find it very troubling what happened, although I never like to participate in these flame wars. @ET they hide behind “netetiquette” and abuse all the rules of civility. Not often am I called a “pompous prick” [afew]. I made just a few comments trying to get the anger out of their attitude. Of course, the attack turned on me and I got blame for your words.
The salon is similar to our news roundup. JakeS made a remark that your diaries should be limited to a comment in the salon for a number of reasons. One: the subject is just Palestine. Next he complained that there were too few diaries offered @ET and the rate of decay should be limited. I wish them lots of success with this contradiction. I’m not going to second guess as to the motivation of JakeS beyond his own words. I found his words and attitude offensive, ‘nough said.
In one of my replies:
Where is your humor? There are some 39 bloggers older and the rest is younger … [read newer] to the site. Don’t you guys ever laugh anymore? So damn defensive, it’s so sad. It’s pale beyond belief.
Et tu Brute ad hominem?
Ratings abuse will get you banned. Troll rating is only for comments that are blatant personal attacks, laced with profanity, or otherwise outside our guidelines. It’s not to be used just because you disagree with a comment or happen to have a personal issue with another member.
Booman’s golden rule should be sufficient: “Don’t Be A Prick“.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Everything you said suited the situation to a tee.
Two years ago, JakeS complained to Jerome a Paris, who I assume is the blog propriator or owner, about my posting IP diaries. He has an agenda, and I think it is to remove IP from the frontpage, but he and others deny it.
Whatever, JakeS called me “a turfsurfer and troll,” later denying it, and afew did call you a ‘pompous prick.”
And thanks for your intended help, but you were wise to exit the situation.
Oui, check out these interactions at ET. JakeS was the ringleader.
Do you know this guy JakeS? He’s really full of crap with these accusations. I posted the same diaries here. I think there must be an underlying agenda related to IP. I’ve seen behavior like this before on DKos.