I’m not interested in the story du jour about people’s junk and so on. I’ll be on a flight next week. If it doesn’t blow up, I’ll tell you how it went. Frankly, there’s a lull in interesting things to write about, so maybe we should just start swapping Thanksgiving recipes. It’s my favorite holiday, probably because it doesn’t celebrate the birth or death of God. But it could be the food. So, what are you preparing?
Also, too, we can wipe out homosexuality and keep gay men out of our showers forever. You’ll never guess how.
As much as I love to make a Thanksgiving feast, dad and I don’t think it’s so practical to make it for just two people this time. So we are taking up a local high-end casino on their birthday offer for dad – Two free nights in a Spa Suite and a generous meal credit. We’ll be having Thanksgiving dinner at their Buffet, which will be very special that night with the holiday in mind. And we’ll be gamblin’ a bit, too. Woo-Hoo!
No recipe to swap, but I’m looking forward to going home to NOLA for Thanksgiving and Bayou Classic (it’s a big deal in LA, look it up) weekend. 5 years in DFW, and I still can’t get myself to call it home…lol!
Being New Orleans, I’m looking forward to the distinctly New Orleans fare along with traditional foods. I’m all for Turkey, but one thing I’m gonna have to have before I head back to Dallas, is a Shrimp Poboy, dressed; with a bag of Sour Cream & Onion Chee-Wees, and a Big Shot Pineapple soda! Ask any “real” New Orleanian, and they’ll know what I’m talking about!
I’ve got a long drive ahead of me tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good holiday break.
OT, is this really GBCW for Gilroy?
Huh? Why would he leave here? I let him say what he wants.
He seems to be making his farewell to blogging.
I didn’t read it that way, just his farewell to that blog.
That link is to the Onion, right? Although I love cooking thanksgiving turkey, I was told this year not to cook anything, just enjoy – is this a hint or are they giving me a year off?
I made date nut bread last year for Thanksgiving. The online recipe mentioned soaking dates in two cups of boiling water with a teaspoon of baking soda for thirty minutes. What the recipe forgot to mention is that the water that the dates are soaking in his supposed to be added to the mixing bowl with the flour and sugar.
Because I ferreted out only the dates, leaving the baking soda water solution behind, I came up with a nice brick of buttery, date enriched brick-like bread. Not bad if you have an hour to soak it in some tea.
I often misread online recipes. I did it yesterday while making lasagna. I mixed the mozzarella in with the romano and ricotta, when I should have sprinkled it on separately. It was my fault, not the recipe’s, but it came out great anyway.
glad it turned out anyway!! have a great Thanksgiving! can’t believe it’s Thanksgiving and I’m not cooking anything!
great story! could make excellent vittles for hiking!
Sorry to hear you are not interested in this latest government intrusion into our civil rights. For me it crosses a very big, very bright red line. Furthermore, it is ridiculously expensive, and it won’t stop here.
I have to go to Southern Ca in January, and I am looking for the best way to avoid the demeaning, and possibly unhealthy process of having my clothes removed virtually, or being punished for refusing that by undergoing a full body search. If driving is the only way, then I will drive down there.
Enough is enough.
Sorry to hear you are not interested in this latest government intrusion into our civil rights. For me it crosses a very big, very bright red line. Furthermore, it is ridiculously expensive, and it won’t stop here.
I have to go to Southern Ca in January, and I am looking for the best way to avoid the demeaning, and possibly unhealthy process of having my clothes removed virtually, or being punished for refusing that by undergoing a full body search. If driving is the only way, then I will drive down there.
Enough is enough.
See this for an idea of how to get around this. Note: go a few hours early, though, and bring a recorder:
Nice, and I’d be all for it if I could make my point AND reach my destination. However, whether that tactic works or not depends on the situation. In that case all he needed was to get out of the airport, and could have waited them out as long as he wanted to. I don’t see it working if you need to catch a plane no matter how much extra time you allow. They will simply tell you that if you want to fly, then you will need to relinquish your rights to control who sees and touches private areas of your body. I do not wish to relinquish that control.
There are a few alternatives. One is to fly out of and into airports that do not have the naked-making machines/sexual grope. It’s inconvenient, but doable. As “essential to our security” as those machines and the groping are, only about 20% of airports have the machines, and those that do not have the machines also do not require the demeaning and for many of us deeply disturbing stranger-groping of one’s “personal areas”. Another alternative is to drive down – not my first choice as it is a very long drive, and is very tiring. The train is also a possibility, though I don’t know whether there is a train station within a reasonable distance of my destination.
One could go on and on about this. For example, the outcry over videos of them molesting a three year old little girl, apparently because she objected to having her teddy bear taken away and put on a conveyor belt, and partially strip-searching a five year old little boy (his father was compelled to remove his shirt) caused them to make some changes regarding children. They will now only subject children twelve years and older to the virtual strip search/stranger-sexual grope process – as if that is an appropriate way to treat ANY child.
Other than the fact that they are actually doing this, I find two things especially appalling. One that so many supposedly progressive people are failing to see the seriousness of this and are simply shrugging it off, or worse yet buying the deception that it is what we have to do to be secure. The other is that I find myself in agreement with some of the worst right wing nuts going. I even signed a petition on World Net Daily, and I normally would not soil my computer by even looking at that site.
Ward Churchill sez:
“Stop killing our kids, if you want your own to be safe.” Really, the best way to boost security would be to stop bombing other peoples’ countries. That’s not a concept most Americans want to consider, unfortunately, including the bulk of our self-styled progressives. Not exactly the sort of “happy talk” one might want on a holiday weekend, but it needs to be said.
That’s a very naive, United-States-o’centric way of looking at it which is how I find pretty much the entire discussion. it’s not all about the United States. Think Mumbai, for example.
guess I’m too oblique here. what I’m saying is strict security is important for safety – and with the large numbers of passengers flying, checking everyone adequately and getting everyone to their flights on time is difficult. I’m concerned about dangerous levels of xrays, but would rather have heightened security than risk in air travel.
A couple things I’d suggest. One I sincerely doubt that subjecting airport passengers to unwanted handjobs by TSA agents or having pornographic images made of them while exposing them to whatever radiation comes from those scanners is going to actually make them safer. It puts on quite a show, I suppose, but I’m unimpressed and actually more than a little irritated by spectacles.
Second, the rationale for all of those wonderful invasive “security” procedures over the last decade here in the US has been that there were people “out there” who were “out to get us.” Now to the extent that there might be any truth value to that rationale (and it too may be a bit overblown), it doesn’t seem to occur to most Americans to actually ask why others in far-flung parts of the globe would want to hijack US passenger jets and blow them up. I’d offer that decades of direct and proxy warfare aimed at other peoples’ lands (currently the list would include Iraq, Afghanistan/Pakistan, Yemen) will probably piss off an awful lot of folks and that a subset of them will be motivated to act on that anger. I’m actually amazed that over the course of the past several decades that there haven’t been more such incidents of terrorism.
I know you don’t want to hear don’t touch my junk stories, but this is a “standing up for our rights” story, and one I wish you’d (have the balls to?) emulate:
Seriously excellent way to defend our rights. Go, Matt!!!!