Why is Pat Toomey spending money to advertise on nearly every liberal blog?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
He’s not. It’s just that the ads go on wherever your local IP is. For example, on YouTube, I have ads against Rick Boucher. Over at Balloon Juice, I have ads supporting Tom Perriello.
Ah, okay, that makes sense.
As long as you have computer bleach, click on all the Toomey ads. It’ll drain his campaign even a little. The money should go to the blogs you read(I hope!!).
yeah, his shit is everywhere on PA blogs.
and man does he suck. I realize sestak’s down right now, but I hope like hell he crushes Toomey with the same kind of last-minute ad campaign he used on specter.
OT, but didn’t someone post about this bill today? Well looks like the Pres won’t be signing it.
Why President Obama is Not Signing H.R. 3808
good news. definitely good news
What’s in the bill? It sounds innocuous enough. I thought every state recognized other states notaries anyway. i.e. I had my mortgage documents notarized in Illinois (each of 80 pages) then mailed them to Texas. Is it another misnomer like “Clean Air Act” that actually increases pollution? And doesn’t each state respect the other’s commercial driver’s licenses? it sounds like that, although titles can be deceptive.
The deal is digital documents with digital signatures and no guarantees the the originator (1) actually saw the document being signed or (2) actually is the notary stated on the document. And if neither of these turns out to be the case, the mortgagee winds up paying extra legal fees in order to show that the mortgage document is bogus.
It’s a computer authentication and non-repudiation problems. As well as a violation of due process.
Ah! Thank you very much. In our zeal to e-<everything> we mustn’t forget the security and fraud aspects. It’s not like a person gets a mortgage every day like a day-trader buys stock on line.
My question back.
Sestak has an ad (or web ad) that compares Pat Toomey to Rick Santorum. Is Santorum now that unpopular in PA that this ad will work?
It also links in Toomey to Sarah Palin and is pro-choice. Can a pro-choice candidate for Senate win in PA?
Specter was pro-choice.
A pro-choice Democrat hasn’t been elected to a full-term in the Senate from Pennsylvania since before Roe v. Wade was decided.
However, Arlen Specter is pro-choice, and so was Tom Ridge when he was governor.
It’s fair to say that you win statewide office and be pro-choice.
I’ll trade you pro-Toomey ads for anti-Feingold ads.