Harry Reid is about as popular as an antibiotic-resistant case of chlamydia, so I fail to see why he thinks it is helpful to repeatedly refer to Delaware senate candidate Chris Coons as ‘my pet.’
“I’m going to be very honest with you — Chris Coons, everybody knows him in the Democratic caucus. He’s my pet. He’s my favorite candidate,” Reid said.
“Let me tell you about him: A graduate of Yale Divinity School. Yale Law School. A two-time national debate champion. He represents two-thirds of the state now, in an elected capacity. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen him or heard him speak, but he is a dynamic speaker. I don’t mean loud or long; he’s a communicator. So that’s how I feel about Delaware. I’ve always thought Chris Coons is going to win. I told him that and I tried to get him to run. I’m glad he’s running. I just think the world of him. He’s my pet.”
Coons is probably going to win this race in a walk, but Reid just handed O’Donnell a giant baseball bat she’ll use to make sure that Coons has his man-pants on.
Eh – I don’t see it having much impact. Of course O’Donnell will use it in attack ads, but my guess is Delaware voters just don’t care much about some dumb thing Harry Reid said. Besides, it’s kind of funny.
It’s the Blair is Bush’s poodle attack. It’s potent.
Not even close. You’re talking about two heads of state and the biggest foreign policy disaster of our generation. This is a Senator from the other side of the country with a rep for being a goof saying dunderhead things about a well-liked county executive. Most general election voters barely know who Harry Reid is, let alone care about his bad jokes.
Besides, can’t Reid get at least a little love today? The guy promised DREAM Act and DADT repeal next week, for goodness sakes.
Okay, fair enough on giving Reid a break.
What’s there left to argue about?
I don’t know. The real political action in this country is happening within the Republican Party. And that action is definitely based on punishing Republicans who voted for TARP or the stimulus or who have served on the appropriations committee. It is definitely about the budget deficit. It’s anti-federal spending.
Is it the middle of the country? No. But it’s where the action is. It’s what is costing politicians their jobs. So, I don’t disagree with it, either.
I don’t really disagree with what Digby is saying, but I think she’s lamenting the situation more than disagreeing that it is the situation.
madden’s got his head lodged so far up his ass he can watch himself floss. really, “the great middle of the american political spectrum”…give me a break.
look at the numbers…and l’m assuming the rude one did his home work:
the delaware dems will have to fall into a catatonic stupor for the next 6 weeks for this nut job to win.
reid should just stfu and concentaste on beating his own nut job opponent.
should he prevail, and frankly there’s no valid reason he shouldn’t, he should resign as majority leader or face an ugly replacement battle for the position.
the dems need to change things up, and soon.
Initial reaction to Coons vs. O’Donnell…(from a right-wing nut job’s perspective)
Utter Disaster…because I am desperate to see Mitch to take Harry’s gavel. We just went from a 7 point underdog (in the Senate), to a 14 point underdog.
But…I’ve never seen anything like this…
Who knows?
Here’s a better question. Okay. You want Mitch McConnell to be Majority Leader. I guess I can kind of understand that. But, at any cost? Would you really vote for O’Donnell if you lived in Delaware? Are you anti-masturbation and pro-faking your resume? Do you trust people who search their bushes at night for hidden liberals?
How about Rand Paul, who opposes the federal ban on desegregated lunch counters? Is that the kind of guy you want making public policy?
How about Ken Buck, who says you should vote for him because he doesn’t wear hi-heels? Is that the kind of attitude you want in your representatives in Washington?
How about the World Wrestling lady in Connecticut? Are you for the use of anabolic steroids and the ruthless exploitation of athletes for profit?
Or Mark Kirk in Illinois, who can’t seem to tell the truth about his personal biography? Do you trust people who embellish their resumes?
How about Rubio in Florida, who used the GOP credit card to fix his minivan and shop for his kids clothes? Do you trust people who steal?
Now, you might want certain conservative policies to be enacted and you might want to prevent certain liberal policies from becoming law. I respect that. But what about this slate of losers?
A Senate filled with kooks, cranks, and crooks isn’t going to be good for the country. Being in power has a way of making people crooked. When they’re crooked before they get there? That’s not a good recipe.
We have a few problems on our side, too. I’m not saying that the Democrats don’t have a few kooks and crooks. We’ve got one Senate candidate with a resume-padding problem. But, on the whole, do you really want McConnell to take over the Senate so badly that you’d support these people?
Your argument is logical, but that assumes voters will hear your arguments. With our media?