I like how the National Review wants to make Levi Johnston the poster boy for the decline of marriage among high school educated middle Americans. Why not Bristol? And what exactly is a low-quality marriage? I thought that the problem with mindlessly marrying your high school sweetheart was that after about five years you discover that you have nothing in common with each other anymore and the marriage becomes kind of low quality. Or, maybe, you realize that you just took an oath to not have sex with anyone else in your entire life and that you’re not even twenty years-old yet. I don’t know. There seems to be a variety of reasons why it’s retarded to get married as a nineteen year-old virgin and expect to have a high-quality marriage. And I know the people that hang around with Kathryn Jean Lopez think that marriage worked just great for the approximately 4,004 years between Adam and Eve and the day the FDA approved Enovid for contraceptive purposes. And then Mary Tyler Moore threw her hat in the air and everything fell apart.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
There ought to be a law…
Can’t smoke until you’re 18…
Can’t drink until you’re 21…
Can’t get married until you actually grow up…
Upper twenties…minimum marriage age should be at least 25, maybe 28 (I was 28 when I got married, and I was just barely grown up enough.)
Take it to the bank.
I’ve got to say – I find it highly amusing that YOU of all people suggest that the government intervene to tell people what’s good for them.
Personally, I got married at 22 – and have been happily married for going on 15 years at this point. I have a friend who got married at 32 and divorced at 34 – mostly because his wife was sick of his juvenile bs. Age has very little to do with maturity once you pass, oh, age 20 or so.
Now all my ads are for dating sites.
Nope, age has little to do with it, but living LIFE has everything to do with maturity. When I married, at 19, I had no idea the person I would become, or that he would become, and that those two people would have absolutely nothing in common.
Maybe for guys, but 28 is when the “baby fever” generally starts with gals. When the body clock says “You’ve only got a few years left; get with it.”
How about can’t join the military or be drafted until you are 21? That would probably have the perverse effect of increasing military recruitment.
I am just glad you refrain from posting about “Chunky Bobo.” He’d drive each and every one of us to drink.
LOL. You know what the most subversive part of that scene was? She was outdoors, and she was happy. If she’d been kept inside (preferably the kitchen or the bedroom, like God intended) none of this would have happened…
“And then Mary Tyler Moore threw her hat in the air and everything fell apart”
Laura Petre got out of her twin bed once to have sex with Rob, and then gave birth to Richie. The Alan Brady Show got cancelled, Rob lost his job and became a drunk, Richie became a heroin addict, and Laura divorced him, moved to Minneapolis, and changed her name to Mary Richards (a small reminder of lil’ Richie).
She planned to remarry, but was left at the alter when the groom to be had second thoughts. She refused him sex before the wedding and realized he wasn’t willing to marry without a free sample.
Now Rhoda on the other hand. What a slut…
And what about the incipient nihilism of casting Murray Slaughter as a cruise boat captain? How plausible is that? It’s no wonder that Cruise Director Julie McCoy turned to cocaine.
And Gopher turned to politics.
“And what about the incipient nihilism of casting Murray Slaughter as a cruise boat captain?”
Well most newsmen are drunks. Murray didn’t seem to be but Lou Grant could have captained the Exxon Valdez.
But talk about incipient nihilism what about casting Moriarty (from Kelly’s Heroes as a cruise boat captain.
Oddball: [looking at aerial pics of the a remaining bridge] Beautiful.
Moriarty: suppose the bridge ain’t there?
Oddball: [groans] Don’t hit me with them negative waves so early in the morning. Think the bridge will be there and it will be there. It’s a mother, beautiful bridge, and it’s gonna be there. Ok?
Oddball: [Later: Oddball is looking through binoculars at the bridge] Still up!
Oddball: [planes fly and bomb the bridge] … No it ain’t. See what sending out them negative waves did, Moriarty?
Moriarty: That ain’t my fault, Oddball, I’ve done nothing but have good thoughts about that damn bridge ever since we left!
Isn’t the term low quality marriage redundant?
What on earth could K-Lo tell anyone about marriage? I’d just as soon ask my dog to recommend a salad dressing.
I am just glad you refrain from posting about “Chunky Bobo.” He’d drive each and every one of us to drink.
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