It’s sad when someone you respect does something stupid to tarnish their entire life’s work. I felt that way when Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) made racially insensitive remarks during a stand-up routine, and I feel that way about Helen Thomas’s comments about Israelis ‘getting the hell out of Palestine” and going back to Poland, Germany, and America. I don’t know what’s in her heart, although I could forgive an outburst of frustration with the Middle East impasse in the context of the flotilla massacre. But I can’t and won’t defend her remarks. Telling Jews to go back to Germany is about as insensitive as you can get. She deserves sharp criticism. But I don’t like to see people piling on like this:
“She asked questions no hard-news reporter would ask, that carried an agenda and reflected her point of view, and there were some reporters who felt that was inappropriate,” said CBS correspondent Mark Knoller. “As a columnist she felt totally unbound from any of the normal policies of objectivity that every other reporter in the room felt compelled to abide by, and sometimes her questions were embarrassing to other reporters.”
Is Mark Knoller on the record complaining about James Guckert/Jeff Gannon’s point of view or WorldNetDaily’s Les Kinsolving’s agenda? I have never heard Kinsolving ask a pertinent question, ever. Helen Thomas was a tough questioner. She had a point of view, but she didn’t suck up to anyone. She was Bush’s toughest questioner and she was Obama’s toughest questioner. She embarrassed people who ought to have been embarrassed. The consensus until about two minutes ago was that she was a national treasure. And why? Because she asked tough questions even when she knew the answer would be contemptuous:
In 2002, Thomas asked [Ari] Fleischer: “Does the president think that the Palestinians have a right to resist 35 years of brutal military occupation and suppression?”
Four years later, Thomas told Fleischer’s successor, Tony Snow, that the United States “could have stopped the bombardment of Lebanon” by Israel, but instead had “gone for collective punishment against all of Lebanon and Palestine.” Snow tartly thanked her for “the Hezbollah view.”
God forbid a child of Lebanese immigrants should question the reaction of Israel over a few rocket attacks and kidnappings from the Hezbollah-controlled border region.
During the campaign Israel’s Air Force flew more than 12,000 combat missions, its Navy fired 2,500 shells, and its Army fired over 100,000 shells. Large parts of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure were destroyed, including 400 miles (640 km) of roads, 73 bridges, and 31 other targets such as Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport, ports, water and sewage treatment plants, electrical facilities, 25 fuel stations, 900 commercial structures, up to 350 schools and two hospitals, and 15,000 homes. Some 130,000 more homes were damaged.
There was nothing disproportionate or excessive about that response at all. The mere act of asking about our government’s complicity in that response was ‘giving the Hezbollah view.’
No knowledgeable person thought the tensions at the border were organized or approved by the leadership in Beirut, but bombing the airport was an unassailable act.
Look. Whether you agreed with Israel’s decision to decimate all of Lebanon or not, what is the problem with asking why we are going along with it?
And Helen Thomas wasn’t just a hard-ass on issues related to Israel. She was a pain in the ass of every administration. Isn’t that what we want from a White House press correspondent? When people start complaining about the point of view and agenda of right-wing correspondents then I might be willing to listen. But Thomas had a sterling career until she said something truly stupid. We can condemn her remark without impugning her entire body of work.
Sucks. This is what she will be remembered for, too. It’s a crying shame.
Adam Serwer has a lot of my thoughts about this, though:
Also, why does Pat Buchanan still have a job but Thomas doesn’t?
“There was nothing disproportionate or excessive about that response at all.“
If you are referring to Israel’s response to the capture (NOT kidnapping, if you please) of two of its on-duty soldiers, I assume you were being sarcastic.
It is sickening that Helen Thomas’s career is ending this way, and it pretty much demonstrates the stranglehold Israel has in this country. She could have made an equally offensive remark about just about anything or anyone else and it would not have had the same impact. Heaven knows that every day public people make far worse comments about Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians, and go along their merry way without even so much as a disapproving glance from anyone.
Meh, she’s probably been holding that inside since it was true. It would have been a hell of a lot better if the colonisation of Palestine by the West had never happened. We’d have been better off if we had made it possible for the remains of our Jewish population to stay in Europe and paid for our own sins rather than making the Palestinians pay for them.
It’s too late to undo now, so we have to work out how to handle the consequences.
Oh look, now I’m a racist.
My comments on Oui’s post Who Should Resign: Netanyahu or Helen Thomas? pertain here as well:
Like dat.
Let’s get real here.
Question the legitimacy of U.S. economic imperial interests in the Middle East in some sort of potentially nationally distributed manner and you are going to to get your ass kicked by the corporate-owned US media. It makes no difference whether the questioning is militarily related as was the case when in 2003 when CNN reporter Peter Arnett was fired for having the temerity to suggest that the Iraq invasion was not exactly a “See the rockets’ red glare” patriot show or Helen Thomas’s little misstep yesterday. Movement against the tactical and strategic moves that are daly in place in the region in order to maintain the oil status quo as well as it can be maintained will be met with media resistance on every possible level.
Follow the money.
Follow the oil.
That’s the way it works, and so it goes.
Until such time as the US either totally breaks down or frees itself from its total economic dependence on militarily enforced cheap oil, that is what is going to happen.
Deal wid it.
No Preznit is going to be elected here who has not convinced the corporate system that he will not prematurely rock that still floating boat, and no major newsmakers will survive a real criticism of any part of that system.
Bet on it.
Helen Thomas spoke some part of an unalloyed truth. The Israelis are doomed in their current position and would indeed be better off somewhere more…accepting…of their continued existence.
In a dishonest system, the honest man or woman is the villain.
So that goes as well.
Deal wid it.
Bye bye, Helen.
I loved your act.
(The Hill) – The reaction of most reporters, friends and former White House officials was that while the end to Thomas’s career is sad, it is hardly surprising.
“It really is sadness. She should have retired years ago,” one longtime friend said. “But I don’t think anyone is surprised at the anti-Israeli remarks. She has never made any secret of her animus toward Israel. I just hate to see her remembered for this instead of the pioneering work she did.”
Former White House press secretary Dana Perino said: “It’s a sad but appropriate end.”
Others said they hope Thomas, who turns 90 in August, is remembered for the barriers she broke.
Cheryl Arvidson, a longtime friend and a former colleague of Thomas’s at UPI, told The Hill in an e-mail that she hopes the end of Thomas’s career does not taint a long and important legacy.
“Helen Thomas has been a strong advocate for women’s rights and a trailblazer for women all of her life,” Arvidson, now a spokeswoman for the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, said. “She broke down every barrier imaginable in Washington journalism and won every ‘first’ that existed. And more importantly, she always was there to lend a helping hand to the women who followed her. My sincere hope is that this current controversy does not detract in any way from the amazing accomplishments in her long and rich career.”
Thomas’s resignation comes after outrage spread throughout the blogosphere in reaction to a video posted to In it, Thomas said that Jews in Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go back home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else.”
The comments were made during a White House event on May 27 celebrating Jewish heritage. And they came during a time of international outrage at Israel for its attack on a Turkish ship that left nine dead. Israel has rejected calls for an investigation of the incident.
Rabbi Nesenhoff
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t condone her remarks, at old age perhaps one’s filters don’t quite work. As an European I would never disavow the established state of Israel. My criticism of Israel and its administration are the lies and the lack of a peace process which had given the Palestinians hope in the 90s. The assassination of Yitzak Rabin due to hate spewing in Israel and the take-over by Netanyahu was very frustrating. A powerful nation unwilling to extend a hand of peace as Sadat did in the 70s. The raw facts of Israel’s military superiority, the war crimes committed on both sides, the lack of any prospect to a just peace, the continuation of settlement building contrary to international law gives the Palestinian people on the West Bank and in Gaza little hope for a solution.
Thomas was born in Winchester, Kentucky. Her parents, Mary (née Rowady) and George Thomas, were Lebanese immigrants from Tripoli, Lebanon; her father’s surname had originally been “Antonious” before being anglicized to Thomas at Ellis Island. Thomas was raised as a Christian in the Greek Orthodox church. She grew up in Detroit, Michigan, and attended Wayne University (now Wayne State University), graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English in 1942.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Rate Oui’s comment up so that it is the first comment. Without seeing the video clip, you don’t have a full understanding of what this event is about.
“The story of George Thomas typifies the story of so many Lebanese and Syrian immigrants who have become role-model Americans. Recently, people of Middle East ancestry have undergone tremendous bias in this country. This is the story of a man who is indicative of the positive elements of this fine culture. It is a tribute to all immigrants who become model Americans. I hope by repeating this story that we not only pay tribute to the wonderful Thomas family.”
Oakar read the article into the Record and the final paragraph makes me proud all over again of my parents, my upbringing and my career:
“I feel that my ethical standards for life came from my father. He gave me a strong sense of right and wrong — and all the guilt that comes with defying it. He gave me a sense of morality almost by osmosis. Every time I make a stand for integrity, I feel my father. My desire to become a better person comes from him. That’s why I’m always fighting about discrimination and civil rights and the people’s right to know. My father saw injustice around but I never heard him complain. He was not a man to upset the status quo. His children did that.”
I will always be in my parents’ debt, and yes, I’ve done what I could to upset the status quo when it needed upsetting, and yes, they will always be my role models.
From Powell’s books: Front Row at the White House: My Life and Times
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Just for the record, Tripoli is a Lebanese city, although when Helen Thomas’s father was born it would have been considered part of Syria.
It was offensive, but I don’t think I’m opening any new doors when I say that, had she told Palestinians to “get the hell out of Israel,” nobody would’ve so much as mentioned it in the American press.
It’s pretty amazing to me that the public stands for Israel’s bullshit. They killed an American in these raids, did they not? And do we not now have that former Marine who was beaten by the Israelis after they kidnapped him in international waters?
If that had been ordered by Ahmadinejad, there wouldn’t be a Tehran by the end of the week.
How amusing it is to watch the anti-Semites mourn the loss of esteem of the their fellow racist. I’m sure that all who posted here before me share her feeling that those damn Jews should have gone to the gas chambers and ovens in Germany and Poland.
Good riddance to another damn racist!
Ah, of course, anyone who recognizes Helen Thomas’s reporting on undoubtedly hundreds of subjects throughout her career is necessarily an anti-Semite who wishes all the Jews had gone to the gas chambers.
How did you get to this? She said that today (not 1945, but today) the Jews in Israel should go back where they came from (today). Unless, there is genocide going on in Germany and Poland today, she is not advocating that the Jews should have gone to the gas chambers and ovens in Germany and Poland.
Her ignorance of the origins of Jews currently in Israel can be condemned. Her conflation of the Israeli government, Israelis in general (including Muslim Israelis), and Jews can be condemned.
But the video clip issued by and you condemn her for something she never said in the clip. And never implied.
Whose priority has it been to conflate the Israeli government, Israelis in general (including Muslim Israelis), and Jews in order to play the anti-semite card against everyone who questions Israel’s absolute right to do whatever the hell it wants regardless of international law and standards of decency? I can’t shed any tears if Israel’s and AIPAC’s propaganda gets turned against them.
Highly offensive comment.
I’m sure that all who posted here before me share her feeling that those damn Jews should have gone to the gas chambers and ovens in Germany and Poland.
Not only did Ms. Thomas not express such sentiments. You then proceed to infer that prior posters have the same (non-existent) sentiments.
What the hell, mate? Was her comment tinging of antisemitism? Yes. Do I think she is an antisemite? Maybe, I don’t know; I doubt it, this isn’t a common trend with her like it is with Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Pat Buchanan.
She didn’t say just Germany and Poland, she also said America. Zionism is an Eurocentric nationalism, after all; the whole origins of it started on the idea that a land without a people is a people without a land. She’s basically saying this:
that pic, so perfectly and succinctly, sums up the problem.
“Was her comment tinging of antisemitism?“
No, it wasn’t, unless you buy the propaganda that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are the same thing. They are not. Anti-Zionism is opposition to a political ideology and the state that resulted from it. Anti-Semitism is directed at a people and/or at a religion. Helen Thomas’s remark was anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish.
Of course she said nothing of the kind. Crap like this, smearing all questioning of Zionism as anti-semitism, is what keeps the ME conficts threatening the peace of the world. And BTW, where exactly are these gas chambers and ovens in Germany and Poland that threaten the Jews today.
You have a lot more to be ashamed of than she does.
This was intended to answer Voice in the Wilderness’s comment above, the one calling everyone with any sympathy for Thomas racists.
There is one thing to notice about this whole firestorm–Ari Fleischer’s role in giving the video clip story legs. He finally gets his revenge.
The video itself accuses Helen Thomas of being a “Holocaust denier” just for saying that people currently in Israel should go back to Germany, Poland, America, where they came from. I miss the logic in that accusation.
And the Washington Times, classy as ever, headlines the story “Hag Gagged”.
It occurred to me that this is what James O’Keefe wants to achieve. Taking people down.
You see, an apology was not sufficient for the ADL. maybe because it was this:
and yet Pat Buchanan remains…
about Pat Buchanan.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thomas stepped over the line on this one as she’s stepped over the line more than once in her long career. The difference this time is that she dared enrage the AIPAC/Israel propaganda machine. Sadly and ironically, the orchestrated overreaction will have two effects. It will briefly stifle fair criticism of Israel, and it will strengthen real anti-semitism by legitimizing the poisonous mythology about the Jewish conspiracy that controls the media. Nice going.
Were Thomas’s remarks insensitive? Of course they were. Were they uniquely so to the extent that there would have been a similar reaction had they been directed at any other group? No. They’d have been barely noticed. This is not without reason: the Holocaust still stands alone in the world’s consciousness as the ultimate nightmare about the deepest depths of human depravity. One does not take it lightly without paying a price.
Unfortunately Israel/AIPAC and allies routinely get away with doing just that: co-opting the Holocaust brand to market their own claim to endless impunity. I think what lay behind Thomas’s remark was frustration with a simple fact: that after 6 decades, the Israel/Palestine situation remains the inflamed boil that threatens to burst and drown the whole world in fire. Israel has shown that its goal is to maintain that status quo indefinitely. At some point the rest of the world will have to face up to a terrible and unanswerable question: at what point do we step in and declare this experiment a hopeless failure?
um… Michael Richards made more than just ”racially-insensitive comments” — he went on an angry hateful tirade, a verbal lynching, if you will. Personally, it was some of the most racist, vile stuff I have ever heard.
That is quite a contrast to a ninety-year old woman with middle-eastern roots expressing an opinion, albeit extreme, about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.