I’m not saying that Michael Steele isn’t a clown and a gaffe-machine, but he did just preside over a huge election night victory for the Republican Party. Sure, he had Citizen’s United and American Crossroads doing all the heavy lifting, but can’t a brother catch a break? There were even two African-Americans elected to Congress as Republicans in the Deep South. Doesn’t that count for something?
Personally, I think he’s a walking joke. But what metric are they using against him? That he didn’t bring in enough big-money donors? Don’t worry. Karl Rove has that covered. Steele won. He won big. And now the Establishment wants to throw him to the wayside. I say, let him keep his job. He didn’t totally fuck anything up, and that’s more than most Republicans can say.
The GOP is showing their sensitive side to racial issues:
Texas approves renaming slave trade as “Atlantic triangular trade”
Not sure how much they care about their two new African-American elects.
that’s not so bad, they could have called it the “cotton and rum export trade.”
Did you fall out of the stoopid tree and hit every branch on the way down or something?
Steele didn’t win anything, any more than the Queen Of England rules anything.
Snark-meter must be busted.
Damn cheap wal-mart snarkometers. :/
Those things only work with Chinese snark.
I get it! I get it! woot!
Apparently it also works if the snark is merely about Chinese stuff.
Oh hey, apparently Obama is going to introduce a timeline for Afghanistan withdrawal that is a lot slower than we thought.
Who would have thought? Nah, this is based on unnamed sources but since they say it’ll be presented at a NATO conference, we’ll known soon enough.