I saw something happen in my state last night that beggars belief. And yet it was not a figment of my imagination, not some nightmare that evaporates in the sunshine of a new morning. My state went crazy last night.
Rick Lazio is an extremely conservative NY Republican politician. When he ran against Hillary for the Senate he accused her of every political sin you can think of, plus a few more you probably cannot. Yet somehow this nutcase beat him like a drum for the GOP nomination for Governor.
Carl Paladino — a millionaire developer who has acknowledged forwarding racist and sexist emails, who has proposed turning empty prisons into dormitory space for welfare recipients, and whose state party didn’t even want him on the ballot — has won the Republican gubernatorial nomination in New York. […]
In April, Paladino acknowledged forwarding emails including images of bestiality and derogatory characterizations of President Obama, including one offering a video clip of African tribesmen dancing that characterized the video as “Obama Inauguration Rehearsal.”
The Tea-Party backed candidate reportedly sent an e-mail depicting a horse having sex with a woman and another that included a pornographic video and the headline “Miss France 2008 F[***]ing.” He also reportedly sent out an e-mail depicting President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama as a pimp and prostitute and one showing an airplane landing near black men with the caption “Holy Sh*t. run ni**ers, run!”
Paladino also made headlines for saying last month, as the Associated Press reported, that “he would transform some New York prisons into dormitories for welfare recipients, where they could work in state-sponsored jobs, get employment training and take lessons in ‘personal hygiene.'” The program, he said, would be voluntary.
He waded into the debate over the proposed Islamic cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero, going even further than many other Republicans by suggesting he would invoke eminent domain laws to block what he calls a symbol of “conquest.” He believes global warming is a “farce.” He has what one New York tabloid called a “10-year-old love child.” If the state budget is late, he promises to shut down the government. He defended a friend who called New York Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver, an Orthodox Jew, “an Antichrist or a Hitler.”
That’s some nasty crapola on anyone’s resume, much less a potential governor of one of the most populated states in the country. In normal times he would have gotten maybe 10% of the votes cast in the GOP primary at best. However, these are obviously not normal times.
At one point he trailed Lazio by 40 percentage points. Yet, Paladino’s had 62% of the votes cast to Lazio’s 38% last night. Here’s the Grey Lady’s take on his victory:
Mr. Paladino’s platform calls for cutting taxes by 10 percent in six months, eliminating cherished public pensions for legislators, and using eminent domain to prevent the construction of a mosque and community center near ground zero. Those proposals could make Mr. Cuomo’s farthest-reaching reform ideas seem meek by comparison.
The sweeping agenda caught fire with Republicans, especially those far from New York City and distrustful of the party’s moderate wing. […]
A businessman who made millions in real estate in the Buffalo area, Mr. Paladino entered the race in April and mustered only 8 percent of the party’s support at its convention in May, after reports of his e-mails drew condemnation from Republican and Democratic leaders alike.
But with Roger J. Stone Jr., the flamboyant former Nixon operative, advising him, he circumvented the party leadership, petitioned his way onto the primary ballot by collecting 30,000 signatures and quietly cobbled together a coalition of disaffected groups.
In Orchard Park, a Buffalo suburb, Darryl Radt, who described himself as a regular primary voter, said he had come to the American Legion post to vote for Mr. Paladino “because he’s mad as hell and so am I.”
Ron Wojcik, 67, a retiree, said he was frustrated with Albany and Washington and wanted someone different. “I want somebody who’s honest and hasn’t been sucked into the system already,” Mr. Wojcik said. “The system always seems to change people.”
Chris Matthews said last night on Rachel Maddow’s show that Paladino has a chance to defeat the very popular NY Attorney General and democratic candidate, Andrew Cuomo on election night this November. I don’t think that’s possible, but then I never though Lazio would lose so easily to Paladino, either. My record on political forecasting is not good.
The mere fact that Paladino won at all is astonishing. But somehow he garnered 62% of the votes cast by Republicans voting in New York’s GOP primary with the record he had as a bigot, racist and overall loose cannon, and despite the NY Republican party’s official endorsement and support of Lazio. I find that result this morning unbelievable (and that’s an understatement).
If Democrats and moderates stay home and don’t vote this Fall, and only “angry as hell white” voters turn out at the polls, I can imagine a Paladino victory. I don’t expect that to happen, but then I never expected Paladino had a snow ball’s chance in hell of beating Lazio, either, especially after watching Paladino’s campaign up close and personal here in Western NY.
And if progressives don’t turn out across the country to support Democrats, we are likely to see a lot of crazy people walking the halls of Congress next year. I don’t agree with Booman on every issue but right now even a Blue Dog Democrat looks a lot better to me than the Sharron Angles, Rand Pauls and Christine O’Donnells of the Tea Party universe.
It’s beginning to look like the Tea Party is the Republican Party with Glenn Beck as its guiding spirit and Sarah Palin as its king-making Mama Bear. That’s a very toxic combination. In effect, even very conservative Republicans like Lisa Murkowski are considered “too liberal” to the new GOP base, who likes their candidates raw and unfiltered.
When the GOP establishment and corporate lobbyists used Dick Armey’s Freedomworks to begin manufacturing all this white rage against Obama last year, I doubt the GOP leadership ever expected that the Hate Train they started rolling down would roll over them, too. However, as more and more “Tea Party Appproved” candidates defeat candidates chosen by the Republican establishment it would appear that their grip on power over their own party is tenuous at best.
Like the rest of us they are riding the whirlwind they created, that Fox News nurtured and that is now spreading wildfires of anger, bigottry and disruption throughout the American political landscape. I suspect the Republican Establishment already rues the day that they conceived of this “Monster of Irrational Ire” that now threatens to consume our politics in vitriol and mindless scapegoating of anyone who does not share their core beliefs.
The only question is who they hate the the most: Obama? Muslims? Blacks? Gays? Hispanics? Liberals? “Big Guvment” and its bureaucrats? Teachers? Scientists? The Republican Establishment? All of the above?
We are now far outside the bounds of any political movement this country has seen since the Know-Nothing Party of the 1850’s or the apex of the Klu Klux Klan’s influence and power in the 1920’s. Those groups arose by appealing to racist and anti-immigrant sentiments and they are the only comparable movements to which I can compare the modern day Tea Party movement.
For at its heart, the Tea Party feeds on the anger and blind rage of its self-identified members against anyone who is not like them. The beliefs they hold are often inconsistent and contradictory, but the hate they share for “people not like me” is what binds the movement together.
And hate is never a good basis for a political movement in any country. Hate defies reason and rejects the legitimacy of those who are despised and thus designated the enemy. For that is what hatred brings to the table: one’s political opponents are not merely wrong they are evil. They are conspiring to do you and your family and friends harm. Hate thus justifies any tactic, any strategy, any rhetoric and any action which harms one’s enemies. Hate ignores the rule of law and respect for the dignity of other human beings. Hate is literally blinding.
Hate after 9/11 led many during the Bush era to approve of torture and violations of our Constitutional rights. And today that same hatred feeds the growth and influence of the amoeba like Tea Party Movement.
In hard times radical movements thrive and may even gain control of entire nations. It happened in Russia in 1917, in Italy in the twenties, Germany and Spain in the thirties, China and Argentina in the late forties. It appears to be happening in America today. The only questions are how far will the “Tea Party” go, how much impact it will have on our politics and whether it is the precursor to something even worse in our future?
The Tea Party is the most radical major political movement I have seen in my lifetime. Considering the times in which we live and the economic condition in which we find ourselves, we ignore it and its extremist message of unmitigated rage against a rational and reasoned political discourse at our peril.
your state didn’t go crazy, but its republicans sure did.
also of note, and mentioned in comments to Booman’s late-night article: Lazio’s deep, abiding, and lucrative ties to wall street came out in a big way earlier this year. The teabaggers claim to hate wall street bailouts, and with Lazo “a wall street creature” that HAD to hurt him.
i’m with booman though (for once): it’s disturbing (but also funny).
I’m not laughing. Maybe if the Dems retain control of Congress I’ll laugh, but not right now.
This is the type of business Paladino operates:
I have worked with a lot of real estate developers when I practiced law and as a general rule they are some of the slimiest business people you will ever meet.
Can anyone in NY comment on whether they saw any commercials for Paladino or Lazio? Did Lazio have any money? Maybe Republicans in NY were just stick of retread candidates that already got crushed in the GE by Democrats?
I saw (and heard) a lot of Paladino commercials. Hardly any from Lazio.
Paladino was in the news constantly, but always for negative reasons.
So he’s a small-time grifter looking to move up in the world. What else is new? Sounds like he’s well prepared for to be governor.
brendan is right – it isn’t that your state has gone crazy, it’s that your state’s Republican Party is dysfunctional. If your state were a majority Republican state I’d be worried, but it isn’t.
That doesn’t mean that Dems in NY should be complacent – GOTV is going to be more important than ever – but you shouldn’t despair too much about your fellow NY staters – most of them had no dog in the race last night.
If these numbers are correct, then the analysis over here is kind of instructive:
(emphasis in the original)
So it’s going to be up to Cuomo’s campaign to shine some sunshine onto the nutter and show how nutty it is, and it’s going to be up to organizers to GOTV for Cuomo. Hopefully Cuomo takes it seriously, doesn’t do anything to depress voter turnout for himself, and the organizers in the field take it seriously. But it isn’t a reason to sink into despair beyond the typical “OMG we have a two-party system in this country and one of those parties is completely broken”, but that’s been true for at least a few decades at this point so it’s more of an ongoing depression than a sudden bit of despair…
“So it’s going to be up to Cuomo’s campaign to shine some sunshine onto the nutter and show how nutty it is, and it’s going to be up to organizers to GOTV for Cuomo.
THAT should not be hard at all. balloon juice has a link to the images from paladino’s nasty emails, which include shots of a woman fucking a horse and what looks like a B1 bomber attacking black people with the caption “run niggers run”.
a few ads calling attention to that, and paladino’s as dead as specter was when Sestak tied his grizzled old ass to Bush.
I’m in NY as well. The political landscape is starting to look like a Sinclair Lewis novel.
I suspect the Republican Establishment already rues the day that they conceived of this “Monster of Irrational Ire” that now threatens to consume our politics in vitriol and mindless scapegoating of anyone who does not share their core beliefs.
Really? If so, what defines the Republican establishment. I thought the Koch brothers are Republican establishment. And the TradMed encourages it because they don’t call the bullshit out. So they are in on this too.
I think there’s a difference – some rich guys who don’t care for laws, Palladino and the Koch brothers, for example, are funding the tea partiers and getting the republican slots on the ballots. problem for republicans is the funders aren’t accountable to anyone except themselves. obviously distressing to the party regulars, as we see with Rove’s reaction to DE vote. well, it’s the prev admin’s lawlessness and Mccain’s choice of a lawless running mate (and the fact that bush-cheney and co were just in it for what they could skim off the us gov, they didn’t build a party structure or prepare for a successor or think anything about the usa’s future).
I’ve seen those e-mails at work! I didn’t realize it was an organized effort. Teabaggers are crazy but so were (unnamed German right-wing group whose name is forbidden). If they win and the Capitol is burnt, watch out!
Not only are the email campaigns organized, but some of the crazy emails have been written by paid communication consultants hired to, in Ralph Reed’s words, “Stir up the crazies.”
No crazier than the rest of the country, Steven. In fact, if “crazy” can establish a ruling majority in any culture or state, it ceases to be considered crazy in that system and instead becomes the norm.
I have been saying the following for a couple of months now. We are facing a tidal wave of white, working class and middle class voters at the moment. They are frightened of losing what little they still posess to further economic troubles and they are also frightened of the poor…read people of color…who will work for less because they have less “stuff” to pay off. Less debt and lower expectations as well.
Call them crazy at your own risk.
Our own risk.
Obama said that he was going to make things better. He has failed to do so quickly enough Why? Of course he was opposed every step of the way by the right wing, but there’s more to be said.
He failed to successfully attack the real root of our problems, corporate greed on every level, and thus he has failed in the eyes of these people. Many of them simply did not vote in 2010. Others voted for Obama not because they were disgusted at BushCo’s policies but rather because they were appalled at…and personally threatened by…the rank incompetence and total dishonesty with which they were pursued.
Now they are all going to vote.
Unless something drastic happens…like a real fighting spirit out of the Obama administration, like frog marching a number of mega-criminals of the Rove/Bush/Cheney/Wall Street level across the airwaves on charges of treason and/or theft…then this rightward movement threatens to succeed in electing Sarah Palin as president in 2012.
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
From which perspective.
From the perspective of the Republican voters of NY State, an historically centrist group as a whole?
Apparently not.
If NY can nominate Paladino…hoo boy!!! Just imagine what the real right wing states are going to do.
Stop scoffing at these people. There are simply too many of them. Try to reach them, instead.
Remember…in a dishonest society, the honest man is considered to be a criminal.
And in an insane society, the sane man is looked upon as crazy.
We may have crossed the border into endemic insanity now. But telling the insane “Awwwwww, go fuck yourselves. Yer nuts!!!” is not generally considered to be a good therapeutic approach.
Especially when they have the numbers and the guns.
Past tense: Have done.
Jim DeMint
Joe Wilson
Virginia Foxx
Sue Myrick
Louis Goehmert
Paul Broun
Tom Coburn
Jan Brewer
…just for starters.
i’m with you AG.
Your internal calendar is off. Obama was elected in 2008, not 2010. This is the second comment of yours I’ve seen with this timing error.
I am dysnumeric.
I fight with it. Sometimes I lose.
So it goes.
Another party imploded in 1812:
What is striking about the 1850s and the 1920s is the incompetence of the majority party in dealing with the crises that faced the nation as the minority party imploded. It is also instructive that all three of these imploded parties were defeated when they were perceived as disloyal and parochial. Even though it took a couple of decades to do it. And the partisan divisiveness in all three cases was aggravated by the polemical tone in the media of the day.
So ask yourself why Obama and Co. aren’t reacting to it swiftly enough? And doing enough to stem the tide, so to speak.
They lack the chops to do so, Calvin.
The fighting spirit.
He compromised his way to the top. It’s what he does, and it is what he does best.
But when there is no longer any “compromise” possible…he’s simply never been there before.
So it goes.
Live by the (lack of a) sword, die by the same problem.
Bringing rhetoric to a knife fight doesn’t ever cut it.
The closest thing to the tea party is the apartheid era Afrikaner parties of South Africa. Its essentially a racism driven movement about wanting the government to only respond to and look out for the interests of whites. The particularly curious American wrinkle to all this is the astroturfing of the party by the billionaires like the Kochs which keeps things from veering towards the populist/socialist direction. Again, its not really like the Know-nothing party or KKK because the tea party actually doesn’t want the welfare state dismantled- in fact their economic insecurity makes them want it even more. Because many of the leaders and funders do want the welfare state/post-war consensus dismantled, this rarely ever gets communicated effectively.
Also, in this day and age, voicing that you want a welfare state just for whites is frowned upon in polite society, so it doesn’t really get expressed.
By the numbers.
Afrikaners were a tiny minority in a position of almost totally militarily-enforced power over a huge majority.
The Tea Party (and its tacit supporters) quite conceivably comprises the largest single voting bloc in the US right now. If demographics are any indication…and I believe that they are…blue collar and middle class whites are the largest population percentage in the nation. And they vote!
really? Afrikan have been historically about 15-20% of the South African population. Numbers aren’t really the point. The Tea Party in many respects is something new. If we’re grasping for analogies, I think its one that should be in the mix.
“Historically”, eh?
From when?
Pre-Boer War days?
I think not.
Whose “historically”, exactly?
And…who was counting?
Starting when?
Abolished slavery.
Yeah. And replaced it with apartheid.
I do not believe even the current numbers. Too many people uncounted in the vast shantytowns.
Who’s counting?
Last time I was in Johannesburg…2 summers ago…my own estimate wouldn’t go much higher that 10%-12% population of non-African lineage. And that’s in a city where you would expect the percentages to be higher than almost anywhere else in the country.
Numbers lie.
Bet on it.
disagree – those who set up Apartheid were the center of the white power structure; this is, as I comment above, being funded by wealthy scumbags outside the previous governmental structures.
you are missing something, and I think it explains why you (and the GOP) didn’t see lazio’s defeat.
the tea party wing of the GOP (and that is what they are, republicans, an they should ALWAYS be identified as such) feels as strongly as many left wing democrats do that the party has sold them out. but it’s worse for them: their establishment lost congress in 2006 and went on to lose the presidency in 2008. with that kind of record, would YOU be interested in who they endorsed? It’s a shame they are so ignorant and uninformed, because they are nominating dangerous charlatans and unelectable idiots, but i don’t see it as that that much different from left-wing democrats refusing to accept the Party’s nomination of Arlen Specter or challenging incumbents like Al Wynn, except we’re not crazed and ignorant.
i certainly agree that the GOP rues the day they created their Monster. they unleashed the Mob and now it’s going to take over and ultimately destroy their party.
well .. some Democrats are ignorant .. How else did Alvin Greene win in South Carolina.
Truth be told, no one knows how Alvin Greene won the primary in South Carolina. There is the first name on the ballot theory, the “Greene with an ‘e’ signals African-American” theory, the Republican crossover theory, and the random pattern theory. Or a combination of all of them. What is striking is that he won in 43 of SC’s 46 counties, but not systematically enough to suspect election fraud in the voting machines.
The stupidity in South Carolina was not seeing him as a serious candidate enough to turn out the vote in a primary. We might be able to catch some Blue Dogs napping that way in 2012 or Republicans in “safe districts” this year.
In a primary, why would you vote for someone you’ve never heard of? I surely don’t.
Because voting is your duty.
Folks do it all the time for judges in states like NC that have elected judges. If you don’t vote, that has an effect too.
I’m not saying anything other than no one has a convincing explanation for why he won the primary except that it had something to do with the low turnout.
I certainly hope that you are right.
there is no question they rue the day: the NRSC just abandoned Delaware as lost. Once ads featuring Paladino’s horse-fucking porno emails hit the air (or something similar) he’ll be toast too.
as for destroying the party, i’d be careful what you wish for. i live in Philadelphia, a de facto one-party town, and the corruption is VILE. there is no check.
Sure there’s a check.
Just where it’s always been.
Just where it’s always been.
Bet on it.
Rizzo’s gone and ain’t coming back. Bob Brady(who Boo and Brendan know all too well) is the Dem. party head in Philly … even he doesn’t have the power he might have at one time .. what happens now is just inertia.
The attitude lives on though. Betcha.
Who’s the head grifter now?
I get your surprise, I wasn’t but that may be precisely because I don’t know the state’s ins and outs and just figure that the last vestiges of NY (where I live) Republicans are crazier than Lazio is willing to account for.
At any rate, you say “If Democrats and moderates stay home and don’t vote this Fall, and only “angry as hell white” voters turn out at the polls, I can imagine a Paladino victory.” Except, we saw a better turn out for a less important (AG) election in the same state. I know that statewide registered Dems outnumber Republicans by 5.5 million to 3 million but the turnout looks comparable to me.
I am just not seeing that Dems are “sitting it out”, and I keep asking for someone here to prove me wrong.
I just can’t believe we’re that dumb. We just elected Obama. I’m not THAT pessimistic about the American people. I am THAT pessimistic about the powers that be, which, however pliant people like O’Donnell may be, are NOT the same as her or even Bible Spice. They do have that going for them as personalities. Of course, the new faces on the right seek a simple restoration of the imagined status quo where our current crisis never happened, with themselves as the elites, but at least for the moment there is obvious truth the the fact that the right is at war with itself.
Hate comes from anger. Anger is often most acute with respect to insults to our self-love. Base conservatives have endured two colossal insults to their amour-propre: The implosion of the Bush presidency and the end of America’s fleeting “unipolar” moment. They are desperate for a world-picture where they were not willing dupes of these catastrophes. Hence the childish and hateful ideology. The sudden irrelevance of the white, reactionary base is precisely what is driving their fanaticism. This movement is not racing towards anything but straight down a cliff. I just think America is too diverse to witness a 30’s style fall into fascism. Yes, they may be useful idiots for a season, and assist in causing all kinds of mischief. But these people are shut-in losers. They are not America. Their anger comes from the fact that America has already passed them by. I think this is very different from the 1930s.
I don’t get it..
Politicians are not the evil geniuses, they are just salesmen.
If the marketing team from the Tulsa office makes the sale and the team from Boston does not.. Isn’t the sale still made?
If the tea party is damaging anyone, it is the actual individual establishment pols and their families since they are somewhat economically damaged by losing office.
The policy is the same. One team just wasn’t getting the job done, so send in Team Tea Party.
But their BOSSES still get their policies enacted, just by different pitchmen this time.
Lazio was a mutli-loser. Since every GOPer in NYC knows whoever they choose will get crushed, they voted against Lazio instead of for Paladino.
Anyhow more generally I think the problem has to be that Dems don’t hate enough. The single over-riding connection of the GOP is hatred of liberals and all they’ve done. It means they think we’re illegitimate when we win. That’s a brilliant position, and I think lefties should adopt it because we’d actually be right about them. Appeals to reason might be noble but they’ve never EVER worked in politics. You need passion and emotion, tribalism as it were. Hate is a part of that whether we like it or not.