Sorry, for the light posting, but we had our Thanksgiving Dinner at home today, and so it was a long day of cleaning and cooking, along with watching the New York Football Giants prevail. I notice that the Cowboys, Redskins, and Eagles all lost this week, so I can’t ask for more. The long weekend was nice.
So, how bad are these WikiLeaks anyway?
Lot of info coming in on these cables. Here’s an interesting bit from Haaretz:
Sounds about right. Another reason to be thankful for not having McCain at the helm, or someone worse like John Bolton.
shergald, thoughts?
I just heard Leslie Nielsen died. 🙁
You’re serious? But not Shirley?
A funny man who reinvented himself. It is hard to take him serious (surely) when seeing him in old dramatic roles on Hawaii 50 etc.
I don’t understand how the guy got access to all of these cables. evidently he’s been arrested.
Can someone please answer a question for me? Was WikiLeaks around during the Bush years? I’ll admit that I did not really become “politically aware” until after obama, so my knowledge is pedestrian when it comes to anything before 2008, but I don’t remember hearing much about Wikileaks and the Bush Admin.
interesting question, don’t recall that it was
It really wasn’t .. at least not how we know it now … well not perfect .. they needed time to set up their operation .. and they have to be able to fend up pretty sophisticated attacks from governments(meaning cyber attacks) .. but like the cables released today .. a lot of the stuff is from before Obama .. so I don’t think it is done to discredit Obama has much as to discredit American imperialism(or that of other countries)
A number of these guys are from the world’s best Internet security scene or as you will … former hackers. A Dutchman included.
WikiLeaks a global operation [pdf]
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."