
Protest of IDF recruitment at the University of Michigan.
EdwardTeller posted most of this diary (with the slightly revised title above) at FireDogLake yesterday.

Does the British Army get to recruit on U.S. campuses? How about the Canadian Army? Or the Mexican Army? No, they don’t.

But the Israeli Army – the IDF – gets to.

Increasingly, their appearances are being protested. No doubt, the U.S. Congress will soon be told by a certain foreign country’s agents to pass a law forbidding protests against these recruiting missions, and they will probably pass the bill with large bipartisan support.

Meanwhile students are doing what they can.

At the University of Michigan, the students staged a walkout, and rightly so. When the recruiter asked if there were any questions, a student (video) replied: “were the children of Gaza offered the chance to ask questions?”

Another video of the walkout.

An anonymous comment:

On October 20 2010, two IDF soldiers came to the University of Michigan campus as part of a national PR campaign by Stand With Us aimed at justifying Israel’s recent atrocities in the Middle East. Students, staff, and community members collectively engaged in a silent walk-out in memory and in solidarity with all of the silenced Palestinian children that were killed by the IDF during Israel’s most recent offensive on the Gaza Strip who are unable to take a stand and give their account today.

Similar protests of IDF recruitment took place at Arizona State University, but Youtube appears to be restricting the videos, allegedly because some users might find the material inappropriate.