So, it’s come to this. This is the state of our politics. Sarah Palin’s husband sent the following email after Alaskan Senate candidate Joe Miller refused to say that Sarah was qualified to be president.
Joe and Tim,
Hold off on any letter for Joe. Sarah put her ass on the line for Joe and yet he can’t answer a simple question ” is Sarah Palin Qualified to be President”. I DON’T KNOW IF SHE IS.
Joe, please explain how this endorsement stuff works, is it to be completely one sided.
Sarah spent all morning working on a Face book post for Joe, she won’t use it, not now.
Put yourself in her shoe’s Joe for one day.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Here’s a tip. Spending your whole morning working on a Facebook post doesn’t qualify you to be president, nor does spending two seconds deliberating before making endorsements of candidates. I’ve done both of those things and I’m not qualified to be president.
Well, Sarah is DEFINITELY qualified to be President.
Of the PTA.
For a School for the Willfully Ignorant Teabaggers.
(mascot: Tardly O’Bigot).
So yeah, “qualified”. “Certifiable”, too.
What have you got against the PTA?
Perhaps, in his quest to reduce the size of government, he sees the office of president as a quaint anachronism. Presidents are so 2008.
It’s a minor sign, Boo, but I take your NOT apostrophizing plurals to be a sign that you are qualified.
I do that shit all the time. I don’t even read my stuff until after I post it.
The “qualified to be President” argument is pretty thin. The Constitution requires only two things. The third (14-year residency) was a temporary provision.
There might be the argument that Palin is not a prudent choice for President. That seems a slam dunk. But then Presidents who are not prudent choices seem to be endemic to the US system of government — Buchanan and Bush readily come to mind. And Presidents who might not have seemed prudent when elected as President or Vice-President have turned out to be better than expected – Teddy Roosevelt and Harry Truman are examples.
Sorry, Tarheel, gotta disagree.
When you apply for a job they expect you to have certain qualifications. She doesn’t have any of the qualifications you want in an executive officer. None.
There’s a difference between “doesn’t qualify” and “we don’t want you” – the qualifications for president are outlined in the Constitution, and by those qualifications (as far as we know – we haven’t seen her papers, as Snarki notes above) she qualifies. Using the job analogy someone might technically qualify for the minimum requirements, but if they lack the experience that they would need to be effective in the job then they still wouldn’t get an interview, but it wouldn’t be because they didn’t meet the minimum qualifications (“Is she qualified?”).
In other words, this is a losing line of argumentation – of course she’s qualified (technically) to hold the office of POTUS, and of course she should never come within a million miles of holding that office.
I don’t understand this line of argument. She’s ‘eligible’ to be president. She’s not qualified.
I’m simply saying that such a line of argument will inevitible lead to splitting those hairs – any time that you assert that she’s not qualified to be POTUS someone will point to the Constitutional qualifications. Seeing how that reinforces the teabaggers’ frame I’d avoid that line of argument. There are a million other ways to put The Quittah From Wasilla in context, I’d avoid this one about “qualified.”
eligible not qualified – yes.
Now I agree with the conclusion that she should never come anywhere near the “football”.
But if there are qualifications, like there are for other jobs, what exactly are they. And how does she not meet them. In formal terms, she’s had political experience. That deals with a qualification not in the Constitution.
Yes, she quit two years into her term as governor. That just means that she’s a poor worker, not that she’s unqualified.
I just think the colloquial “not qualified to be” argument depends so much on subjectivity to be a poor argument why (1) she should not run and (2) she should not be allowed to win. It convinces only those already convinced.
Probably not effective wording, but I’m not sure what you’re on about, exactly. “Qualified” is a political judgment, not some HR boilerplate crap. She’s not qualified because she’s dumb as dirt and a pathetic con artist to boot. Being snatched up by a dirty old man is the only reason she’s not just another Alaskan freak show. It doesn’t “qualify” her to be president or anything else that requires a brain.
How sure are we really that Palin wasn’t born in Outer Canukistan?
Her parents have admitted to slipping over the border regularly to get some of that socialized-medicine goodness for their kids, does that extend to delivery?
We need to see the birth certificate. Certified! Long form! Attention must be paid! Fonts must be examined with care!
Is she really a Christian or a member of an African anti-witch cult?
If she can see Russia, have the Russkies gotten to her and turned her into a [scary music] “Manchurian candidate”?
She just raises more and more questions. We don’t know who she really is.
anyone seen it? she attended what, 6 colleges? anyone seen the diploma?
I think it was three colleges.
But the sudden “drop out, move to a new campus” smells like a repeated case of “boy trouble” + “quickie abortion” + “move to a new place”.
I think there are reasons that Sarah never released any medical records in 2008.
don’t agree – I think it’s the quitter mentality; probably had to choose a major and take some “hard” required courses. that’s why I suspect no diploma
Imagine for a minute if this email was written by Michelle Obama to a pol that Obama endorsed?
There would be an outcry from FoxNews and the wingnuts, and even the supposed “liberal” press.
The double standards that this woman gets is blaring!
No doubt the daily show and colbert will be making up versions of this epic and now censored facebook endorsement:
Jim Miller IS THE ROXORZZ!!!
Jim Miller once ripped out the jugular of a murderous wolf with his bare teeth!
Jim Miller never let the socialist tyranny tell him what to do with his unemployment checks for his wife!! That’s his own tax money coming back at him!
If it takes you an entire morning to put together a Facebook post, you’re not even qualified to run a Facebook group, much less an entire country.
pitiful grifters, both of them. those blue AK blogs are doing good work.
So… that sort of implies that Todd/Sarah wanted an endorsement of her running for president, besides that Miller fumbled his answer?