….for the THIRD time.
Video of Jewish activists disrupting Netanyahu at Jewish Federations General Assembly.
….in the VIDEO Bibi is heckled while addressing the Jewish Federations Convention in New Orleans, quoted here not just for its irrelevance, but to show that at least someone, if not Obama or Biden, spoke up about the latest embarrassment of the US by Israel’s government (See Adam Horowitz’s report at Mondoweiss for the details).
It was actually MJ Rosenberg, writing at Huffington Post, who remarked on the latest insult:
Is this is a sick joke? Netanyahu pulls this TWICE (correction, it is now THREE TIMES).
While visiting Israel in March, Vice President Joe Biden delivered a speech that delighted the Israeli right and its followers here. The key passage was this: “When it comes to Israel’s security there can be no daylight — no daylight — between Israel and the US.”
That formulation, which was devised by AIPAC, pleased the Netanyahu government, which interprets it to mean that Israel has carte blanch from Washington to do whatever it wants. No other country in the world enjoys such a pledge from the United States.
Within hours, the Israeli government responded to Biden’s endorsement by announcing that it would be building 1,600 new settler units in Arab East Jerusalem.
That announcement — and the slap in the face that it represented — led to the Spring 2010 crisis in US-Israel relations that seemed to indicate that, at long last, the United States was standing up to Israel on the settlement issue. In Israel, it was widely speculated that Netanyahu’s government would fall. Many believed that the dispute would force him to implement a settlement freeze or face serious consequences.
Of course, none of that happened. Today, at least the EU finally spoke up: EU urges Israel to ‘reverse’ plan for 1,300 East Jerusalem homes; Israel also announces plans to build 800 homes in Ariel.
U.S. President Barack Obama cautioned Tuesday that Israel’s plan to construct 1,300 new homes in East Jerusalem could obstruct the pursuit of peace in the Middle East.
“This kind of activity is never helpful when it comes to peace negotiations,” said Obama, adding that he was concerned Israel and Palestinians were not making enough of an effort to advance peace negotiations.
The U.S. State Department said it was “disappointed” after it learned Monday that 1,300 Jewish homes had been approved for construction beyond the Green Line in East Jerusalem. Later in the day, it emerged that Israel had also approved second plan to build 800 homes in the West Bank settlement of Ariel.
….the United States sees it (Ariel) as a panhandle sticking into the West Bank, intended to prevent Palestinian territorial contiguity.
“Disappointed?” Is that you, Hillary? If it were not so predictable, we would all be disappointed.
Here’s MJ Rosenberg once again for the last word:
Following Tuesday’s “shellacking,” the big question in Washington is whether the president is going to push back against ugly slaps like this or simply try to conciliate his adversaries.
No that was not the final word. Here is the final word: Obama, they’re laughing at you (Posted by Seham).
Click the link for numerous stories about Netanyahu’s disingenuousness and his intent to implement the Likud Charter in what’s left of Palestine. If you don’t know what the Likud Charter is, click HERE. It’s intent is to wipe Palestine off the map (and no, that is not the Iranian PM speaking; it’s what Netanyahu is all about).
Unfortunately entirely predictable.
How the hell does a state built on the mass sufferings of a people still in recent memory end up with the notions of Likud, talking about wiping Palestine off of the map
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site.
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did you see that she just announced $150million to help the Palestinian Authority?
Right, with 150 million bucks the people of the West Bank might be able to buy some more toothpaste. How much has Ms Clinton said Israel would get? Don’t forget this is the Isael with universal health care which is indirectly subsidized by the USA which, by the way, can not afford decent health care for all its OWN—REPEAT: OWN—people. OWN: refers to Americans living in the USA. Why doesn’t someone influential get in your face with all of this hyoocrisy.
Highly recommended comment. I am sick of this crap. Bibi the Clown mimics the Repugs in absolute disrespect for the U.S. administration. Yes they are laughing at Obama and they are laughing at their enablers in our congress. The Palestinian people will get no help from a bought and paid for U.S. congress. WTF do we stand for anymore? Can someone speak outside of their own self-interest? Show some fucking guts. Stand up for the poor and disenfranchised in Palestine and you will be standing up for justice everywhere.
What we are seeing now is nothing new. The United States has never once ever in all of history stood up for the poor and disenfranchised in Palestine. They have never spoken let alone acted outside their own perceived self-interest. They have never been or tried to be anything resembling an “honest broker”, and Obama is no different.
Of course it’s nothing new. But because it is obviously never going to stop it has become worse than ever. It is curious, to say the least, that US subservience to Israel does not cause a deeply disturbed and angry reaction from the US as a whole. In any S and M relation the US would definitely fall in the M category.
Speak of the devil, and…
Gaza’s hospitals: Bring your own medicine
Hani Almadhoun
November 9, 2010
I still remember the Clinton-Albright starvation of Iraqis, including children, when upwards of a million people died in the 90s. It was just an ‘economic blockade.’