Martha Stewart’s Mac and Cheese really is pretty awesome. We have enough ingredients to make a second dish of it, but we may all have coronaries before the New Year.
They postponed the Eagles-Vikings game tonight to Tuesday, which strikes me as odd. It has started to snow very hard here though in the last hour and a half. When I was at the grocery store getting survivalist supplies (mainly frozen pizza and baby food) it had just started showing some flakes. But now the walkways are all covered and we’re beginning to get some accumulation. It’s nice weather for football, but not for driving to and from the game. I guess that is why they postponed the game, but it makes the Eagles look lame.
What’s your favorite Holiday cookie?
I love being snowed in. Hope you all stay safe and warm!
My husband’s Serbian grandmother used to make these awesome crescent cookies with a nut/cinnamon filling. They are called kiffles and honestly, once I start eating them, I can’t stop. She passed away without sharing the recipe. His mom makes her own version, but even she admits that hers don’t taste the same as Baka’s version. A friend of his mom makes them for the holidays and sends them to us, which is the best present, ever!
I’m in Philadelphia for the holidays to visit my relatives. Mom wasn’t too happy about it, but she’ll get over it. I hate snow, so needless to say, I am not a happy camper. I’m going to NYC for New Years Eve, and if the snow ruins it, I will be beyond pissed off.
Just give me chocolate chip cookies and I’m good. However, my diet is very strict and I don’t eat them. I don’t have weight problems, but I’m a body builder.
As someone who makes a living in the fitness industry, I must say…
Bodybuilding and Progressivism do not seem like a match…
I mean…what if, in the interests of equality, they passed a law that, because it is unfair for some people to be in better shape than other people, that people in good shape had to donate some of their muscle to people in bad shape, while agreeing to house some of the bodyfat of people in bad shape…
Of course, I’m assuming that your selfish argument would be that “I worked hard to increase my muscle mass and reduce my bodyfat”…
And then the Progressives would argue that your success was merely a product of “luck” (maybe, “genetics”), and that, consequently, you really do not deserve to keep your hard-won gains…
Just think about it…
Let’s take the analogy one step further…suppose that about 50 percent of your time and effort in the gym (about what the evil rich pay in taxes)…had the effect of increasing the muscle mass, and reducing the bodyfat of other people…
Would you still work out? How would you feel about that workout?
Wow, that’s about the lamest analogy I’ve ever seen on this site. Congrats.
This analogy is more stupid than the analogy that your types give college students that goes, “What if we gave everyone C+’s because some get A’s and some get D’s?”
But to answer your question:
I really can’t stand it when people think that money earned is some sort of indicator of the worth of a job. Yes, comparing like with like is one thing; if I earn $150 a week and someone doing more hours in the same job earns $200 then fair enough, they’ve done measurably more of worth — assuming my job is worthwhile — and deserve greater reward. But comparing apples and oranges, such as teacher’s salary with that of a city trader, and then deciding that the trader is somehow more worthy of money is very irritating bollocks. Most of the jobs that we NEED people to do, medical care, teaching, street cleaning etc don’t in themselves generate a profit unless they’re taken over by money grubbing capatalists who want to force people to pay for essential services. And the stuff that does generate capital… manufacturing, services, art etc; it’s the poor drudges earning a pittance who actually produce the stuff, and it’s the bloody leeching higher ups who make the profit whilst doing practically fuck all.
We did our panic shopping this morning. Just made it as the heavy snow started. I have never seen so many people at the market.
Made a ton of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies this year. The secret ingredient is lard — “that’s what makes it so light and tasty!” as Ma used to say.
lol – lard makes everything good! Ate lots of it as a kid out here in rural America;-)
makes the best pie crust! I’m going to have to avoid this thread, starting with the pic of the mac and cheese. but before I start avoiding the thread will just say I love baking and decorating Christmas cookies – the kind you roll out and use cookie cutter shapes to cut.
My grandmother made wonderful gingerbread people cookies all decorated with icing and little silver candies for their coat buttons. It was almost a shame to eat them… almost;-)
Springerles. With sugar cookies made using my late grandmother’s recipe coming in a close second.
NJ has declared a state of emergency.
Sweeney is subbing for Christie.
The wind is really gusting. We have about 6 inches so far.
Favorite cookie, Paula’s jelly cookies.
I tuned in to watch the game, and I was like, why are Costas and company in front of a white screen….
then I realized that it was snow.
nuff said, as to why the game was cancelled.
nothing against Martha, but I bet Patti LaBelle’s mac and cheese would cause a heart attack faster…LOL