From time to time (usually, once a month) I ask readers to make a contribution to the upkeep of the Frog Pond. Ordinarily, this is just enough to keep the server humming and the place afloat. But the time has come to do some upgrading. I am losing out on some revenue opportunities because I haven’t had the money to hire a programmer to fix certain glitches and make things around here compatible with new advertising platforms. Our RSS feed has been messed up forever and I can’t seem to figure out how to fix it. I really want to upgrade to a newer form of SCOOP. And the place just needs a bit of an overhaul.

Do you remember our coffee mugs? They have the Frog Pond logo on the front and the “We Won’t Rest Until They’re Frog-Marched Out” motto on the back. In an effort to raise a little more money than usual this month so that I can spiff the place up and take advantage of a new revenue opportunity, I’ll send a vintage Frog Pond coffee mug (with free shipping) to the first thirty next 16 12 11 4 people who make a contribution of $50 or more this month. If you want it shipped to a different address than your PayPal account, leave a note in your contribution or shoot me an email. They’re good mugs and they’ll remind you of good times, but it’s really about helping us continue to do what we do here. All donations, no matter how small, are always valued and appreciated. I’m lucky to have a great bunch of readers and supporters. So, thank you all, for all you do!!