Does it matter that the Tea Partiers are just a small bunch of ragtag losers? If the polls can be believed, it seems like those ragtag losers are about to get a lot of representation in Congress. Even P.J. O’Rourke has gone insane judging from his latest screed: They Hate Our Guts.
I love how he tells the baggers to get out and vote at the same time he promotes a book telling them to do the exact opposite. Is there no cognitive dissonance left in the world?
But O’Rourke’s commentary is cognitive dissonance writ large. You haven’t seen progressives railing against minorities and immigrants and the beneficiaries of government spending. Progressives haven’t been hating on anything (excepting Rahm Emanuel); we’ve been begging the government to help people who are going bankrupt because of medical bills, who are losing their homes because they’ve lost their jobs, who can’t even begin to pay for their kids to go to college. Progressives haven’t been bashing the military, we’ve been begging our country to get back on the right track on civil and human rights, and to hold those accountable who took us down the wrong path. If we hate anything, it’s needless human suffering. We haven’t been railing against productivity and success, but against theft and a rigged game where the big bettors cannot lose.
We’ve been warning people that it’s wrong to take out your pain and insecurities on the insecure who are in pain.
When we should be holding people accountable for ruining our country’s reputation and economic standing, we have people on the right who want to shift blame onto migrant workers and gays and minorities and intellectuals. Enough. Just follow O’Rourke’s latest advice, and get out and vote!
Since PJ’s clearly got nothing to add to our public discourse, I’d suggest that he stick to answering dopey questions on that NPR quiz show. He’s not funny there either, but his air time is limited.
We have a guy running for re-election for his fourth term to the state house here whose signs feature
“Re-elect X: Fighting Lousy Government Since 2004!”
This has me scratching my head….he musn’t be very good at it.
Before that, presumably, he was angling to become part of it.
I think he now has enough seniority to if not actually chair the House Deeply Confused Caucus, enough to be the ranking member.
What happened to this guy? I though he used to be normal. He’s turned into a ugly sounding total jerk with weak sarcasm lines. That wasn’t even interesting to read.
P J ORourke was a solid writer up to the late 80s.
I believe that he was guilty of something in the Gulf War that the CI lying A and FB lying I have been able to use him as a microphone for their lies. He had to have done a major “no-no” because they have held his balls for 20 years.
His handler just keeps making him spout unverified garbage.
I never understood why people ever thought he was more than a mediocre writer. He had a few funny lines, but so did most of the books in the remainder bin. It’s true, though, that what little wit he had seems to have become entirely swamped by his galloping resentments.
if we hated their guts, we’d be arming ourselves, stalking them, making explicit threats, leaving weird 7:30 AM voicemails.
It is THEM that hate US. and quite frankly it is foolish to try to argue with people who are loading their weapons.