What part of the Catfood Commission Chair’s deficit reduction proposal will get passed by Congress and signed into law before the 2012 election?
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What part of the Catfood Commission Chair’s deficit reduction proposal will get passed by Congress and signed into law before the 2012 election?
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Extending tax cuts and increasing the deficit is about it. This bankrupt nation’s legions of idiots will elect more teabaggers in 2012. Then they will whittle down Social security and Medicare.
Possibly a freeze on federal workers pay (except DHS and Defense contractors – be very afraid please) so the government has nobody left to understand tax code and we will outsource the treasury department to the lowest bidder. Its has started Obama rolled over for the upper 2% on taxes already.
Steven this is it. The beginning of the end game. The post WWII U.S. that Krugman writes about as being so successful is being dismantled. The “upper class” is seizing control once again. Using the average man’s prejudice and fear so they vote against there own self-interest. Corporate profit over people. WTF?
To pass, it has to pass the Senate where there are at least 41 Democrats who understand which of these items are suicidal.
It might not get out of the full Deficit Commission (requires 14 of 18 votes).
Barack Obama will reduce the deficit through administrative efficiencies before Congress enacts any of these items. And he has during the last fiscal year (ended September 30, 2010).
If we can get this country back to peace and prosperity where folks are not so anxiety and fear ridden, there will be more sanity. The McCarthy witch hunts, which were aimed at keeping Harry Truman from running for a second term, ended three years after they started with McCarthy delegitimized because he overreached. But it took the truce in Korea to bring the country to the point of not freaking out over communism. (Republican conservatives are trying to relive those glory days that brought Richard Nixon to the White House.)
When it comes to tax cuts. The gutless senate will be like a papa grizzly killing their young. 😉
who gives a shit, we’re fucked anyway.