George W. Bush is as predictably lame as Sarah Palin. There’s nothing like plagiarizing your own freaking memoir to say, “I’ve never done an honest day’s work in my life.” Bush has always had someone else to do the work while he played the front-man or the party-boy. It was true in the Air Force Reserves Texas Air National Guard, true at the Texas Rangers, true as governor, and true as president. And it’s still true.
What’s even sadder is that the book publisher won’t even acknowledge it when presented with the evidence.
Bush was in the National Guard. In the Air Force Reserves, he would have gone to Vietnam.
What a liar he it. He’s always gotten away with everything and shrugs off his wrongdoing.
Bush’s military records were missing during his time in the White House. A military historian went to look at them and they couldn’t find them They don’t lose those records. I bet they still can’t be found.
If he went AWOL, he could still be charged.
I still love W!
Sorry…I can’t help it.
He may have flaws, but when I watch him…unlike President Obama…in my opinion…he understands the true uniqueness of America in world history, and loves this country.
Just a little insight from a right-wing nut job who appreciates this man’s response to 9-11, and his appreciation for our country.
Wow. Thanks for a unique perspective from the back side of those rose colored glasses. If I didn’t know better, I would swear that there was some kind of subtle intent at comic irony in every statement you made. There is just so much that is wrong with what you say that you can’t be serious. Please……….tell me you are joking?
is clear from prev. comments, not joking. can a person learn to see more? or is a person pd. top dollar to post but see nothing?
If true, they’re wasting their money. The talking points are transparent.
Just a little insight from a right-wing nut job who appreciates this man’s response to 9-11, and his appreciation for our country.
You mean the guy who sat there dumbfounded for 7 minutes after he was told what happened?
Fortunately help is on the for you Lib:
Russ Baker had an interesting take on Dub’s business years. His profile of having business after business losing money is a pretty good match for the profile for money laundering. Of course, if he was in his dad’s line of work they could have been laundering money for The Agency.