I must be the rare progressive in the middle of the debate over Jack Conway’s Aqua Buddha Gambit. Sure, it’s appalling. But the other side is waging a stealth campaign that has convinced a fifth of the country that the president is a Muslim who wasn’t even born in this country and is therefore not entitled to the position he holds. We would be within our rights to just start saying that Mitch McConnell is a Hindu who hates Jesus and practices Satanism to prove it. That would be dishonest, but, hey, we didn’t start this.

So, I am appalled by Conway’s decision to make an issue out of Rand Paul’s college-days’ atheism, but I don’t wanna hear any Republicans complaining about it either. At least Conway is telling the truth, and if the people of Kentucky want to vote for a guy who used to belong to a secret society that mocked Jesus, that’s their right. Personally, that’s the last thing on my list of concerns about Rand Paul.