WikiLeaks Kicked Off Of Amazon Servers – Now Being Hosted In Cold War Bunker
Amazon dumped the controversial site WikiLeaks from its computer servers on Wednesday.
But WikiLeaks, which is known for publishing state secrets, apparently has found a new home for its files: A Cold War bunker, inside a Swedish mountain, that’s been described as fit for a “James Bond” movie.
A company called Bahnhof is hosting the WikiLeaks site from a literal cave inside White Mountain, near Stockholm, Sweden, according to news reports from Forbes, The Associated Press, and the Norwegian news website VG Nett.
The MIT Technology Review, where we spotted this story, describes the situation this way:
“If Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is trying to turn himself into a Bond villain, he’s succeeded: the ongoing distributed denial of service attack against Wikileaks has forced his minions to move the site to a fortified data center encased in a cold war-era, nuke-proof bunker encased in bedrock. Really.”
Below the fold …
UPDATE: WikiLeaks fights to stay online after US company withdraws domain name
WikiLeaks fights to stay online after US company withdraws domain name
(The Guardian) – The US was today accused of opening up a dramatic new front against WikiLeaks, effectively “killing” its web address just days after Amazon pulled the site from its servers following political pressure.
The whistleblowers’ website went offline for the third time in a week this morning, in the biggest threat to its online presence yet.
Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate’s committee on homeland security, earlier this week called for any organisation helping sustain WikiLeaks to “immediately terminate” its relationship with them.
On Friday morning, WikiLeaks and the cache of secret diplomatic documents that have proved to be a scourge for governments around the world were only accessible through a string of digits known as a DNS address. The site later re-emerged with a Swiss domain, WikiLeaks.ch. [WikiLeaks Pops-up Everywhere – also in the EU and NL]
Julian Assange this morning said the development is an example of the “privatisation of state censorship” in the US and is a “serious problem.”
“These attacks will not stop our mission, but should be setting off alarm bells about the rule of law in the United States,” he warned.
WikiLeaks Base
A number of these guys are from the world’s best Internet security scene or as you will … former hackers. A Dutchman included.
They really hit a nerve this time.
Threatening to post bank cables and internal info detailing the true Ponziness of the mainstream financial system was the last straw, however.
Cain’t get away with letting the marks know what suckers they have been.
Bad for business.
Very bad!
I fear for Assange’s life.
Compared to Madoff’s punishment, Assange’s ass is really on the line. I mean, Bernie Madoff just took the scam a small step further than was generally allowable and the marks got wise when they were totally ruined.
He’s telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Right from the horse’s ass.
He’s in deep shit right now.
Bet on it.
A discussion on a UK blog:
Followed by a comment from Jonathan Mitchell QC with arguments and the conclusion: “No”.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Two of a kind?
Let’s see if the Dick Cheney Interpol story gets any traction.
Nigeria to Interpol: Arrest Dick Cheney!
Interesting editorial from Pravda.
And given the headline (recall BT’s motto and bumper stickers), this blog should be supportive of the exposures being made.
Valerie Plame, YES! Wikileaks, NO!
Quite true.
And, of course…no.
In the Russian free fire zone? I think not.
“Truth” only if it serves a purpose.
Now on to the US free fire zone. Its Media Division.
Here’s an interesting question for y’all.
Why is the NY Times promoting this Wikileaks thing?
The NY Times. The paper of untruthful truthiness for the left wing of the US right wing corporate ownership.
Sheer journalistic integrity?
Only in Alice’s Wonderland. After Judith Miller, the runup to the Iraq War and 50 years of faithful bullshit in the service of the PermaGov and its plots and secrets?
Naivete squared.
My own take?
They are part of the Obama no-run setup for 2012. The powers that they represent are setting up a third party candidate (or at the very least a DemRat replacement…H. Clinton and M. Bloomberg are my best bets right now) that will run on a platform of “Throw alla dem bums and/or incompetents out!!!”. Wikileaks thoroughly trashes both the Obama and Bush regimes.
Itr also throws some bad light on Ms. Clinton, which leans me in the direction of Mr. Bloomberg (Support for Israel, anyone? From the NY Times? Duh.), but a strong media whitewash would get her fences clean enough for the 2012 election as well
Whatever any part of the mainstream powermedia publicizes…do not believe its aims. Truth can be used for fiction.
Bet on it.
Assange is beng used…probably w/out his cooperation although in a John LeCarre world transposed to the digital universe anything is possible…to set up the ducks in a perfect row.
The game begins anew.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wikileaks is breaking open how all the information we receive and hence how we are abole to form opinion is controlled and massaged by our governments and media. That is the real story. The myths of our democracies are breaking
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I like your article,come on!
Good to see that people of principle still exist.
The solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales has written a letter to the Australian Prime Minister (one of the many US toadies calling for the destruction of Assange and Wikileaks):
2010-12-04: NSW Supreme Court solicitor Peter Kemp: Letter to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard
Go read the whole letter!
A bit more:
The information is out there for all to see, yet, the WH has now tightened the reins.
White House Tells All Federal Agencies To Prohibit Unauthorized Employees From Wikileaks Site
Attack the messenger and ignore the information. The actions of a facist regime laid bare for all to see, if anyone is watching and the corporate propaganda apparatus mistakenly labelled as the free press assists in the repression.
does indeed look like something out of a movie.
“What WikiLeaks is really exposing is the extent to which the western democratic system has been hollowed out. In the last decade its political elites have been shown to be incompetent (Ireland, the US and UK in not regulating banks); corrupt (all governments in relation to the arms trade); or recklessly militaristic (the US and UK in Iraq). And yet nowhere have they been called to account in any effective way. Instead they have obfuscated, lied or blustered their way through. And when, finally, the veil of secrecy is lifted, their reflex reaction is to kill the messenger.”
A quote from a Guardian piece. rest at:
You can make a pledge (send money) to WikiLeaks with a credit card at:
Just did it. I have no idea how they will be able actually to transfer the money.