Here’s an idea. Maybe I should leave a message in Ginni Thomas’s voicemail that goes something like this:
“Good morning Ginni Thomas, I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of what your husband did in that whole Bush v. Gore thing.”
“That little decision, which was afraid of its own logic (“Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances, for the problem of equal protection in election processes generally presents many complexities”), gave us a twenty-seven percent increase in our debt as a percentage of GDP, nearly 5,000 dead coalition soldiers in Iraq, and brought on a near-total collapse of the global economy that has cost us millions of jobs. This country began torturing people and detaining them on false pretenses.
“So give it some thought. And certainly pray about this and hope that one day you will help us understand why your husband did what you did. O.K., have a good day.”
Also, too, if it was you who put the pubic hair on your husband’s can of Coca-Cola, you should probably apologize for that, too.
I didn’t believe this at first–I thought it was fake. I mean, why would she write such an awful thing?
I momentarily forgot that people can indeed be that cruel.
And…uh…by “write” I mean “say.”
“”I did place a call to Ms. Hill at her office extending an olive branch to her after all these years, in hopes that we could ultimately get past what happened so long ago.”
that wasn’t an olive branch, that was a demand for an apology.
Ginni Thomas is a fucking piece of shit.
conservatives really can’t tell the difference — it’s republican bipartisanship in action!
Can we impeach the three remaining Bush v. Gore justices yet? It was not just a minor difference of legal opinion. It was corruption, plain and simple.
Further confirmation of the ‘baggers loose grip on reality.
I don’t think Gore would have won if they stepped away, but it was still one of the top 5 worst decided decisions of the Court.
If who ‘stepped away’ from where? The three judges on the court who ruled against Gore? If so, why don’t you think ‘he (Gore)would have won if they stepped away’? They shouldn’t ever have been in the position ‘to step away’ in the first place. It was none of the Supreme Court’s business—plain and simple. The installation of Bush was a political and undemocratic coup.
Virginia Thomas. Isn’t that the lady whose walapalooza teabagging activities were showcased on the front page of the NYT last week or so for possible conflicts of interest. You know, like politicking and at the same time sharing a pillow with a Supreme Court justice.
She called Anita Hill just to rake up an old chestnut in an attempt to get votes. You know, Thomas and I were wronged, Anita is a nasty left-wing, socialist lady who may support Obama. It’s comparable to Paul-Ayn Rand mentioning Lewinsky to discredit Bill Clinton. Of course the story of the pubic hair—yes,that’s right—goes much further back. Our esteemed members of the US Congress have not only debated about a blow-job but have even sharpened their rhetorical skills while contemplating a pubic hair. Oh, it’s not embarassing. No, all those old and middle-aged rich farts really know where the bacon is.
I agree that they shouldn’t have been there in the first place. They shouldn’t have even been involved.
It was clear from follow-up journalism that if the vote had been completely counted in Miami-Dade that Gore would have won in spite of the votes lost with the Palm Beach County butterfly ballot.
And I think that the GOP operatives knew this at the time, which is why they staged the “Brooks Brothers riot” at the Miami-Dade board of elections. And why they were so insistent that the vote not be recounted completely.
In that election, there were not enough Diebold machines to rig.
Great idea!
Post the phone number!