Americans rarely save enough money for retirement, but you know who tries really hard? The unemployed. That’s right. Unemployed people try to save as much of their unemployment checks as possible. People making $200,000 a year? They’re tapped out on that Lexus lease. So, all we have to do to raise the national saving rate is to keep increasing unemployment and providing generous unemployment benefits. Also, too, job creators create jobs.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I know you were being sarcastic but it is true. I hoarded my money to keep off the streets awhile longer. BUT as you know we also spend and pump money back into the economy. I am 99% sure the extension will not be passed and the dems will be eviserated for it. Not the rethugs of course. They never get blamed for anything.
Would be nice if some politicians addressed the issue of trade with China. How can a country with such poor human rights records, product safety problems and a history of currency manipulation still take our jobs? Some of us have families to feed and take care of and that is hard to do when the health insurance is lost along with the paycheck!
what are the labor costs of making those same products in the United States? How much would that inflate prices for cloths and other staple items?
Those are the questions you have to start answering when you try to save these types of jobs in a global economy.
When you need a winter coat for your kid, you often don’t have the luxury of spending a bunch of extra money for the one that wasn’t made in China. And investors don’t wan’t to invest in companies that only serve the America public. If your product can’t compete globally, it’s much harder to raise capital.
There are no easy answers to the rise of China and the loss of American manufacturing jobs.
When I was unemployed I spent every penny of my check. Three months of slow suffocation. It went for bills and my credit card went to other bills. I can only imagine the fear in these peoples hearts right now.
You hire people if it leads to more profit for your business. It makes no sense that a small business owner will turn down $50,000 in profit from an extra employee, only because the take home from it will be $32,000 and not $33,500.
This argument makes no sense and on top of it all, only 5% of the $250,000 plus crowd are small business owners. Your leaving a tax cut in place that is for one of twenty people targeted. Thats like giving unemployment to 19 people who are working so that one who needs the benefits gets needed money.
You gotta be rich to think up that kind of bullshit.
Spotted this clip on The Economic Progressive