I think we could all use a belly rub and a treat today…
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Another busy day today…I have so much work to get done this week!
Finny is already up and jumping in the doorway bouncer to the sounds of Rodrigo y Gabriela. He keeps looking at the radio to see what’s making all the music. 🙂
It’s a short day at the office for me; I have to come home so BooMan can head off for his next dentist appointment. ugh.
Good morning!
Just looked at the sitemeter – looks like BT will have its visitor #10,000,000 some time tomorrow evening.
Surely there must be a special prize for the 10,000,000th customer.
Maybe a belly rub & a treat.
Hope everyone’s enjoying a great late Autumn day!
Haven’t seen keres since Election Day. Has she disowned us?
Hi ww – I was wondering the same recently. It’s been 4 weeks since her last comment.
There are several familiar names that I no longer see. Whatever happened to Oui?
Oui takes long vacations. It always feels wrong when he’s not around. But maybe he is.
Perhaps on the off chance he’s reading this, I could incite him to post something. 🙂
He takes a hiatus now and then. But I have seen him making recs and tips quite recently, so he is around.
I’ve taken my share of long breaks from BT, so I hope she’s just busy living.
wow! I had no idea!
Poor BooMan. I know this entire dental thing is a tremendous drag for him.
Upside is, you’ll be home early!
I think it’s great that Finn’s picking up on music — one of the greatest gifts this world has to offer.
Any chance we’ll see him in his bouncy seat? I’ll bet he looks quite debonair.
It was nice to be home early. Tomorrow I get to work from home because I have a client meeting – yay!
I’ll have to get some video together. He’s totally into music – will head right out to the kitchen as soon as anyone turns the radio on out there. It’s cute.
What a good boy!
We’re listening to David Grisman and Tony Rice’s Tone poems this morning…he’s sitting below the radio to play and looking up at it. 🙂
Be thankful that he likes music for adults! I remember long hours (very long hours) sitting with kids & their horrible, sugary sweet ‘music for children’. Ack.
By the way it looks like there is another spam diary. Nothing against sex toys and whatnot, but it seems quite inappropriate to be plugging a site selling ’em on a political blog.
The spam diaries and comments have been a problem the last several months (maybe as much as a year?) – but Booman apparently has a software fix coming up soon to stop the crap.
Good to know.
You probably have your magic powers back by now – don’t be shy with the donuts.
The spam comments are most easily spotted using the recent comments link very early in the morning. They are mostly posted during (US) nighttime (originating in Europe or Far East?) and easy to see since there are few other comments at that time.
The actual comment may be innocuous, though slightly o/t, but the commercial links in the sig line expose them as spam.
I’ll definitely keep that in mind. I’ve been clearing spam comments off a dormant blog I’m trying to revive. Given the all the spyware and malware out there these days, it’s a potential nightmare.
Hello ask!
was going to send you greetings on your early-morning (for us) spam patrol, but diary got smote, as was intended, so I’m posting the greetings here!
Thanks Errol – it’s a simple effort.
I try to check in everyday & smite any spam diaries. If you see something that lingers for longer than a day, lemme know.
I think the only powers I seem to have as a TU is to smite the spam comments. No probs doing that if I notice that. I’ve assumed that since I have no administrative powers here, I’m pretty powerless to do much about spam diaries. Glad there are a few here who can. I do have the power of observation, and have no qualms using that. 🙂
Thanks for the help! I’ve been so busy with work and baby and teenage tribulations, I feel like I barely have time to comment, let alone destro the spammers.
Hi everyone! To answer Andi’s question in the last cafe, it’s a good-busy that has kept me away. New responsibilities at work = job security….also the situation in AZ is too damn depressing to write about every day. Hope you’re all well, will try to be better about checking in. paz
In this economy, job security is a good thing. 🙂
As I said, any time the spirit moves you to add a little content to Notes From Underground, or the slowly-just-in-the-revival from dormancy ECFS, you are always more than welcome to do so. No pressure of course if you’re ultra-busy. I’m going to have a rather packed several weeks from around now until the end of finals.
Your blog, formerly known as The Left End of The Dial, no? I’ll have to relink in my blogroll.
That’s the one – Notes From Underground is the old Left End of the Dial, minus anything that might betray my full name or current location. The joys of shaking a stalker.
It really has been many moons. My old blogroll died with Haloscan’s demise, along with 5 years of comments. I never fully rebuilt it.
Sorry to hear about the stalker. But I hope that you’ll be here from now on.
I think that can be arranged, as time permits. The good news is that as far as the stalker situation goes, the worst is likely over and has probably been over for a while. Mine was persistent, but luckily dumb as a box of rocks.
I have never suffered those who stalk or out bloggers gladly. After having been one of the victims, let’s just say my view of the perps is considerably harsher.
Welcome Don Durito, whomever you may be;-)
I am but a knight errant and El Sup’s trusty sidekick. But do not be fooled by my beetle-like exterior. I wield a mighty pen, or keyboard as the case may be. 🙂
Excellent — well the job security, the crap that is Arizona politics not so much.
Good to hear about the increased job security! I suppose that even us civil servants have to be concerned these days.
Mm hm, especially those elected ones.
Good night all.
click for larger
wonderful picture!!!
Morning Errol and thanks.
One of the things I like about fall and winter is getting to see the shape of the forest.
I always love getting to see all the things that the leaves have been hiding all summer…
Happy hump day! no office for me this morning…working here at home and going to meet with a client instead. More Finny time too.
I went to a (Cleveland) Museum of Natural History woods walk and talk on “trees in winter” once – the guide pointed out the shapes of trees and buds forming on the branches. it was wonderful!
I am going to say goodnight now – although I may be up for a while, and still responding to others’ posts. We’re having some electricity issues. I may or may not have internet access at any given moment. A bit vexing to say the least.
Losing power is a fairly regular happening out here in the country so my sympathies are definitely with you.
What Andi said!
I’m currently praying the weather gods that we don’t have the type of power event we had last winter — a full seven days: wood stove, water buckets & flashlights.
This is OK when it’s the way you live, but it’s not OK for a surprised octogenarian.
Right now we have half power. An electric company tech took a look at things last night, and one of the sets of imposing-looking wires was basically fried. We’re lucky that the the thing hadn’t caught fire. So now it’s a matter of awaiting repairs.
It’s nice to be back to full power. Alas, I picked such a quiet time to log on here. Time to catch some z’s.
It may have been quiet but I’ll bet it felt quit electric. 😉
2 AM EDT? Indeed!
Glad your power returned happily.
No wonder things were a bit quiet. I keep forgetting that not everyone is an insomniac like me. 🙂
You can always have another cup of coffee & wait for Andi.
It may happen, with some of the effort that I’ve been putting in reviving a formerly dormant blog (ECFS).
Thank you for your links! I’ve seen your references to both Pharoah Sanders & Derrick Jensen. Wow. If there were only time .. ..
I do have some slightly out of the ordinary tastes. 🙂
On my planet they’re perfectly regular.
It’s really good to see you back here. I thought it was you, but I try not to get carried away with my madness.
Hang in there – it’s a cool blog.
Thanks so much. I’m the same mad Bokononist who once spent time here many moons ago. I’ve received a bit of encouragement from a few folks who remember ECFS from back in the day (including one of the founders). There’s still some work to be done in terms of finding the data from the ECFS.com and reviving that. In the meantime, anyone with keys to the wordpress version can in theory access it. I always liked the concept, and know it worked before. It can work again. 🙂
And here’s a spammer who was unable to make an active link…
But it’s always nice to have some early morning amusement at someone else’s expense. 🙂
But at least he’s a polite spammer. 😉
any way to find that diary now that it was smote? curious what you’re talking about
I love the Joy of Bebo shot! Suggestion: do a coffee table book featuring Bebo ala William Wegman:)
I love William Wegman…I have to go dig out our Wegman ABCs book for Finny. It was his older brother’s first birthday present from a freind many moons ago…
We had one of his books that was given as a gift to our son more years ago than I would dare wish to count. Like many children’s books, it was definitely “loved” but is still sufficiently intact for the inevitable grandchildren.
I think she lack the necessary gravitas to pull it off. Case in point:
click for larger
Hope does that all of the time – must be a hound thing. Really, girl, we don’t need to see your noonie…
Better hers than mine. Trust me.
Bebo doesn’t have any hound, though — she’s beagle and boxer. And Hopeful the First never did that. So I’m thinking that some dogs just like being upside down (to match their intellect perhaps).
OMG! I just figured out her name.
Ha, we’re just soooo clever. 😉
Not only that, but you’re persuasive enough to talk her into illustrating your posts!
Hah! I’ve seen the “Phantom Bebo.” She is a spirit goddess.
I always feel sorry for Wegman’s dogs. I hope that they get to take off their clothes and run through the mist often. All work and no play…
I wouldn’t feel sorry, Alice. They’re probably treated better in their employment than many human beings ..
Apparently I can “turn back the clock with mini facelift surgery.” So many things one can learn from spam diaries. I eagerly await the one that explains how to get one’s skin that remarkable shade of orange worn by our soon-to-be Speaker of the House.
wanted to smite that diary but couldn’t. need more special powers
Diary smited just for you!
You should be so proud — it’s not everybody that can start their day with a mighty and righteous smiting.
Ask and you shall receive. But now I’ll never know about that facelift.
Not to worry! You can learn to play games of Super Mario, according to our latest spam diary.
Thanks, what a great start to my day!!! in honor of the smiting will now run out to see if my pics have come back from processing!
Spam Diary Haiku:
in a bit of a codeine induced fog following a surprise dental emergency yesterday. Boo, I feel your pain, believe me.
Hate to ask, ID, but what happened?
The tooth had a root canal & crown maybe 20 years ago. The crown came off as I was brushing yesterday morning. My wonderfully accommodating dentist got me in the same day, took an x-ray & showed me where one of the roots was fractured. “Its got to come out”, she says. “Go ahead & do the deed”, says I & here I am.
hope you’re feeling better today
Ouch! Hope you’re feeling better.
Thanks for the good wishes, everyone! Much better this morning.
yuck. Hope you feel better soon!
Glad you’re okay (at least I assume being able to comment means you’re doing all right). Hope it won’t be too painful once the codeine wears off.
Thanks Andi, no infection present, so it should be a fairly quick recovery. Still a little foggy & a little sore, but no great throbbing. Had a broken nose once & it was much, much worse.
Hope you get feeling better soon.
Thanks, Don Durito & congratulations on the site resurrection!
Thanks. I’m holding off on breaking out the champagne (or Guinness in my case) until ECFS gets a bit more active. I’m hoping more of the original crew start feeling up to giving it a go once more, and that maybe we attract some new peeps. Time will tell. I’m cautiously optimistic.
I’ll be lurking at both places.
Lurkers are always welcome. 🙂
Looks like our latest spam diary, complete with link that no doubt would install spyware and malware on one’s computer, is on – I love it – “the elucidation of the type of strategy games”. I guess it can be seen as a sequel to the “Play Games of Super Mario” diary. Out of morbid curiosity I tried reading them, and it seems as if someone must have written these in another language and then used Google’s translator to put them into English. So it goes. Of course the bastards leave no customary “tip jar” comment in order for them to receive the tasty donuts (mine would have had yummy purple filling) that they richly deserve.
Yes — how can we smite?
Ah, smiting is a magical power possessed by few…wishing out loud that said diary will go away usually works pretty well, though. 🙂
I hereby issue a blanket wish that all spammers, present & future, will find more meaningful ways to spend their precious hours on earth. Amen!
Can you imagine having the job of writing spam diaries and posting them? What did that person have to do in a former life to earn that spin of the mandala? What circle of Hell are they in to do that job?
Or maybe it’s a heroic act. The spammer is buying his or her family out of servitude. Or maybe their feeding a large extended family with their tale of BS.
Or maybe it’s just a spambot crawling through the matrix.
Probably beats telemarketing tho.
I would not wish telemarketing on anyone.
I’m sure it’s the lure of a quick buck or two. The joys of the “new normal” in our economy, or something like that. I know that when I was here last, there were more on-topic diaries than seems to be the case currently. Alas, I doubt I’ll be helping in that regard. Anyone who knows my writing well enough will know I do everyone a favor by keeping my main blog posts elsewhere.
… I’m going to have a meetup with MaryB today. And you’re not (so ignore what I said and go ahead and be jealous).
Oh, I am SOOOO jealous! Give her a hug from all of us.
Lucky you! Say howdy for me.
Hugs & hellos from us too.
Howdy-ies and hugs delivered and sent back to all of you.
We had a fine time and wished you all could have been there too.
well, as you can see, no pics yet. monday at the earliest. and if they didn’t turn out, I’ll post a fun substitute as I said, so there will be something
See some of you around tomorrow perhaps.
It’s tomorrow (going by your probable intent and not your comment time) and I’m around. But I hope you won’t be around to see that I’m around for quite a few sleepful hours.
Good morning! I think we need a new cafe…