Somehow, when it rains Yazoo City, it pours Yazoo City. After learning from Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour that race relations in Yazoo City were not that big of a deal during the Jim Crow era, I come to realize that former Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy was raised on the other side of the tracks down there. Whatever the hardships of being black during the 1960’s in Yazoo City, Espy has recovered enough to have actually endorsed Haley Barbour for governor. You probably don’t remember Espy, but if you do you probably remember him for being the subject of a $20 million witchhunt by a prosecutor who was even more unscrupulous and inept than Kenneth Starr. In any case, Tyson Foods and Sun Diamond showered him with gifts and there was some question about whether the whole thing was kosher. A jury found him innocent of any wrongdoing. That’s the last I heard of Mike Espy until he turned up in Ivory Coast as a shill for President Laurent Gbagbo. Mr. Gbagbo has need of shills.
By all international accounts, Mr. Gbagbo was defeated by Alassane Ouattara in the Nov. 28 runoff vote for president, but Mr. Gbagbo has disputed the election results.
So, in other words, ‘President Gbagbo’ is intent on becoming ‘His Excellency Gbagbo.’ And this is not something that our government looks kindly upon.
Mr. Obama telephoned President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria on Wednesday to reinforce the message that the United States wants to see African leaders — who have been working to dislodge Mr. Gbagbo — out front in the international campaign to oust him.
Now, the situation is serious enough that France has advised its 13,000 citizens who live in Ivory Coast to leave the country. But Mr. Espy doesn’t seem to be on the same page.
Mr. Espy, who was traveling Wednesday and could not be reached for comment, had been in Ivory Coast this week making appearances on state television in support of Mr. Gbagbo’s administration.
I wonder what they’ll make of that down in Yazoo City. In any case, Mr. Espy ought to be ashamed of himself. And so should another Clintonista who knows no moral scruple. Not content to take a paycheck from the Business Council of Latin America to back their Honduran coup, Lanny Davis is now working for Mr. Gbagbo’s coup campaign.
Mr. Davis, who helped defend President Clinton against impeachment, registered with the Justice Department earlier this month as an agent for Ivory Coast who would be paid $100,000 a month to “present the facts and the law as to why there is substantial documentary evidence that President Laurent Gbagbo is the duly elected president as a result of the Nov. 28 elections.” But he insisted in an interview on Wednesday that he viewed himself not as an advocate but as a “conveyor belt” to pass information about Mr. Gbagbo to the administration and the world.
He’s a conveyor of bullshit, is what he is. There is no documentary evidence that Mr. Gbagbo won the election. Lanny Davis is a paid liar for a dictator. And he knows just what that dictator needs to do.
Of Mr. Gbagbo, Mr. Davis said he was working through liaisons to “try to persuade him to move to the middle” and to begin an international dialogue about the election. He said that a speech Mr. Gbagbo gave earlier this week, in which he appeared open to international mediation, was a sign of his progress in pushing that agenda.
Mr. Davis said he regards himself as a “paid George Mitchell,” referring to the former senator who negotiated the Northern Ireland peace accord.
Reading that, I’m not even sure how many ways there are to feel insulted. It’s a barrage. But I have to give him points for using the “move to the middle” rhetoric. Why change rhetoric just because you’ve changed clients? I wonder if Doug Schoen does the polling for Obagbo. I’d be almost shocked if he doesn’t.
I can tell you honestly that the main reason I was so opposed to Hilary Clinton’s candidacy was not ideological. That was a part of it, but the main reason I opposed her is because of who they surrounded themselves with while they were in the White House the first time. People like Lanny Davis and Mike Espy, but also people like James Carville and Mark Penn and Doug Schoen and Dick Morris. These are not good people. They’re not even really Democrats. They are more like mercenaries, and morals and ideals don’t enter into it.
Gbagbo is not legitimate in the eyes of the US governemnt.
My question is:
Are Davis and Espy in violation of US laws supporting him?
I don’t think so. Davis registered as a lobbyist for a foreign country and Espy may have done that as well. In any case, we have the right to back governments that our government dislikes. If I want to go on teevee in Ivory Coast and say the president won reelection then that’s my right.
By the way, here’s what Doug Schoen is up to these days.
Thanks, I wasn’t sure.
There’s a good movie script somewhere in all of this, and with Carville in a character role, it could be a dynamite movie.
I’d cast Larry David as Lanny Davis.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The bank has cut off Gbagbo. No funds.
ohoh. Where is the $100,000 a month paycheck going to come from?
What a loss. Espy was hounded out because he was appointed to oversee the de-bigoting of the US Department of Agriculture, apparently still a nest of bigots as Shirley Sherrod found out. And Vilsack, remembering Espy’s fate caved immediately to FoxNews.
When one is a “disgraced Secretary of Agriculture” from Yazoo City, Mississippi, and a failed local politician, what jobs are open to you? All you know is Mississippi and Washington, DC. And not even Don Tyson who got you into the mess can help you.
But Lanny Davis can. What a guy! “Which healthcare corporations are your clients, Lanny?” – Jane Hamsher on the Ed Show in 2009 during the heat of the debate about the public option. To which Davis responded by reminding folks about FDL’s picture of Joe Lieberman in blackface, an image they posted during the 2006 campaign against Lieberman to point out that Lieberman was a faux friend of civil rights.
Mike Espy wasn’t a mercenary when he was Secretary of Agriculture. He became one when that was the only way to sustain the lifestyle to which he became accustomed as a Congressman. There are a lot of interesting decisions in those last two sentences.
But Lanny Davis can. What a guy! “Which healthcare corporations are your clients, Lanny?” – Jane Hamsher on the Ed Show in 2009 during the heat of the debate about the public option.
Sadly, not enough people call Davis out on his bullshit.
I backed Hillary in the primaries, but was never thrilled by her bringing in the overpaid and overfed corporatist Mark Penn to run the campaign — it actually may have cost her the nomination as it turned out with his incompetence and blundering and awful PR. However, this
sweeps a little too broadly as to at least Carville. Good man and a true Dem from what I can see. A huge factor in getting liberals’ liberal Harris Wofford elected to the senate in 1991 when he ran that campaign. Then for running the campaign of the first Dem to win the WH in a dozen years. Then helped keep him in office during the GOP impeachment/coup attempt with his passionate pro-Clinton public advocacy and backchannel advice. Sounds like a real Dem to me, particularly when a number of faint-hearted Ds were bailing on Bill — whining about this or that, complaining that even if he shouldn’t be impeached, he should resign for blah blah blah insufficiently pure policies.
I can’t help it who people fall in love with and marry though, nor can anyone else. People fall in love with who they fall in love with, as that great stateswoman Cher said after that fling with the bagel guy, and I agree. So it’s not really fair to cast aspersions on someone’s party loyalties because of who they end up with romantically.
I might give you most of the other names though on your list. Certainly you have my permission to bash Lanny Davis to your heart’s content. Ditto Dick Morris.
But most admins have at least a few semi-corrupt types or weasels. LBJ, a president admired by some lib bloggers today, had his share of snakes and crooks, back in TX and in the WH or nearby — and some would say the corruption started with Lyndon, a man who as president bragged to a reporter about stealing his senate seat in 1948, a pol who became rich (that once-tiny Austin radio station that made him millions) and was able to wield additional power in his later offices thanks to briefcases full of illicit cash “contributions” constantly given him by powerful interests.
There were his associates like the dubious Bobby Baker (“like my son” said LBJ), Billy Sol Estes back in TX (who later alleged much more than mere financial corruption against Lyndon), and the oily John Connally. Some say top WH aide Cliff Carter quietly did a lot of Lyndon’s dirty work and belongs in this category. And of course LBJ’s unofficial good friend J. Edgar Hoover almost worked as a member of the admin, that’s how close he and Johnson were. Abe Fortas was far from clean.
(I won’t get into some of the really disturbing allegations against Johnson, which are unproven so far …)
Yes, Clinton had a few unappealing types for a while working for him — and Morris, but not Carville, was definitely of the mercenary type — but very very few were remotely as personally corrupt, including Bill himself, as those aiding and abetting the corrupt Johnson. Mostly it’s a matter of a few of Bill’s advisers — Penn, Schoen, Davis — being at the time or later a little too corporatist and DLCist, which makes them, at least during their service to him as president, politically distasteful but not corrupt.
Except President Clinton was a proud member of the DLC. And this:
sweeps a little too broadly as to at least Carville. Good man and a true Dem from what I can see.
I guess you don’t remember the 2000 election. Ol’ Jimmy would call his wife and let her know what they were up(court stuff and all). He’s admitted to as much. That’s not a good Democrat, no matter who you are married to. Matalin would have never done the same. And I guess you haven’t been following Carville the past year or so.
Al Gore, iirc, also was an early member of the DLC. Yes, at one time (late 80s, early 90s) it was seen rather uncontroversially as a reasonable way for Ds to get back into power. Only later would it fall into disfavor with libs.
Re Carville, cite please on 2000 since your language and meaning are unclear.
And I have no idea what you mean by “last year or so” — unless you mean he’s expressed some dissatisfaction with O, as many of us Ds have. That’s nothing remarkable, but par for the course as a Dem, particularly since even a number of former O backers from 2008 have expressed similar sentiments. Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz to name two.
Al Gore, iirc, also was an early member of the DLC. Yes, at one time (late 80s, early 90s) it was seen rather uncontroversially as a reasonable way for Ds to get back into power. Only later would it fall into disfavor with libs.
Who knew better back then? Not many. And the internet wasn’t available to talk and research these people either. Then again, they didn’t fully expose themselves(meaning the DLC generally) until the age of the internet. And even so, Gore and Edwards basically disavowed them later on, thanks to DLC’s constant kissing up to Dubya.
Re: Carville, cite please on 2000 since your language and meaning are unclear.
What I meant was Carville was basically acting like a mole. Or a double agent. Meaning he was helping out his wife’s side by letting them know what was going re: Gore. I’ll have to see what I can find, but IIRC he talked about it on a Tweety show a few years ago.
And I have no idea what you mean by “last year or so” — unless you mean he’s expressed some dissatisfaction with O, as many of us Ds have.
Last year or so means the last 18 months. IIRC he poated to HuffPo about it and was saying the President needs to work more with the Pukes or move more to the center. So BS like that. But it was more harsh than anything I’ve seen here. Why? Because IIRC he was saying that the President should dump Biden for ’12 or that Hillary would have made a better President. Basically Carville was acting like an idiot PUMA.
Carville is a lousy consultant and corrupt.
I wonder why Espy endorsed Barbour in the first place? Barbour’s love of the CCC hasn’t been secret. So surely Espy knew about it. Did Barbour’s buddies pay him off?
Thanks to the way back machine, here is Espy’s endorsement speech/press release:
Talk about pablum. It doesn’t say much but shows Espy to be a clueless dolt.