So, it’s come to this. This is the state of our politics. Sarah Palin’s husband sent the following email after Alaskan Senate candidate Joe Miller refused to say that Sarah was qualified to be president.

Joe and Tim,

Hold off on any letter for Joe. Sarah put her ass on the line for Joe and yet he can’t answer a simple question ” is Sarah Palin Qualified to be President”. I DON’T KNOW IF SHE IS.

Joe, please explain how this endorsement stuff works, is it to be completely one sided.

Sarah spent all morning working on a Face book post for Joe, she won’t use it, not now.

Put yourself in her shoe’s Joe for one day.


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Here’s a tip. Spending your whole morning working on a Facebook post doesn’t qualify you to be president, nor does spending two seconds deliberating before making endorsements of candidates. I’ve done both of those things and I’m not qualified to be president.