Except NPR’s sins, unlike ACORN”s, come from their bland attempt to pretend every argument has merit and should not ever be seriously challenged. ACORN really was the enemy of the wingnuts. NPR merely enrages them because it doesn’t toe the Koch/Mudoch/Rove propaganda line all the time.
You are not wrong. Except this time no one will be able to accuse Fox and friends of racism.
Can someone in front of a big mic please say:
..And now the job killing republicans want to kill:
All Things Considered
Occasionally Objective Journalism
The Prairie Home Companion
Fresh Air
Etc. Etc. Etc.
(don’t F with the bachelor Lutheran farmers)
Hey, there’s always room at Fox.
Once again, not farther enough to the right. As go conservative pols, so goes the conservative media.
Honestly, we can’t have Fox on every channel. Different channels are part of the superficial freedoms recommended by Mussolini!
Except NPR’s sins, unlike ACORN”s, come from their bland attempt to pretend every argument has merit and should not ever be seriously challenged. ACORN really was the enemy of the wingnuts. NPR merely enrages them because it doesn’t toe the Koch/Mudoch/Rove propaganda line all the time.