Despite still having a cold, I think I feel a wee bit better than yesterday. Finny and I went to bed around 6 last night and didn’t get back out until nearly six this morning. Good thing, because I have some work to do today, plus getting ready for the holiday.
I am SO looking forward to cranberry chutney and turkey and stuff!
Just about the time you were posting this, I was woken by some hard rain here. But as we’ve been in a drought since July that appears to finally be breaking, I was delighted to have a noisy rain interrupt my sleep.
Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday right through the weekend.
We have a heavy rain forecast (flood warnings!) for today and tomorrow. Bad news for the dogs as we’ll be gone part of today and most of Thursday but I’m rather happy to see it (well not the flood warnings).
Our holiday weekend is off to a good start with this wonderful story in the NYT. Nice to see some justice in the world, even though it took so long in coming. 🙂
I’m glad you’re finally getting some rain, but it sounds like you need a month of steady rain to get caught up.
Since the growing season is over I don’t think we’ll catch up from a drought but I’m happy for it to be over — going four months without rain really freaked me out.
I had the cruel thought of making up a “Thanks For The Memories” greeting card with this pic for some of my friends, but then they might not want to be my friends anymore;-)
I think so too.
The plan is to recreate a 19th Century farm homestead as they existed here.
(‘Course, they could’ve just used our place as is & put us in long dresses.)
You sure can!
And maybe the Friday Foto Flog is of interest to you as well. Here’s a link to the last one. It’s posted once a month – next time is December 10th with the theme “Nature”.
I’ve been missing her too, WW. I had her email in an old abandoned email account, and lost it. My only hope of finding it now is a box full of olden days papers that might be important, which I’m wading through this week.
I think BT has an email for Imogen under the user id myriad. I’ve been hesitant to try that. If you do send lots of love to all.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my longtime friends here.
I intend to soon be back where I can usually be found, after I reconcile with the recent (yes, another one) death of another young friend, & a medical situation I must deal with. ( Not to worry).
I don`t celebrate this holiday, but wish you all a great day.
This is the advent of a storm coming up from my back yard, but happy days are in the future.
I love you all.
I also posted a diary for others` thoughts (in case I`m wrong) that you might help me with.
Don Durito,
Thank you.
I have comments from years past on why I don`t celebrate this holiday, here on this site.
I don`t know your reasons & won`t expound on mine, but suffice it to say, it involves the original natives.
I hope better times are soon to come for you and I suspect if thoughts of friendship could make a person rich, you would be a very wealthy man indeed. Come to think of it, friendship is a better form of wealth any day.
I’m trying to keep my kitty inside ’til the end of hunting season (12/21). She’s a real roamer & also looks like wildlife. Folks with guns aren’t beyond using whatever moves in the woods as target practice. Alas, she is going bonkers.
Its nicely sunny here today, but quite chilly compared to the recent past. The cats are spending considerably less time outdoors today as well as hiding from the wet yesterday. We had the same problems with hunters when we lived out by one of the state forests, but thankfully, never lost a pet or a chicken. Since we moved into town, there’s the traffic, but so far ok there too. The old queen never, ever leaves the yard and the princess is quite vehicle savvy.
Had a nice day yesterday holed up at home watching free movies from the local library:)
If only this was the last hunting weekend. Not ’til Solstice in December, tho’.
Today is cold/snowy (about 20 F here now) & I don’t hear too much shooting so far.
The deer get one week to recover from gun (shotguns with deer slugs, and large caliber low velocity rifles) and then its archery until JAN02 and muzzle loaders until DEC19. Those folks get only one shot usually so we don’t worry about them mistaking us or the dogs for a deer, but we still try to steer clear of the areas where we know they hunt.
Back from Long Island late last night. Only a mere 5 hours or so of driving. Sigh. It was a busy day today, removing our old kitchen wallpaper. I’ll get some rest tomorrow. Hopefully.
Looks like you had a dusting of snow. I always hate that first dusting of snow if it happens on a school day. It makes me feel like I’m on the amusement park bumper car ride.
It appears our spam diarists are now just getting lazy – merely a link in the body of their posts now. If only that were a sign of them giving up. But alas, I imagine them just ramping up. Somehow, I think I’ll avoid finding out what ljusslingor is.
they do some kind of generated spam comment with a link in it – maybe just generated from some other comment in the thread (that’s spam comments not spam diaries)
Despite still having a cold, I think I feel a wee bit better than yesterday. Finny and I went to bed around 6 last night and didn’t get back out until nearly six this morning. Good thing, because I have some work to do today, plus getting ready for the holiday.
I am SO looking forward to cranberry chutney and turkey and stuff!
Hi Cabin. It’s nice to see you.
Nice to see you too! I feel like I’ve been a little too busy to blog much lately.
What have you been up to?
Not much, just hanging out trying to figure it all out. Wish I could trade you some of my spare time.
Glad you’re a bit better. I’m taking it slowly today. Back to the leaf-mulching later.
Today I’ve got to get some work-related stuff done. Short week and all.
There’s still hope for the DREAM Act.
Cenkageddon is an ugly wasteful thing.
I think he means the latest brouhaha over at the Orange place. some of the snark spinoff diaries are pretty funny
Especially the kestrel9000 post.
Now I have to go look…
Y’all have a great day!
(well I did get her tail in focus)
click for larger
Good morning. I’m to get to see your pictures real soon.
almost mentioned it before, perhaps they will arrive today, I can check later this morning!
Wow, I’m impressed you could make sense of the my sentence with all its missing words and wrong tenses.
And I am looking forward to getting to see your pictures. 🙂
a fun image for now

Nice pic.
Should I be disturbed that I have 73 Facebook friends in common with Ruth Marcus?
Good night all. Time to let some late fall thunderstorms lull me to sleep.
Just about the time you were posting this, I was woken by some hard rain here. But as we’ve been in a drought since July that appears to finally be breaking, I was delighted to have a noisy rain interrupt my sleep.
We’re getting your rain later on. But at least it’s warm here. It is supposed to be above 60 later.
It’s been sandals weather for me lately, which is rather unusual this late in the year. I haven’t complained much.
Glad to hear about a drought breaking (potentially).
Is today humpday since it’s a short week?
I think I’m off work tomorrow, with the exception of a teleconference in the morning. Woo-hoo! I am SO looking forward to an extra-long weekend.
I’m trying to figure out how many boys are here today…I fell asleep before any of CBtY’s friends went home last night.
Enjoying a morning with a master lyricist.
A master lyricist explains some of his best lyrics.
Well my feet are wet from thinking this thing over… 🙂
since as CG points out, it already happened.
click for larger
One conference call later this morning, and I’m theoretically done until Monday… 🙂
Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday right through the weekend.
We have a heavy rain forecast (flood warnings!) for today and tomorrow. Bad news for the dogs as we’ll be gone part of today and most of Thursday but I’m rather happy to see it (well not the flood warnings).
Our holiday weekend is off to a good start with this wonderful story in the NYT. Nice to see some justice in the world, even though it took so long in coming. 🙂
I’m glad you’re finally getting some rain, but it sounds like you need a month of steady rain to get caught up.
Nice that there is a good ending to that story.
Since the growing season is over I don’t think we’ll catch up from a drought but I’m happy for it to be over — going four months without rain really freaked me out.
Nice atmosphere for napping;-)
And lousy for a satellite internet connection.
But I’m happy to have all this rain — I’d like to see some water flowing in the creeks again.
Today is the end of my workweek. Yippee!
Me too! TFSMI
FW!Some of you may remember my good friend, the outhouse, built of oak in 1870.
Yesterday, she was transferred ..
to be part of a new museum!
I’ll miss her.
Too bad, she certainly added character to her surroundings.
Here, they are demolishing the old county jail. No character whatsoever and certainly no tears.
Not surprised there were no tears, ID. I’ll bet the outhouse gave a lot more comfort.
I had the cruel thought of making up a “Thanks For The Memories” greeting card with this pic for some of my friends, but then they might not want to be my friends anymore;-)
They’re not aware of your innate perversity?
How cool that it’s going to a museum.
She’ll be restored, too, with cedar shingles. Hopefully they’ll keep the original door with turn-of-the-century graffiti.
Wow! That is cool!
I think so too.
The plan is to recreate a 19th Century farm homestead as they existed here.
(‘Course, they could’ve just used our place as is & put us in long dresses.)
What is this place?
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Wishing you a happy holiday as well.
Mostly a place to hang out and chat sans the serious, as in a favorite cafe or coffee shop. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Great…looks like I can post pictures of my horses!
You sure can!
And maybe the Friday Foto Flog is of interest to you as well. Here’s a link to the last one. It’s posted once a month – next time is December 10th with the theme “Nature”.
Photos always welcome. Love to see your critters.
Yes. We like critters.
By any chance, does anyone have contact info for keres? I feel concern.
I’ve been missing her too, WW. I had her email in an old abandoned email account, and lost it. My only hope of finding it now is a box full of olden days papers that might be important, which I’m wading through this week.
I think BT has an email for Imogen under the user id myriad. I’ve been hesitant to try that. If you do send lots of love to all.
yes, wondering why we haven’t heard from her. hoping maybe she’s just out videoing with the new camera she got.
I’ll send her a note in a moment.
I have it if you want. I think my email is in my sig line, but I haven’t commented in a long time so we’ll see….
Thanks for your offer, lusciousness. Hope you’ve had a good holiday!
Why not ship it here: sylvan1 at localnet dot com. Let’s see what we can do.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my longtime friends here.

I intend to soon be back where I can usually be found, after I reconcile with the recent (yes, another one) death of another young friend, & a medical situation I must deal with. ( Not to worry).
I don`t celebrate this holiday, but wish you all a great day.
This is the advent of a storm coming up from my back yard, but happy days are in the future.
I love you all.
I also posted a diary for others` thoughts (in case I`m wrong) that you might help me with.
Damn, that’s a nice pic. I don’t celebrate this holiday either, but wish you and everyone else a good one. Hang in there.
Don Durito,
Thank you.
I have comments from years past on why I don`t celebrate this holiday, here on this site.
I don`t know your reasons & won`t expound on mine, but suffice it to say, it involves the original natives.
Amazing photo, Head. And thanks for the update. Beth and I were just “talking” recently about how much we miss you.
I hope better times are soon to come for you and I suspect if thoughts of friendship could make a person rich, you would be a very wealthy man indeed. Come to think of it, friendship is a better form of wealth any day.
Love that photo!
Meant to say more in my comment. I hope that things get better, Knucklehead.
Wishing you well, KH.
my thoughts are with you, wishing you well
p.s. re: confrontation: you did good. good that you reinforced it also.
whether you celebrate the holiday or not.
Totally seconded!
Thank you, Andi.
Happy Thanksgiving, all!!!
Happy Thanksgiving or Day-Without-Working as you prefer, from the soggy southern Indiana hardwood forest;-)
Wasn’t that wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to have it rain so much for so long.
I’m fairly certain we won’t be worrying about wildfire danger for a good while. The cats weren’t pleased at all, tho.
I’m trying to keep my kitty inside ’til the end of hunting season (12/21). She’s a real roamer & also looks like wildlife. Folks with guns aren’t beyond using whatever moves in the woods as target practice. Alas, she is going bonkers.
Hope your holiday was fine & fun!
Its nicely sunny here today, but quite chilly compared to the recent past. The cats are spending considerably less time outdoors today as well as hiding from the wet yesterday. We had the same problems with hunters when we lived out by one of the state forests, but thankfully, never lost a pet or a chicken. Since we moved into town, there’s the traffic, but so far ok there too. The old queen never, ever leaves the yard and the princess is quite vehicle savvy.
Had a nice day yesterday holed up at home watching free movies from the local library:)
Good to hear you had a nice day yesterday.
Hopefully, too, your mouth is healed & you enjoyed eating!
Yay for the last weekend of gun season (I don’t count black powder because they aren’t dangerous).
If only this was the last hunting weekend. Not ’til Solstice in December, tho’.
Today is cold/snowy (about 20 F here now) & I don’t hear too much shooting so far.
The deer get one week to recover from gun (shotguns with deer slugs, and large caliber low velocity rifles) and then its archery until JAN02 and muzzle loaders until DEC19. Those folks get only one shot usually so we don’t worry about them mistaking us or the dogs for a deer, but we still try to steer clear of the areas where we know they hunt.
Always a good policy, imo.
Back from Long Island late last night. Only a mere 5 hours or so of driving. Sigh. It was a busy day today, removing our old kitchen wallpaper. I’ll get some rest tomorrow. Hopefully.
Saturday morning on Red Hill.
Can I go out yet?
Looks like you had a dusting of snow. I always hate that first dusting of snow if it happens on a school day. It makes me feel like I’m on the amusement park bumper car ride.
Poor Jim! I know what you mean.
This is actually our 3rd or 4th dusting this season. We usually have ground cover by now, but the times they are a’ changin’ ..
Great pictures. Love the lighting on the kitty photo. And I think the cat shouldn’t go out but should stay there and be wonderfully photogenic.
Agreed. She’s pretty cute. I can’t understand why she languished at the shelter for 8 months. Just waiting for the right victim, I guess.
She was holding out for her soul mate. 🙂
.. or servant.
Cats allow us to share their space.
If we’re lucky.
I’m not looking forward to winter but the snow does look nice in your woods. Pretty kitty too.
Thank you, b2.
Hope you’re enjoying this lovely sunny day! It should warm up a little early this week; then Winter returns.
So sayeth NOAA.
It appears our spam diarists are now just getting lazy – merely a link in the body of their posts now. If only that were a sign of them giving up. But alas, I imagine them just ramping up. Somehow, I think I’ll avoid finding out what ljusslingor is.
Believe it or not, I actually saw something there that looked interesting — something about drum machine programs. I didn’t take the bait, though.
wonder what they were
I assumed they were drum loops for audio programming. A bunch of links, no info/dadaist prose.
they do some kind of generated spam comment with a link in it – maybe just generated from some other comment in the thread (that’s spam comments not spam diaries)